4- Saccharomyces Cerevisea Flashcards
What is the name of the mating form of the SC
What is the name of the spores of the SC?
When nutrients become depleted, both haploids and diploids arrest as ____
stationary phase cells
Maltose is actively transported across the cellular membrane, and then hydrolyzed via ___(enzyme)
What are the three types of amylase expressed by koji
It expresses three types of amylases endo amylase, exo amylases and debranching amylases. The Endo amylase break bonds at the middle, the exoamylase break the branching at the ends and the debranching break the branching.
What is the organelle involved in the accumulation and secretion of vesicles that contain secretory enzymes
_____ produces the fuzzy white mold on the surface of bloomy rind cheeses including Brie, Camembert
Penicillium candidum
____ A rapid growing mold that prevents unwanted mold growth in moist cheeses
Geotrichum candidum
____ Creates the colored veins and surfaces and is a major contributor to the flavor in blue cheeses including Gorgonzola, Roquefort, and Stiton.
Penicillium roqueforti
What is Fukuyama Pot Vinegar
Traiditonal japanese rice vinegar, rice and koji are added without additional microorganisms to a loosely capped large pot and laid in an open-air field
In kefir grains the main EPS produced is called ____
kefiran, which is a heteropolysaccharide composed by equal proportions of___ (sugar) and ____ (sugar) and is mainly produced by ____ (microorganism)
glucose and galactose Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
What is the difference between a yeast and a mold?
the mold is multicellular fungi and the yeast is unicellular

What is the less resistant form of the yeast ?
the vegetative cell, then there is the stationary phase and then the spore
True or False : only the diploid can undergo mitosis
false, the haploid form of the yeast can also undergo mitosis
how are stationary phase cells different than the proliferating cells?
They are round and contain much higher levels of storage CHO like trehalose and glycogen.
Distinct biochemically and distinct morphology
What are the two mating types of haploid yeast cell
alpha and a
T or F : the haploid state can also form spores
false, only the diploid form
True or False : the spores can germinate and commence to growth as an diploid yeast
false, they will form first an haploid cell
What is the difference between the haploid growth by mitosis and the diploid growth by mitosis
The only difference in the cycle for the haploid and the diploid cell is where the next bud will be.
Haploid : the mother and the daughter cell will be have their budding at the same place as there cell division was.
Diploid : the chitin ring will be on the opposite side as where the budding was.

What are the two compounds required for the growth of yeast that can pass the phospholipid membrane without transport proteins
glycerol and ethanol
T or F : the nutrients in the environment of the yeast can easily pass through the membrane
false, the yeast as 38 carbohydrate transport system and enzymes like invertase or glalactosidase to break down ddissaccharides
Why is aspergillus oryzae used in the alcohol brewing ?
because it can express a lot of extracellular amylase that can degrate starches
What is the function of the woronin bodies
to close the septum if there is a problem with the cells
What is a conidium?
•A conidium is a spore that is produced asexually by A. oryzae fungi at the tip of a specialized hypha that is capiable of growing into a new multicellular organism
Complete : If one cell is killed or damaged it presents a danger to the entire organism, ____ are grouped near the septum and will plug the pore if it detects cell damage
Woronin bodies
____ are the individual sections that are partitioned by septa and constitute multicellular filamentous fungi
The hyphae
If the conditions are right the conidium will swell and eventually grow into a ____ that will eventually from the hypahe
germ tube
Why is aspergillus oryzae so effective at relaeasing amylases in its environment?
because of the spitzenkorper and the recycling of the amylases
•A. oryzae contain a specific organelle called a ______ that is present in the hyphal tip region and is involved in the accumulation and secretion of vesicles that contain secretory enzymes
What is the role of the conidiophore?
it is a special cell that is designed to produce the conidium and to spread the mold. it is at the top of the hyphea
•The _____ is a special cell that is designed to produce conidium to spread the mold
•In traditional fermentations ___ and ___ are usually on the surface, while __ and __ are internal
molds and yeast on surface (aerobic)
Lab and yeast internal (anaerobic)
What is the role of LAB in sake making?
to ferment the glucose made by the koji on the rice and kill the natural yeast by the lowering of the pH so it prepares for the fermentation by the brewing yeast
What are the reacitons that occur in parallel in the fukuyama pot vinegar
Saccharification by the molds
Alcohol fermentation by teh yeasts
acetic acid fermentation by AAB
Lactic acid fermentation bby the LAB
kefiran, which is a heteropolysaccharide composed by equal proportions of ____ and ____ and is mainly produced by _____
glucose and galactose
Lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
Adding ___ to kefir will increase the kefiran prdouction
•The live kefir microorganisms are predominantly found at the ____ of the kefir grains
•LAB in kefir generally include__ ___ ___ and ___
Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Streptococcus, and Leuconostoc
what is responsible for the acidfication of kefir ?
What are the microorganisms found in kefir
AAB can be found