2: Avaaz Flashcards
The Guardian:
Avaaz is one of “the glove’s largest and most powerful online activist network”
Had over … members:
March 2017- 44 million members worldwide
Aim 1:
To build a better world
Aim 2:
To take action on human rights crises around the world
Role 1:
Give millions of people an online channel to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues
Role 2:
To hold multiple campaigns to more effectively address issues around the world
Teenage Girl:
2013 - Sentenced to 100 lashes for pre-maritial sex
Avaaz received … signatures in a petition:
2.1 million signatures in a petition condeming the sentence
Maldives receive around:
700,000 international visitors per year
Avaaz: (Maldives)
“We helped win justice for her by building a huge campaign and taking it to the highest levels of government”
Earthquake in Haiti:
Killed 100,000 to 316,000 people
Avaaz response to Haiti:
Donated more than $1.3 million for relief and recovery
Avaaz attempting:
To oppose President Trump and his efforts to pull USA out of the Paris climate agreement.
Avaaz (Trump):
Want to “eliminate $1 trillion in taxpayer subsidies for big oil and coal and invest it instead in clean energy”
Avaaz (China):
“We [must] seize the opportunity to make sure China is held accountable”
“National cyber sovereignty”
Great Wall of China has:
Blocked acess to 135 out of 1,000 sites in one ranking of the world’s top websites - includes Facebook and Google
Avaaz members:
China - 40,000
America - More than 2.3 million