4.2.1: Alcohols Flashcards
What is formed when an alcohol reacts with sodium chloride and sulfuric acid?
- Haloalkane
- NaHSO4
- Water
Suggest 2 uses of methanol
- Fuel
- Manufacture of esters
What type of reaction occurs for
aldehyde + aldehyde = hydroxyaldehyde
Explain the polarity of alcohols compared to alkanes
More polar due to presence of hydroxy groups
Explain the solubility of alcohols compared to alkanes
More soluble due to presence of hydroxy groups so more hydrogen bonds can be made with water
Explain the volatility of alcohols compared to alkanes
Less volatile due to a higher boiling point as strong hydrogen bonds which require a lot of energy to break
What are the products of the combustion of alcohols ?
H20 and CO2
What are the conditions and reagents for the oxidations of a primary alcohol ?
K2Cr2O7/ H2SO4 and distillation to aldehyde
K2Cr2O7/ H2SO4 and reflux to carboxylic acid
What are the conditions and reagents for the oxidations of a secondary alcohol ?
K2Cr2O7/H2SO4 and reflux to ketone
What are the conditions and reagents for the oxidations of a tertiary alcohol ?
Tertiary alcohols can’t be oxidised
What is the colour change observed in the oxidation of alcohols and why does it occur ?
Orange to green as the dichromate ion is reduced to a chromium ion
What is the product and reagent of the elimination of alcohols
Alkene + H2O
What is the product, reagent and mechanism for the production of haloalkanes from alcohols
Haloalkane + water
Sodium halide+ H2SO4
Nucleophilic substitution