4) Tudor Legislation 2: Henry VIII 2: 1535 Draft Flashcards
What did the 1535 draft acknowledge?
It acknowledged that there wasn’t sufficient work for everyone and a scheme of public works was proposed.
What was good about the proposed scheme of public works?
It was modern and long-term and shows the government actually try to deal with the cause of poverty rather than just the symptom.
What were the able-bodied poor expected to do in the 1535 draft?
The able-bodied poor were expected to work for a reasonable wage or else face compulsory labour or imprisonment.
How was the scheme of public works going to be financed?
It was going to be financed by a kind of income tax and contributions collected by local chronicles.
How were the poor going to be maintained in the 1535 draft?
They were going to be maintained by charity for example children were to be trained as apprentices.
What does the 1535 draft show?
It shows that the government start realising there’s a problem and begin to find the correct solutions at dealing with the cause of poverty.