4: Disputes over resettlement Flashcards
Argument 1:
Resettlement increases the chance of terrorism
Obama promises to:
October 2015 - Obama promises to increase America’s annual intake of refugees to 85,000 in 2016 and 100,000 in 2017
Micheal Mcaul, Chair of the Homeland Security committee:
“I can’t support a policy that would introduce a jihadist pipeline into the United States”
Of the … refugees who have been admitted into the states:
Of the 750,000 refugees who have been admitted into the states since 9/11, two Iraqis have been arrested on terrorist charges (financing Al-Qhaeda)
Argument 2:
Economic argument for Resettlement
The economic impact of:
The economic impact of refugee induced increased labour supply is estimated to be $41.5 million
Australia spent:
2014-15 - $2.91 billion on detention.
There are:
May 2015 - 634 people on Nauru, and 943 people on Manus.
On average, each Middle Eastern refugee settled:
On average, each Middle Eastern refugee settled in the US costs an estimated $64,370 in the first five years
Heavy use of:
Heavy use of welfare programs and the fact refugees only have 10.5 years of education on average means it is likely they will be a fiscal drain on public coffers.
Can be argued that:
Refugees use more in public than pay in taxes.