100 Fire Service Authority Flashcards
It is the policy of the Midwest City Fire Department to limit its members to only exercise the authority granted to them by law.
When exercising their authority, members shall observe and comply with every person’s clearly established rights under the United States and Oklahoma Constitutions.
Candidates for the rank of Fire Chief shall have at least three years of experience as a paid firefighter prior to appointment (11 O.S. § 29-102).
The Fire Chief or the authorized designee is authorized to issue Departmental Directives, which shall modify those provisions of the manual to which they pertain.
Fire Code - 2018 edition of the International Fire Code as adopted and amended by the State of Oklahoma (OAC 748:20-4-1)., and adopted by Midwest City (Ordinance § 15-55)
An electronic version of the Policy Manual will be made available to all members on the department network for viewing and printing.
It is the responsibility of the Administration Major to prepare and maintain a current organizational chart.
The Fire Suppression Assistant Chief may also oversee the management of Emergency Communications Center.
The Midwest City Fire Department shall have a medical director who is a fully licensed, non-restricted Doctor of Medicine or Doctor of Osteopathy in the State of Oklahoma (OAC 310:641-15-13).
The principles of unity of command ensure efficient supervision and control within the Department.
Respect for rank is essential for administrative and operational efficiency.
A member’s decision to disobey an order that is believed to be unlawful is not a bar to discipline should the order be determined as lawful.
The Fire Marshal or designee will develop and maintain an EAP and FPP to provide for the safety of department members and visitors in the event of an emergency.
Whenever possible, the Department will use courses certified by Oklahoma State University - Fire Service Training, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, or other accredited entities.
It is the responsibility of the Chief of Training to maintain, review and update the training plan on an annual basis, ensuring that all mandated training is achieved.