41 Intro to Human Dev. Flashcards
contrast sleep terror and nightmares
- sleep terrors occur during non-REM, deep sleep (~7%)
- nightmares occur during REM sleep and the child often remembers the dream (~10%)
- most prevalent between 4-6 years
describe APGAR scoring
describe APGAR scores and outcomes
- normal babies = 7-10
- 3-7 requires further evaluation and follow up
- < 3 require resuscitation
describe the primitive reflexes of newborns
- rooting: touch cheeks; turns head in direction of touch
- sucking: place finger in mouth; infants suck right away
- palmar grasp: place finger in hand; grabs and holds
describe the Moro reflex and Babinski reflex
- Moro reflex: “startle reflex” elicit by loud noise; infant extends arms and legs suddenly
- Babinski reflex: stroke sole of foot from top to bottom; toes fan out
describe the brain growth in year 1
- 25% adult volume at birth; 50% at 12 months
- subcortical gray matter growth
- hippocampus
- amygdala
- thalamus
- basal ganglia
- cortical expansion greatest in prefrontal, parietal and temporal association areas
describe MRIs in 1 year old babies
- MRI signal intensities reverse in 1st year due to myelination
- on newborn T1 scans, gray matter (GM) is white and white matter (WM) is gray in newborns; this reverses by age 1
- on newborn T2 scans, WM is white and GM is gray; this reverses by age 1
describe what happens to primitive reflexes by year 1
- primitive reflexes disappear
- endogenous smiling by 2 months
- Moro by 3 months
- rooting by 4 months
- palmar by 6 months
- Babinski by 12 months
- myelination of corticospinal tracts contribute to inhibition of brain stem mediated reflexes
- persistent reflexes can indicate delays or failures in myelination = decreased cortical inhibition
- SIDS risk associated with cortical-brain stem netowrk abnormalities
describe the universal sequence of motor skill development during year 1
- lifts head up prone (1 month)
- reaches for objects (3 months)
- rolls and sits (6 months)
- stands with support (8 months)
- crawls (8-9 months)
- pincer grasp (10 months)
- cruises/takes first steps/walks (12-18 months)
describe cognitive development of year 1s
- recognition memory for past events (6-8 weeks)
- infant looks longer at novel objects
- organize their experience into schemas (7 months)
- assimilation (new experiences fit into existing schemas)
- accomodation (schemas altered to fit new experiences)
- object permanence (9 months)
- working memory (7-9 months)
- ability to inhibit perseverative behaviors (behaviors that worked in the past but are no longer succesful)
describe emotional development by year 1
- stranger anxiety (8-9 months)
- infant can recognize familiar adults (6 weeks)
- infant shows preference for caregiver (5 months)
- infant becomes upset at the sight of strangers (8 months, peaks at 12)
- separation anxiety (6-9 months)
- infant cries at cues of caregiver’s impending absence or during caregiver absence
- begins to disappear at 20-24 months
describe the development of imitation and language during year 1
- imitation
- provoked imitation (4-5 weeks)
- spontaneous imitation after a delay (7 months)
- language
- babbling (6 months)
- orients to name and gestures (9 months)
- says “mama” or “dada” (10 months)
- 10 words (12 months)
describe categories of attachment
- securely attached
- child seeks interaction with mother upon her return
- insecurely attached: anxious avoidant
- child avoid interaction with mother upon her return (comfort deined to child)
- insecurely attached: anxious resistant
- child shows resistance when mother returns
- child may seek and then resist physical interaction (parental inconsistency)
- insecurely attached: disorganized
- child exhibits confusion when mother returns
- child may avoid, resist or be fearful of mother (abuse, parental depression)
traumatic, prolonged separation between child and mother may result in ____ _____, in which the child becomes withdrawn and unresponsive
traumatic, prolonged separation between child and mother may result in anaclitic depression, in which the child becomes withdrawn and unresponsive
lack of human contact and stimulation can result in ____ ____
lack of human contact and stimulation can result in Failure to Thrive syndrome
describe physical development by year 2
- continued motor skill maturation
- hand preference emerges (18 months)
- gross motor dexterity
- climbs stairs (18 months)
- throws/kicks a ball (24 months)
- fine motor dexterity
- stacks 3 cubes (18 months)
- feeds self with fork and spoon (20 months)
describe brain development by year 2
- continued myelination apparent on MRI at smaller growth rate
- highlights
- advanced myelination of association pathways, from short-range to long-range pathways
- maturation of thalamocortical pathways
- intracortical myelination
describe cognitive development by year 2
- concrete use of objects
- can use symbols
- language development
- identifies body parts by pointing
- uses 200 words (by age 2)
- 2-word sentences (by age 2)
- telegraphic sentences
describe the emotional/social development during year 2
- self-awareness; self-recognition (in mirror)
- egocentric; self-centered
- aggresstion, responsive to social learning
- theory of mind emerges
- infers feelings and intentions in others
- develops sense of right and wrong
- empathy
describe the stages of play during year 2
- solitary play (sensorimotor) < 18 months of age
- parallel play (symbolic) 18 months - 2 years
- cooperative play (imaginary) 3-4 yrs
describe the months when standardized screening tools are administered
9 month, 18 month, 24 month and 30 month visits
describe the DENVER II test and the four scales
DENVER II compares a child’s performance on a variety of tasks (125) to the performance of other children of the same age
- 4 scales:
- gross motor
- fine motor adaptive
- personal - social
- language
describe developmental red flags
- abnormal or absent primitive reflexes at birth
- persistent fisting at 3 months
- failure to reach for objects at 6 months
- absent smile at 3 months
- absent babbling at 6 months (hearing deficits)
- persistent mouthing of objects at 12 months
- advanced non-communicative speech
- regression from previously acquired skills