4A.8 Flashcards
What role do local interest groups play in regeneration
Local interest groups play varying roles in regeneration
- There are often tensions between groups that want to preserve places and those which seek change. They can be characterised by viewpoint or stance
- socio economic e.g city and town centre of commerce, addiction treatment centres , youth and retirement groups and trade unions
- environmental e.g local conservation societies
What groups tend to be partivularly voiceferous
Areas with retirees tend to have more voiceferous and vocal interest groyps
What is an example of a development plan opposed by local interest groups
- clays lane estate , situated in what is now the olympic park, used to be a residential unit for vunerable single people in newham
- The site was designated for the 2012 olympics athletes village
- This meant 430 residents were forced to move
- It also led to public outcry from local interest groups and a public inquiry
How did different local interest groups clash in Ayelsbury (Case study)
- Led by ayelsbury vale district council , the ayelsbury waterside development project began in 2003 to replace the bucks herald printing press
- The first stage of the development saw the construction of a 47 million pound theatre and a campus for bucks new university
- A waitrose supermarket and restauransts such as nandos and GBK have moved into the development which has seen a 2.2% increase in footfall
- This shows the differece in interests between local companies such as bucks printing press and global ones e.g nandos
- There is a hierachy of needs with groups like the ayelsbury vale district council holding much more power than the bucks herald printing press
What did the most recent stage of the development propose and how was it recieved
- The most recent stage of the development proposed the contravesial demolition of some of the towns historic buildings.
- This was heavily opposed by local group ayelsbury society and in response the council has agreed to preserve historic landmarks
- This shows how opposing groups can come into conflict
What is the aim of regenration projects
-The aim of regeneration stratergies is to attract investment and workers from different contexts to create a vibrant new place
What is an example of a sport led regeneration approach
- Olympic park
- Following the 2012 olympics there was dveelopment in the park where temporary venues were removed before a 2014 reopening
- key players in this were the london legacy development cooperation and ARUP and Atkins engineering
What developments were made in the olympic park to ensure long term stability
- many sporting complexes remained opened and the olympic village was used to create 2800 flats
- Improved transport links to stratford were made
- Cycle and walking trails were created for liesure activities
- Newham borough council was made responsible for running the swimming centre and made it like any other other building
- two new university campuses have been set up on site
- The olympic media centre has been converted into Hereeast technology
What has the impact on local residents been
- Local residents have benefitted with unemployment shrinking from 13% to 9% from 2012-15
- This is only projected to get better with TFL and the financial conduct authority predicted to bring 25000 new jobs by setting up in the park
- This growth is expected to be continued with 7000 additional homes being built on the edge of the park
Why did the powys area of wales need regeneration
-Powys needed regeneration as it suffered from skill shortages as well as a low wage economy with a focus on agriculture.
What was the aim for powys regeneration
- For powys the aim was to create green tourism
- aims were placed on building expertise in renewable energy and creating a green economy
How has powys been regenerated
- EU structural funds have created buisness and local chamber of commerce
- transitional towns e.g Rhayader have been created with local currencies to promote local produce and services
- Volunteers (26000 annually) comtribute 173.6 million to the powys economy with their work
- Many plans revolve around online networking
- It is hoped high speed broadband will encourage small business set up and then reverse outward migration (powys connections’ provides advice and grants to microbuisnesses hoping to specialise in IT)
- The green investment bank is making 1 billion avaliable for research and development
- Cambrian mountains initiave and ecodyfi are both envoruaging carbon storage and water regulation ( meeting environmental aim)
What is involved in tourism led regeneration
Tourism led regeneration can involved individual households offering services like b&b or custom built offerings suxh as centre parcs
-It is a volatile industry however
What is involved in sports led regenration
Sports led regeneration involves using spinoff from worldwide sports events to create a lasting legacy
What is involved in culture led regeneration
- Culture led regeneration may be creating citys of culture
- It may also involve marketung place associations such as Banksy and Brsitol in order to attract investment
Why have retail led plans increased post 2014
The portas review of 2014 highlughted the two main issues that the high street faces: rapid growth of internet shopping, competition from out of twon centres
- It led to government support of £1 billion to ensure growth in high street jobs
- The increase interest in soecialist retailers combined with the increased demand for leisure means that those high streets offering a mix of bars, restuarants, gyms and cafes are more likely to prosper
-Government actions in 2015 included encouraging street markets as well as changing business rates to help local businesses compete with chains
How is diversification being supported by the government
- 1/2 of UK farms now use some kind of diversified activity in order to boost income
- Grants are now available from defras rural development programme, as well as from commercial banks and charities
What are the different types of diversification
- Agriculture based diversification ~ this may involve producing and selling soeciality cheeses, farming unusual animals ( deer,llama) or developing farm shops
- non agriculture diversification is when redundant farms are converted to offices or tea syopw as well as music festivals e.g glastonbury