4.2. Obstetrics & Gynaecology High Yield Flashcards
Unicornuate uterus (next step)
Look at kidneys
T shaped uterus
DES related
Vaginal clear cell Ca
Marked enlargement of uterus
Thickening of the junctional zone
Wolffian duct remnant
Gartner Duct Cyst
Theca lutein cysts
Moles and multiple gestations
Theca lutein cysts + pleural effusions
Hyperstimulation syndrome (fertility meds)
Low level internal echoes
T2 shortening
Endometrioma (shading sign)
Fishnet appearance
Haemorrhagic cyst
Ovarian fibroma & pleural effusions
Meigs syndrome
Snow storm uterus
Complete mole, 1st trimester
Serum beta-HCG rise in 8-10 weeks following evacuation of molar pregnancy
Midline cystic structure near the back of the bladder of a man
Prostatic utricle
Lateral cystic structure near the back of the bladder of a man
Seminal vesicle cyst
Isolated orchitis
Homogenous and macrocalcifications
Onion skin appearance
epidermoid cyst
Multiple hypoechoic masses in testicle
Gynaecomastia and testicular tumour
Sertoli Leydig
Cystic elements and macrocalcifications in the testicle
Mixed germ cell tumour
One artery adjacent to bladder
2 vessel cord
Fetal macrosomia
Maternal diabetes
Mum doing cocaine
Placenta abruption
Painless PV bleeding in third trimester
Placenta previa
Thinning of myometrium with turbulent doppler
placenta creta
Mass near cord insertion with flow pulsating at the fetal heart rate
Placenta chorioangioma
Cystic mass in posterior neck, antenatal period
Cystic hygroma
Pleural effusions and ascites on prenatal US
Massively enlarged bilateral kidneys
Twin peak sign
Dichorionic, Diamniotic
Endometrial tissue in a rudimentary horn (even if it doesn’t communicate) increases…
…risk of miscarriage
Arcuate uterus & fertility
Does NOT increase risk of infertility (normal variant)
Fibroids with higher T2 signal…
Respond better to UAE
Most common subtype of fibroid degeneration
Hyaline fibroid degeneration
Adenomyosis distribution
Favours posterior wall, spares the cervix
NHPCC increases risk of…
…Endometrial Ca (30-50x)
Tamoxifen increases risk of …
Endometrial Ca and polyps
Cervical Ca with parametrial involvement (stage and Rx)
2B, chemo/radiation
Cervical Ca without parametrial involvement
2A, managed surgically
Vaginal cancer in adults is usually…
…squamous cell
Vaginal rhabdomyosarcoma occurs in…
Premenopausal ovaries on PET
can be hot depending on cycle
Postmenopausal ovaries on PET
should never be hot
Transformation subtypes
Endometrioma = clear cell
Dermoid = squamous
Post partum fever can be caused by
ovarian thrombophlebitis
Fractured penis is
Rupture of corpus cavernosum and surrounding tunica albuginea
Commonest place for prostate cancer
peripheral zone, ADC dark
Commonest place for BPH nodules
Central zone
Hypospadias commonly associated with
Prostatic utricle
Seminal vesicle cysts associated with
Renal agenesis and ectopic ureters
Cryptorchidism increases risk of…
Cancer (both testicles). not reduced by orchidoplexy
Immunosuppressed pts can get (testicles)
Testicular lymphoma, hiding behind blood testes barrier
Commonest correctible cause of male infertility
Undescended testes more common in
Premature kids
Membranes disrupted before 10 weeks increases risk of
Amniotic bands
Earliest visualisation of embryo
Double bleb sign
Haematoma size and risk of abortion
Haematoma >2/3 circumference of chorion has 2x risk of abortion
How to measure biparietal diameter
Level of thalamus. Outermost edge of near skull to inner table of far skull
Abdominal circumference measurement
Doesn’t include subcutaneous soft tissues
Abdominal circumference measurement
Level of umbilical vein and left portal vein
Parameter classically involved with asymmetric IUGR
Abdominal circumference
Femur length measurement
Does not include epiphysis
Umbilical artery systolic/diastolic ratio significance
Should not excees 3 at 34 weeks (consider pre-eclampsia and IUGR)
Full bladder can mimic
placenta previa
Nuchal lucency measurement and significance
Measured 9-12 weeks,
Should be <3mm,
More than 3mm suggests Down’s
Lemon sign should disappear at
24 weeks
Commonest cause of non-communicating hydrocephalus in neonate
Aqueductal stenosis