4 Clinical Evaluation of Renal Function Flashcards
- Roles of the kidney
- Most important parameter in assessing kidney function & kidney disease progression
- Roles of the kidney
- Maintain homeostasis & a constant extracellular environment
- Excrete metabolic waste
- Reabsorb & secrete in tubules
- Concentrate, dilute, & acidify urine
- Secrete hormones
- Maintain homeostasis & a constant extracellular environment
- Most important parameter in assessing kidney function & kidney disease progression
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): renal ecretory capacity

- General
- Most common methods to estimate GFR
- Other markers of kidney function
- General
- Most important parameter in clinically evalutating kidney funciton
- Overall index of kidney function
- = sum of filtration rates in all functioning nephrons
- Measure of excretory function
- Used w/ H&P, urinalysis, imaging, & biopsy to evaluate disease etiology
- Most common methods to estimate GFR
- Serum creatinine & estimation equations
- Most common
- Rely upon creatinine
- Creatinine clearance
- Serum creatinine & estimation equations
- Other markers of kidney function
- Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- Serum cystatin C (only in reserach)

Normal GFR
- How much plasma glomeruli filter
- GFR depends on…
- Normal GFR value
- GFR vs. age
- GFR is corrected for…
- Significance of decreased GFR
- Glomeruli filter ~125 ml/min of plasma
- GFR depends on age, sex, & body size
- Normal GFR = 130 ml/min in men & 120 ml/min in women
- GFR declines ~1% per year above 40yo
- GFR is corrected for body surface area (important in children)
- Significance of decreased GFR
- Acute or chronic kidney disease
- Level of GFR assesses disease severity
- Not an exact correlation b/c kidney adapts to nephron loss by compensatory hyperfiltration in remaining normal nephrons
Assessing GFR
- Measured directly vs. estimated
- Clearance
- Amt of plasma filtered by glomeruli
- Substance chosen for clearance measurement in clinical practice
- Inulin characteristics
- Measurement of GFR using inulin clearance
- Measured directly vs. estimated
- GFR can’t be measured directly but can be estimated from clearance of an ideal filtration marker
- Clearance
- Volume of plasma cleared entirely of a substane / time
- Clearance = (U * V) / P
- Amt of plasma filtered by glomeruli
- Estimated by the clearance of ideal markers like inulin
- Substance chosen for clearance measurement in clinical practice
- Endogenous creatinine
- Inulin characteristics
- Neither absorbed nor secreted by renal tubules
- Freely filterable across glomerular membranes
- Not metabolized or produced by kidneys
- Measurement of GFR using inulin clearance
- GFR is measured by determining plasma conc & excretion of inulin
- Amt of inulin excreted = amt filtered
- Inulin clearance determines amt of plasma filtered by glomreuli (GFR)

Assessing GFR w/ inulin clearance
- Filterability of inulin
- Equation derivation
- Equation
- How Cin is measured
- Criteria for the clerance of a substance to equal GFR
- Inulin is freely filterable
- Amt excreted = amt filtered
- Conc in filtrate = conc in plasma
- Equation derivation
- Filtered amt of inulin = GFR * plasma inulin conc
- Excreted amt of inulin = urine inulin conc * urine volume
- Volume units: L / min
- Filtered amt of inulin = excreted amt of inulin
- GFR * plasma inulin conc = urine inulin conc * urine volume
- Equation
- GFR = [urine inulin conc (Uin) * urine volume (V)] / plasma inulin conc (Pin)
- GFR = inulin clearance (Cin)
- How Cin is measured
- Infuse inulin IV to achieve steady state blood level
- Measure plasma inulin, urine inulin, & urine volume simultaneously
- Criteria for the clerance of a substance to equal GFR
- Substance must be freely filterable at the glomerulus
- Substance can/t be secreted or reabsorbed in tubules
- Substance must be in steady state concs in the blood w/ no extrarenal route of excretion

Measurement of GFR in clinical practice
- Inulin vs. creatinine
- Creatinine characteristics
- Methods to assess GFR using creatinine
- Inulin vs. creatinine: in clinical practice…
- Not practical to use inulin infusion to calc Cin to assess GFR
- Assess GFR w/ endogenous creatinine
- Creatinine characteristics
- Endogenously produced from the metabolism of creatine & phosphocreatine in skeletal muscle
- Excreted by kidneys
- Freely filtered across the glomerulus
- Neither reabsorbed nor metabolized by the kidney
- Amt filtered = amt excreted when renal function is stable (steady state)
- Methods to assess GFR using creatinine
- Calc GFR w/ creatinine clearance
- Measure serum creatinine
- Estimate equations using serum creatinine to estimate GFR
Steady state
- Achieved when…
- Creatinine in steady state
- Achieved when…
- Ingested amt + produced amt = excreted amt + consumed amt
- Creatinine in steady state
- Filtered creatinine = GFR * serum creatinine conc (Pcr)
- Excreted creatinine = urine creatinine conc (Ucr) * urine flow rate (V)
- Constant in absence of acute kidney failure b/c muscle mass remains relatively constant
- V units: L / min
- Filtered creatinine = excreted creatinine
- Take-home about steady state
- Methods that evaluate GFR (Cr clearance, estimatoin equations) can only be used when Pcr is stable (in steady state), as in pts w/ CKD or stable normal Cr
Measurement of creatinine clearance
- Equation derivation
- Equation
- Technique
- Equation derivation
- Amt excreted = amt filtered
- Creatinine is freely filterable so filtrate conc = plasma conc in steady state
- Filtered Cr = GFR * plasma Cr conc (Pcr)
- Excreted Cr = urine Cr (Ucr) * urine volume (V)
- Filtered Cr = excreted Cr
- CrCl * Pcr = Ucr * V
- Equation
- CrCl = GFR = (Ucr * V) / Pcr
- Units: ml / min
- Technique
- 24 hr urine collection
- Measure Ucr & Pcr
- Normalized to BSA of 1.73 m2 (esp for children)
- 60 kg women
- Pcr = 1.2 mg/dL
- Ucr = 100 mg/dL
- V = 1.2 L/day
- Calculate CrCl
- V
- = 1.2 L/day
- = 1.2 L/day * 1000 ml/L * 1/1440 day/min
- = 0.83 ml/min
- CrCl
- = (Ucr * V) / Pcr
- = (100 mg/dL * 0.83 ml/min) / 1.2 mg/dL
- = 70 ml/min
- CrCl = 70 ml/min
Limitations of creatinine clearance
- (1)
- How (1) is checked
- Muscle mass in dif pt populations
- (2)
- (1) Incomplete urine collection
- Difficult to obtain a complete 24 hr urine, esp in children
- Pts forget, collect too much, etc.
- Impossible to obtain in pts w/ incontinence or diarrhea
- Difficult to obtain a complete 24 hr urine, esp in children
- Adequacy of a 24 hr urine collection is checked by comparing the measured amt of Cr excretion to the expected amt based on weight, gender, & age
- Women: 15-25 mg/kg/d
- Men: 20-30 mg/kg/day
- Elderly (muscle wasting): 10 mg/kg/d
- Children: 14.7 + (0.45 * age) mg/kg/d
- Muscle mass in dif pt populations
- Muscle mass & Cr production/excretion decreases w/ age > 40yo
- Muslce mass decreases in pts who are bed-ridden, physically inactive, amputed, or on chronic corticosteroids
- (2) Increasing Cr secretion
- Decrease GFR –> increase Pcr + enhance tubular secretion
- Advanced CKD: Cr excreted > Cr filtered –> overestimate GFR

Measurement of serum creatinine
- Cr characteristics
- GFR vs. Pcr
- Pcr vs. kidney function
- Normal Pcr
- Pcr is affected by…
- Cr characteristics
- Endogenously produced from the metabolism of Cr in skeletal muscle
- Excreted by kidneys
- Freely filtered across the glomerulus
- Neither reabsorbed nor metabolized by the kidney
- GFR vs. Pcr
- GFR = CrCl = (Ucr * V) / Pcr
- Decrease GFR –> increase Pcr curvilinearly
- Pcr vs. kidney function
- Higher Pcr –> worse kidney function
- Normal Pcr
- Adult: 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dl
- Children: lower
- Pcr is affected by both Cr production & clearance
- Muscle mass
- Diet
- Creatine supplements
- Malnutrition
- Amputations

Limitations of serum Cr measurement
- Cr production differs b/n pts depending on muscle mass
- More muscle mass –> higher Cr
- Less muscle mass –> lower Cr
- Amputation, muscle wasting, malnutrition –> low muscle mass –> Pcr appear normal but could represent low GFR
- Glomerular injury may not initially change GFR or Pcr
- If this is suspected, look for other signs of kidney disease (ex. protein or blood in urine, abnormal renal imaging)
Estimation equations based on Pcr
- Why used
- Cockroft-Gault formula
- MDRD formula
- Ex. 23yo white man, 80kg, Cr 1.2 mg/dl
- Why used
- Limitations of Pcr due to variatoins in muscle mass
- Alternatives to 24 hr urine collection
- Equations take into account variables like age, sex, race, & body size (predictors of muscle mass)
- Cockroft-Gault formula
- GFR = [(140 - age) * (weight in kg)] / (72 * PCr)
- For older drug dosing guidelines
- Based on demographics, serum Cr, & lean body weight
- Multiply by 0.85 for women b/c they have less muscle mass than men
- Obese pts: weight can over-estimate Cr cleraance, so use lean body weight
- MDRD (modificaiton of diet in renal disease) formula
- Most commonly used in clinical practice
- Effect of dietery protein restriction & BP control on renal disease progression –> equation that predicts GFR from Pcr
- Ex. 23yo white man, 80kg, Cr 1.2 mg/dl
- GFR = 80 ml/min
Limitations of estimation equations
- Cockcroft-Gault
- Validation in clinical populations
- Newer methods proposed but not widely used
- Tends to underestimate GFR when r is normal or near-normal
- Why labs report GFR > 60 ml/min when it’s expected to be close to nromal (80 ml/min)
- Cockcroft-Gault
- Tends to overestimate GFR due to tubular secretion
- Validation in clinical populations: formulas haven’t been validated in…
- Children
- Pregnant women
Certain ethnic groups - Pts w/ unusual muscle mass, body habitus, & weight
- Newer methods proposed but not widely used
- Blood test Cystatin C
- 23yo female, 55 kg, 24 hr urine collection
- V = 2000 ml / 24 hr
- Ucr = 50 mg/dl
- Pcr = 0.6 mg/dl
- CrCl?
- Is kidney function normal?
- CrCl = (50 mg/dl * 2000 ml / 1440 min) / 0.6 mg/dl = 115 ml/min
- Normal renal function
- Normal = 110 ml/min
- 23yo female, 55 kg, 24 hr urine collection
- V = 2000 ml / 24 hr
- Ucr = 50 mg/dl
- Pcr = 1.2 mg/dl
- CrCl?
- Is kidney function normal?
- CrCl = (50 mg/dl * 2000 ml / 1440 min) / 1.2 mg/dl = 58 ml/min
- Moderate decrease in kidney function
- Normal = 110 ml/min
- Even though lab reports Pcr of 1.2 mg/dl as normal, level doesn’t represent normal kidny function
Importance of adequate urine collection
- Ex. if 23yo woman collects urine for 24 hr but misses several voids
- Inadequate & incomplete collection
- Regardless of chronic changes in renal function, Cr excretion…
- Ex. if 23yo woman collects urine for 24 hr but misses several voids
- Measured Cr excretion = 500 mg/d
- Expected Cr excretion = 55 kg * 20 mg/kg = 1100 mg/d
- Inadequate & incomplete collection
- Gives false determination of GFR
- Regardless of chronic changes in renal function, Cr excretion…
- Is relatively stable over time unless muscle mass changes
- Decrease GFR –> decrease Cr filtration & excretion –> increase Pcr –> brings total Cr filtration back to normal –> re-establishes balance b/n produciton & excretoin (steady state)
- 23yo 80 kg man w/ more muscle mass than a woman
- Pcr = 1.2 mg/dl
- Ucr = 110 mg/dl (compared to a woman: 50 mg/dl)
- V = 2000 ml / 1440 min
- CrCl?
- Is kidney function normal?
- CrCl = (110 mg/dl * 2000 ml / 1440 min) / 1.2 mg/dl = 126 ml/min
- Normal kidney function
- Ucr is a reflection of muscle mass (muscle breakdown product)
- More muscle –> more urinary Cr
- “Normal” Pcr range of 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dl only reflects normal GFR in light of pt muscle mass
- Ucr is a reflection of muscle mass (muscle breakdown product)
Summary of measurement of GFR in clinical practice
- Cr clearance
- Method
- Cons
- Pcr
- Method
- Pros
- Cons
- Estimated GFR using MDRD
- Method
- Pros
- Estimated GFR using Cockcroft-Gault
- Method
- Pros
- Cons
- Cr clearance
- Method
- Urine 24 hr collection of Cr w/ simulatneous Pcr measurement
- Cons
- Urine collection can be unreliable
- Inadequate or over-collection –> false results
- Can overestimate GFR secondary to increased creatinine secretion in advanced CKD
- Urine collection can be unreliable
- Method
- Pcr
- Method
- Simple blood draw
- Pros
- Easy to obtain
- Cons
- Varies w/ muscle mass & is inaccurate in extreme muscle mass
- Affected by some drugs
- Method
- Estimated GFR using MDRD
- Method
- Simple blood draw
- Pros
- Avoids urine 24 hr collection
- Better estimation of GFR than Pcr alone
- Commonly reported on clinical lab results
- Method
- Estimated GFR using Cockcroft-Gault
- Method
- Simple blood draw
- Pros
- Avoids urine 24 hr collection
- Commonly used in prescribing info for dose adjustments
- Cons
- Tends to over-estimate GFR
- Method
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN)
- Normal values
- Use
- BUN vs. Cr for measuring GFR
- BUN assesses…
- Azotemia
- Normal values
- 7-21 mg/dl
- Use
- Marker of kidney function
- Kidney failure –> increased BUN
- BUN vs. Cr for measuring GFR
- BUN is a worse marker b/c it’s also dependent on…
- Protein intake
- Increase intake –> increase BUN
- Catabolism
- Increase catabolism –> increase BUN
- Liver function
- Cirrhosis –> decrease BUN
- Volume status
- Volume depletion –> low urine flow rates –> increase urea reabsorption along renal tubules
- Protein intake
- Urea clearance = 60% of Cr or inulin clearance
- BUN is a worse marker b/c it’s also dependent on…
- BUN assesses…
- Protein intake
- Presence of catabolism
- Volume status
- Renal perfusion
- Azotemia
- Elevation of BUN & Pcr
Acute kidney injury (AKI)
- AKI definition
- GFR in AKI
- Cr in AKI
- CrCl in AKI
- AKI definition
- Loss of renal function over hours to days
- Azotemia: retention of nitrogenous waste broducts in blood
- Increased BUN & Pcr
- GFR in AKI: decreased due to…
- Decreased Cr excretion
- Increased Pcr & BUN
- Pt not in steady state
- Cr in AKI: decreased
- Production stays constant
- Pcr increases due to muscle mass & muscle break down (1 mg/dl / day)
- CrCl in AKI: not used
- 24 hr urine collection not used
- CrCl isn’t a reflection of GFR b/c the pt isn’t in steady state
- Pcr is increasing daily, which is a variable in CrCl/GFR estimation
- Formulas to determine CrCl also don’t apply
- 24 hr urine collection not used

- 22yo 80kg male involved in a car accident
- –> ICu w/ HoTN & multiple injuries
- Urine output = 10 cc / 4 hr
- Pcr = 1.2 mg/dl
- Urine exam: tubular cells & granular casts
- BUN & Cr: increase daily, keep ~10-15 : 1 ratio consistent
- CrCl?
- Kidney function assessment
- Can’t calculate CrCl / GFR b/c not in steady state
- Increasing BUN & Pcr –> formulas for CrCl aren’t applicable
- Kidney function assessment
- Urine output of 10 cc / 4 hr = absence of urine output = kidney failure
- BUN : Cr :: 10-15 : 1 –> intrinsic renal disease
- Acute tubular necrosis from low BP secondary to bleeding from the accident
- Helps determine locaiton of kidney problem (pre-kidney, intrinsic, or obstruction)

Tools to evaluate kidney abnormalities
- H&P
- Assessment of GFR
- Chronic renal failure: calc GFR from Pcr if chronic
- Acute renal failure: calc pattern of increase in BUN & Cr
- Urinalysis
- Include urine sediment
- Imaging
- Kidney biopsy (sometimes)
Urinalysis: specific gravity
- Specific gravity
- Definition
- Range
- Increased by…
- Determined by…
- Dependent on…
- Osmolality
- Dependent on…
- Specific gravity vs. osmolality
- Dilute urine
- Concentrated urine
- Specific gravity
- Weight of urine compared to distilled water
- Range: 50-1200 mOsm/kg
- Increased by glucosuria & radiographic contrast excreted in urine
- Determined by hydrometer, refractometer, & dipstick
- Dependent on the number, size, & density of particles in urine
- Osmolality
- Dependent only on the number of particles in urine
- Specific gravity vs. osmolality: roughly correlate
- Dilute urine: osmolality = 50 mOsm/kg –> specific gravity = 1.001
- Concentrated urine: osmolality = 800 mOsm/kg –> specific gravity = 1.02
Urinalysis: chemical composition by dipstick
- Urine pH
- Range
- Useful in evaluating…
- UTIs
- Blood
- Descrimination
- Location
- Problem indicated
- Glucose
- Normally
- Some renal diseases
- Ketones
- May be present w/…
- Urobilinogen
- Produced in…
- Some…
- Obstructive jaundice
- Non-obstructive jaundice
- Bilirubin
- Urine obtains…
- Nitrite
- Screening test
- Won’t detect…
- False negatives
- Leukocytes
- Threshold
- False negatives
- Urine pH
- Range: 4.5 - 8.0
- Useful in evaluating pts w/ renal stone disease
- Uric acid stones may be associated w/ a low urine pH
- Ca phosphate stones may be associated w/ a high urine pH
- UTIs w/ urea splitting organisms –> high (alkaline) pH
- Blood
- Doesn’t discriminate b/n RBCs, hemoglobinuria, & myoglobinuria
- Microscopic exam determines if RBCs are present
- May be from any site (kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra, prostate/vagina)
- RBCs + proteinuria –> intrinsic renal problem
- Doesn’t discriminate b/n RBCs, hemoglobinuria, & myoglobinuria
- Glucose
- Normally: all glucose is freely filtered at the glomerulus & reabsorbed
- Some renal diseases: low glucose absorption threshold –> glucosuria at normal serum glucose levels
- Ketones
- May be present w/ diabetic ketoacidosis or starvation
- Urobilinogen
- Produced in gut from metabolized bilirubin
- Some is reabsorbed & excreted in urine
- Obstructive jaundice: bilirubin doesn’t reach gut –> decreased urobilinogen
- Non-obstructive jaundice: increased urobilinogen
- Bilirubin
- Urine only obtains unconjugated bilirubin
- Nitrite
- Screening test for gram(-) bacteria that convert urinary nitrate –> nitrite
- Won’t detect infections due to enterococcus or non-nitrite-producing organisms
- Ascorbate –> false negatives
- Leukocytes
- Threshold: 5-15 WBC/HPF
- False negatives: glycosuria, high specific gravity, cephalexin, tetracycline therapy
Urinalysis: chemical composition by dipstick: proteinuria
- Normally
- Protein confirmation & quantificaiton
- Estimating daily protein excretion
- Abnormal proteinuria may result from…
- Macroalbuminuria
- Microalbuminuria
- Nephrotic range proteinuria
- Normally
- No protein detected (< 100 mg/d)
- High amts –> glomerular (not tubular) disease
- Protein confirmation & quantificaiton
- Protein presence confirmed by adding 20% sulfasalicyclic acid to urine –> precipitates protein –> makes urine cloudy
- Protein amt quanitifed w/ 24 hr urine collection + Cr measurement
- Estimating daily protein excretion
- Estimate from urine albumin or ptorein & creatinine in a spot urine
- Albumin or protein conc / Pcr = protein : Cr ratio to estimate 24 hr protein excretion
- Abnormal proteinuria may result from…
- Leaking of protein through an abnromal BM (primarily albumin)
- Leaking of protein from tubules
- Uncommon, seen in Blakan nephropahty & other tubulointerstitial nephritis
- Overlow protein
- In multiple myeloma (Bence-Jones protein) or other disorders w/ increased Ig production
- Macroalbuminuria
- Albuminuria > 300 mg/d
- Detected by dipstick
- Microalbuminuria
- Albuminuria 30 - 300 mg/d
- Measured to detect early diabetic nephropathy
- Nephrotic range proteinuria
- > 3 g/d of proteinuria
- Seen in glomerulonephritis
Microscopic examination of urine
- Use
- Bland sediment
- Acute tubular necrosis sediment
- Nephritic sediment
- Nephrotic sediment
- Pyelonpehritis & acute interstitial nephritis
- Chronic renal failure
- Telescoped urine
- Use
- Assessing dif possible causes of renal failure
- Diagnosing UTIs & hematuria
- Bland sediment
- Normal urine w/ few cells/casts
- Only casts that may be seen: hyaline
- May form in increased numbers w/ fever & exercise
- Pre-renal azotemia or obstruction: few formed elements in urine
- Acute tubular necrosis sediment
- Most common cause of acute renal failure
- Has tubular cells, granular debris, & pigmented granulra casts
- Nephritic sediment
- Has dysmorphic RBCs & acanthocytes w/ granular & RBC casts
- RBC casts indicate glomerular hematuria
- Present in proliferative glomerulonephritis & renal vasculitis
- Has dysmorphic RBCs & acanthocytes w/ granular & RBC casts
- Nephrotic sediment
- Has 4+ protein, fatty casts, & oval fat bodies (lipid filled cells)
- Seen in…
- Glomerulonephritis w/ nephrotic range proteinuria
- Non-proliferative glomerulonephritis w/ heavy proteinuria
- Pyelonpehritis & acute interstitial nephritis
- Has many WBCs & WBC casts
- (+) culture for pyelonephritis (>105 organisms) but not acute interstitial nephritis
- Chronic renal failure
- Has broad casts w/ dilated tubules in functioning nephrons
- Telescoped urine
- Has chronicity (broad casts) & more acute disease (granular casts & RBC casts)
- Characteristic bu tnot specific for rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
Crystals found in urine
- Calcium oxalate
- Uric acid crystals
- Cystine crystals
- Triple (magnesium ammonium) phosphate crystals
- Calcium carbonate crystals
- Calcium oxalate
- Found in acid urine
- May occur w/o disease
- Look like envelopes
- Ethylene glycol overdose –> increased Ca oxalate crystalluria
- Uric acid crystals
- Found in acid urine
- Varied appearance
- Cystine crystals
- Found in acid urine
- Hexagons
- Always pathologic
- Presence confirmed by nitroprusside test
- Triple (magnesium ammonium) phosphate crystals
- Found in alkaline urine
- Associated w/ urea spliting bacteruria & infection
- Look like coffins
- Calcium carbonate crystals
- Found in alkaline urine
- Granular masses or dumbbells
Imaging techniques
- Renal ultrasound
- Computer assisted tomography & magnetic resonance imaging
- Renal arteriogram
- Intravenous pyelogram
- Radioisotopic imaging
- Renal ultrasound
- Good for renal size, renal masses, echogenicity, renal cysts, & obstruction
- Safe
- Doesn’t involve IV dye
- Doppler imaging of renal vessels can assess renal artery stenosis or thrombosis
- Computer assisted tomography & magnetic resonance imaging
- Evaluate renal masses & copmlex cyst & renal blood vessels
- Seldom first imaging study ordered
- Renal arteriogram
- Used to confirm renal artery stenosis or complete the evaluation of a renal tumor
- Last step in evaluating a potential living related renal transplant donor
- Intravenous pyelogram
- Not commonly used
- Radioisotopic imaging
- Evaluates the function of the kidney
- useful in diagnosing renal artery stenosis when enalaprilat is used
- 40yo 50kg woman w/ Lupus
- H: swelling of legs, fatigue
- P: lower extremity edema
- Urinalysis: 4+ protein & 2+ blood (normal is 0)
- Ucr = 100 mg/dl, Pcr = 1 mg/dl, BUN = 10 mg/dl
- 24 hr urine collection: 5 g/day proteinuria, 1000 mg/day total urinary Cr
- CrCl
- Kidney function
- CrCl
- (100 mg/dl * 1000 mg / 1440 min) / 1 mg/dl = 69 ml/min
- Kidney funciton: abnormal
- Decreased GFR –> early CKD
- Heavy protein leak
- Blood in urine –> inflammation
- 40yo 72kg male
- Gross hematuria
- FH: father died of kidney failure
- P: proteuberant abdomen, BP = 150/100
- Lab: Pcr = 4 mg/dl, BUN = 40 mg/dl
- Urinalysis: 4+ blood, trace protein
- Ultrasound: enlarged kidneys
- CrCl
- Kidney function
- CrCl
- CG: [(140 - 40) * 72] / (4 * 72) = 25 ml/min
- Kidney function: abnormal
- Decreased GFR + FH kidney disease + enlarged kidneys –> AD polycystic kidney disease
- 70yo 80 kg man
- Severe HTN
- H: smoker, high cholesterol, 3 anti-HTN meds
- P: BP = 180/120, fundi w/ HTN blood vessel changes, S4 gallop, 1+ ankle edema
- Lab: Pcr = 2 mg/dl, BUN = 50 mg/dl
- Urinalysis: no protein, no blood
- Angiogram: no blood flow to one kidney, severe stenosis of renal artery on other kidney
- CrCl
- Kidney function
- CrCl
- C-G formula: [(140 - 70) * 80] / (2 * 72) = 41 ml/min
- Kidney function: abnormal
- Moderately decreased GFR + no blood flow + stenosis –> renovascular disease
GFR evaluation summary
- Pcr
- 24 hr urine CrCl
- Cockroft-Gault formula
- MDRD formula
- CKD: +
- AKI: +
- Pcr
- CKD: ++
- AKI: ++
- 24 hr urine CrCl
- CKD: +++
- AKI: no
- Cockroft-Gault formula
- CKD: +++
- AKI: no
- MDRD formula
- CKD: +++
- AKI: no