483-495 Flashcards
Greek Mathematician rediscovered during Scientific revolution.
the belief that the world was the living embodiement of divinity.
Copernicus (1473-1543)
first person to come up with heliocentri theory. 1506.
On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres
Copernicus’s famous manuscript published before his death.
Granted island near Copenhagen by Kring Frederick II. Rejected terracentric universe.
Published his first two laws of planetary motion in 1609. Theorized oval orbits.
Galileo (1564-1642)
First person to observe heavens with telescope.
The Starry Messenger
1610, published by Galileo. Proved Heliocentricism.
Dialogue on Two Chief World Systems
Galilor’s second, famous publication. 1632.
Newton (1642-1727)
Invented calculus. Universal law of gravitation.
Newton’s famous