4.1.3 - contributing factors (part 1) Flashcards
Factors contributing to differences in HS
- Access to safe water + sanitation
- Poverty
- Inequality + discrimination (racial, religious, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity)
- Global distribution + marketing of tobacco, alcohol, + processed foods.
Access to safe water
Refers to water that is not contaminated with disease-carrying pathogens or chemicals.
- Needed for consumption, water + hygiene, cooking + food prep, agriculture + production.
Access to safe water - effect on HS + BOD
- Disease like diarrhoea + cholera are water-borne + transmit easily (= death).
- Disease = missing school + lack of education and ability to earn decent income (also from time spent collecting water).
- Stagnant water (without current or flow) is required for malaria-carrying mosquitos to breed.
Access to sanitation
Refers to the provision of facilities + services for the safe disposal of human urine + faeces, but can also refer to the maintenance of hygienic conditions through services such as garbage collection + waste/water disposal.
Access to sanitation - effect on HS + BOD
- Main cause of contaminated water = infectious disease (eg. diarrhoea + cholera).
- Schools don’t have toilets/segregated = particularly girls missing school when menstruating (education barrier).
- Repeated infections requires medical treatment (HC might not be available + drains family income).
Inequality + discrimination
- Inequality - having unequal access.
- Discrimination - when a person or group of people are treated differently than other people, often as a result of race, sex, etc.
Racial discrimination
When a person is treated less favourably than another person in a similar situation because of their race, colour, descent, national/ethnic origin, or immigrant status.
Effects of racial discrimination
- Social exclusion (prevents participation + access)
- High rates of ill-health + disability
- Dramatically shorter LE
- In healthcare = lack of cultural understanding
- Poor mental + physical H+WB (depression + anxiety)
- Displacement from homes (lack of food security, water, education, employment, etc)
Discrimination base on sex
Sex - the physiological characteristics (including DNA + sex organs) present at birth.
- HIC - males + females generally have same opportunities (CEO + Maccas’s eg.)
Religious discrimination
Inability to realise human rights + participate in the community (sometimes arrested or killed due to religious beliefs.
Effects of religious discrimination
Contributes to higher rates of BOD in relation to:
- Stress, anxiety, depression
- Psychiatric disorders
- Poor self-assessed HS
- Alcohol/substance abuse
- Tobacco smoking + drug use
Effects of discrimination based on sex
- Limited resources/opportunities = males get priority (females in dangerous working conditions).
- Less education - less healthy children, don’t engage in health promoting behaviours, have more children.
- Lack of protection = HIV/AID’s
- Women have less access to healthcare when giving birth.
Forced marriage
- Violation of human rights
- Withdrawal from schools
- Pregnancy before body is ready (increase risk of obstetric fistula + excessive bleeding - social exclusion)
- Higher rates of infant + maternal mortality.
Discrimination based on sexual orientation
The sex that an individual is sexually + romantically attracted to.
Effects of discrimination based on sexual orientation
If not to opposite gender:
- Refused jobs + education opportunities
- Subject to sexual assault
- Refused healthcare
- Subject to physical beatings, death penalty, + criminal proceedings.
Discrimination based on gender identity
Describes how individuals perceive themselves as male, female, a blend of both, or nieghter.
Effects of discrimination based on gender identity
Transgender or gender-non-conforming at higher risk of discrimination including:
- Higher rates of mental disorders, physical + sexual assault, + self-harm including suicide.