400 Fire Prevention Flashcards
The Fire Chief or the authorized designee shall develop a periodic inspection program based on the risks to life and property for occupancies within the Midwest City Fire Department’s jurisdictional boundaries.
The Fire Marshal should develop an inspection program based on community risk reduction through education and enforcement.
Permit fees should be collected at the time of permit issuance. The fees are established by Midwest City Ordinance Section 15-56 City and are applicable to each permit application (OAC 748:20-4-1).
Construction permits shall automatically become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within 180 days after its issuance.
Burn permits shall be issued in accordance with Article IV - Open Burning of the Midwest City Ordinances.
The Fire Chief has overall responsibility for fire investigations. The Fire Marshal is responsible for management of the fire investigations program. The Incident Commander (IC) of each incident is responsible for ensuring that each fire is investigated for origin and cause.
The first-in Company Officer should conduct a preliminary investigation of each fire or explosion to identify the origin, cause, and circumstances.
Any investigation into the cause or origin of a fire beyond the preliminary investigation should begin immediately, but in no case shall it be delayed more than two days (not including Sundays) from the date of the incident (74 O.S. § 314).
The Fire Marshal shall furnish to the State Fire Marshal a statement of facts relating to the cause and origin of any fire where property was destroyed or damaged.
The Midwest City Fire Department may issue correction notices when violations of the fire code are found during fire and life-safety inspections.
If compliance is not achieved by the time of the final re-inspection, an administrative citation may be issued.
False calls for service shall be evaluated in accordance with Midwest City Ordinance Section 15-29 Failure to Maintain.
Applications must be submitted at least 45 days prior to the date requested for the fire station visit. The crew hosting the visit should be notified at least one week in advance.
Station visits should be scheduled for a maximum of two hours and generally during regular business hours.
Applications for permits for public fireworks displays shall be made in writing at least 30days prior to the proposed display.