40.71, CHP 415 Users Manual Flashcards
Beat code _______ is used by an officer or sergeant documenting time reviewing collision reports, performing follow-up investigations, completing and processing late reports, and other related tasks.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Beat code _______ is used to document only the actual time spent performing supervisory duties by a sergeant, OIC, or acting sergeant primarily responsible for the supervision of officers assigned to field duties.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Sergeants assigned as field supervisors claim time spent in administrative duties as activity code ______.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Beat code______ is used to document a sergeant’s time assigned to administrative duties in a field Division or Area command.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Beat code _____ is used to document an officer’s or sergeant’s time during his or her regular work shift during self-representation or as a designated representative with regard to grievances and complaints.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Beat code _____ is used to document an officer’s or sergeant’s time during his or her regular work shift as a designated representative with regard to reviewing adverse actions/interrogations.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Beat code _____ is used to document an officer’s or sergeant’s time during his or her regular work shift as a designated representative with regard to preparing pre-disciplinary hearing responses.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 2
Time is earned by employees in increments of ______ minutes.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
Total time claimed for a work shift cannot exceed ______ hours.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
When overtime is worked on a day previously reported as a regular day off, the time _________ (should/shall) be claimed on a supplemental CHP 415.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
True or False: non-reimbursable overtime hours worked when using leave credits shall be claimed at the regular rate of pay.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
True or False: reimbursable overtime hours worked when using leave credits may be claimed at the overtime rate.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
___________ are numeric codes used for the duty most nearly matching the type of activity performed.
Duty codes
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
True or False: a supervisor’s approval is required for overtime.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 5
All Academy training projected on a CHP 415 must be recorded as ______ total hours.
8 hours
HPM 40.71, Chapter 6
True or False: donations to the CAHP Time Bank shall be recorded as projected codes.
False (shall not)
HPM 40.71, Chapter 6
When a sergeant is assigned to supervisory duties over Special Assignment officers (e.g., vehicle theft), what beat code will the sergeant use?
The same beat numbers as the officers they supervise
HPM 40.71, Chapter 7
A field sergeant who takes enforcement actions and performs services during the regular course of his or her duties would charge all enforcement time to what beat?
Beat 822
HPM 40.71, Chapter 7
Time spent by an OIC responding to and from (and at the scene of) occurrences requiring action as a supervisor is charged to what beat.
Beat 822
HPM 40.71, Chapter 7
True or False: an officer who is off-duty (RDO, etc.) may be assigned as an OIC on overtime status.
False (shall not)
HPM 40.71, Chapter 7
True or False: catastrophic leave donations are physically processed by Human Resources Section and are not documented on the CHP 415, Daily Field Record.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 4
In the “Regular Time On” category of the CHP 415, all regular work time (total of regular activity time and beat time) is recorded to the nearest ________ increment.
HPM 40.71, Chapter 4
Officers required to conduct business calls totaling __________ or less (in a 24-hour period) shall record the total number of minutes expended to the nearest exact minute under Business Call.
29 minutes
HPM 40.71, Chapter 4
Time off charge to vacation is recorded in the “Vacation” category in _______ increments.
One-half hour
HPM 40.71, Chapter 4