18 Chronic Kidney Disease Flashcards
- Kidney damage
- Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- End stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney failure
- Uremia
- Kidney damage
- Structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney > 3 months
- Initially: w/o decreaed GFR
- Over time: decreased GFR
- Markers of kidney damage
- Ex. proteinuria, polycystic kidneys, hx of kidney transplant, etc.
- Abnormalities in the composition of the blood or urine
- Abnormalities in imaging tests of the kidney
- Structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney > 3 months
- Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
- Decreased GFR or kidney damage
- End stage renal disease (ESRD) or kidney failure
- Severely decreased renal function (GFR < 15 ml/min/1.73m2)
- Requires renal replacement therapy (i.e. hemodialysis / peritoneal dialysis or transplant)
- Uremia
- Signs & symptoms attributable to advanced reanl failure or ESRD
Stages of CKD
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Stage 3
- Stage 4
- Stage 5
- Very significant independent risk factor for mortality & morbidity
- How we define/stage CKD
- Stage 1
- Kidney damage (structural or functional) with normal or ↑ GFR
- GFR > 90
- Stage 2
- Kidney damage (structural or functional) with mild ↓ GFR
- GFR = 60-89
- Stage 3
- Moderate ↓ GFR
- GFR = 30-59
- Stage 4
- Severe ↓ GFR
- GFR = 15-29
- Stage 5
- Kidney failure
- GFR < 15 or dialysis
- Stages 3-5
- Very significant independent risk factor for mortality & morbidity
- Proteinuria
- How we define/stage CKD
- Albuminuria
- Reduced eGFR (< 60 ml/min/1.73m2)
Measurement & assessment of GFR
- Commonly used indicators of GFR in clinical practice
- Plasma creatinine vs. GFR
- Creatinine production varies with…& is influenced by…
- Take home
- Commonly used indicators of GFR in clinical practice
- Serum creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concs
- Lab measurement of creatinine and urea is accurate and reliable, but normal values may vary from lab to lab
- Plasma creatinine vs. GFR
- Semi-logarithmic relationship
- Small values (steep part of the curve): a relatively small change in creatinine indicates a large change in GFR
- Large values: a large change in creatinine reflects only a small change in GFR
- Creatinine production varies with…& is influenced by…
- Muscle mass
- Changes in lean body weight over time influence the serum creatinine level
- Age, sex, race influence muscle mass
- Muscle mass
- Take home
- All of these are reasons why an eGFR is preferred in estimating renal function

Etiology & natural history of CKD
- Most chronic nephropathies
- Rate of decline
- Electrolyte homeostasis, causes of progressive decline in function, and manifestations of kidney failure
- Most chronic nephropathies demonstrate inexorable progression to kidney failure
- The rate of decline ≈ 7-12 ml/min/year in those with untreated chronic nephropathies such as diabetic nephropathy
- Electrolyte homeostasis, causes of progressive decline in function, and manifestations of kidney failure
- Similar enough across the dif pathologies
- –> common underlying routes to progression, symptoms, and (hopefully) amelioration of CKD

Prevalence of CKD, risk factors for development, & progression
- Prevalence of CKD
- Risk factors
- CKD is largely a disease of…
- Comorbidities
- Majority of pts with CKD
- Prevalence of ESRD
- Prevalence of CKD
- ~14.7% of the US adult population has some form of CKD
- 30x as many pts have CKD than ESRD
- >75 million have an increased risk of developing CKD
- Risk factors
- CKD is largely a disease of older adults
- Higher rates of comorbidities + age related decline in GFR
- GFR decline of ~8ml/min for each decade after 40
- Comorbidities
- DM
- Dyslipidemia
- Obesity
- CKD is largely a disease of older adults
- Majority of pts with CKD
- Not aware, even those with an eGFR of 15-30 ml/min/1.73m2
- No clear, early, identifiable signs
- Increae in creatinine is often subtle
- Prevalence of ESRD
- Increasing rapidly
- Will continue for the next few decades
- Mortality
- After ESRD is reached (dialysis), mortality rate is very high
- Cost
- > $20 billion
- Qualtiy of life
- Burden on pt & families comparable to other devastating illnesses
Risk factors for CKD
- Non-modifiable
- Modifiable
- Non-modifiable
- Older age
- Black race
- Black > native americans > hispanics > asians / pacific islanders
- Genetic predisposition
- Prematurity
- Important for screening purposes & for studying CKD progression
- Modifiable
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Dyslipidemia
- Hyperuricemia
- Smoking
- Heavy consumption of analgesics
- Improtant for understanding the pathophysiology of CKD & possible options for intervention & therapy
Pathophysiology of progression of renal disease
- CKD is characterized by…
- Renal adaptation –> maladaptive processes
- 2 major consequences
- Short term –>
- Long term –>
- Remnant kidney animal model
- Glomerular capillary HTN is mediated by…
- RAAS primary mediators
- CKD is characterized by…
- Loss of functioning nephrons (not decreased output/function of the same number of nephrons)
- Renal adaptation –> maladaptive processes
- 2 major consequences
- Elevated glomerular pressure –> hyperfiltration by remaining nephrons
- Glomerular / tubular growth –> increased wall stress/inflammation –> hypertrophy
- Short term –> increased single nephron GFR –> hyperfiltration
- Long term –> increased glomerulosclerosis & tubular atrophy
- 2 major consequences
- Remnant kidney animal model
- Remove one kidney & large fraction of other kidney –> decreased nephron mass
- –> increased RPF & GFR in remaining nephrons
- –> glomeruli: increased blood flow, filtration rate, & size
- Glomerular capillary HTN is mediated by AII
- ACE-Is or ARBs –> AII blockade –> prevents glomerular HTN
- Increase renin mRNA synt –> increase DNA synth –> mesangial cells multiply, epithelial cells hypertrophy, epithelial foot processes increase in #, & glomerular capillary length increases
- RAAS primary mediators
- AII, IGF-1, PDGF, prostaglandins, RANTES, endothelin, & AVP
- Modulate renal cell growht in culture &/or circulating blood levels after nephrectomy

- Most pts have progressiv ekidney disease due to…
- First stage
- Second stage
- Third stage
- Most pts have progressiv ekidney disease due to…
- Diabetes
- Other chronic glomerulonephropathy
- First stage: e__ndothelial injury & inflammation
- Damaged endothelium loses its anticoagulation, anti-inflammatoyr property
- Endothelium becomes primed for the proliferative stage
- Second stage: proliferation
- Kidney damage is characterized by stretched epithelial cells & proliferated/dedifferentiated mesangial cells
- Third stage: fibrosis
- Hyaline material accumulates int he mesangium & subendothelial regions of the glomerulus
- Hyaline material eventually –> collapse of capillaries (glomerulosclerosis)

CKD pathophysiology take home points
- 2 major processes important for CKD progression
- These events eventually lead to…
- RAAS inhibition
- 2 major processes important for CKD progression
- GLomerular hyperfiltratoin
- Glomerulra hypertrophy
- These events eventually lead to…
- Fiborsis & sclerosis of glomeruli
- RAAS inhibition
- Prevent development of glomerular HTN & subsequent CKD progression
Strategies to slow CKD progression
- Early diagnosis & treatment
- (1) Treat underlying causes
- (2) Control BP
- BP goals
- Urine albumin < 30 mg/ 24 hrs
- Urine albumin > 30 mg / 24 hr
- Risk of progression of CKD is modified by…
- Antihypertensives
- BP goals
- (3) Protein intake
- (4) Smoking cessation
- Nicotine
- Tubuloxic effect
- Vascular effects
- Bottom line
- (5) Nephrotoxins
- Most concerning
- Others
- AKI vs. CKD
- Early diagnosis & treatment
- Interventions slow progression of, but don’t reverse, kidney disease
- May help pt avoid dialysis, transplant & kidney failure complications
- Optimal treatment can slow rate of progression from 10 to 2-4 ml/min/year
- Interventions slow progression of, but don’t reverse, kidney disease
- (1) Treat underlying causes
- Identify reversible factors
- Ex. volume depletion, uncontrolled HTN, obstructive uropahty, nephrotoxins
- (2) Control BP
- BP goals
- Urine albumin < 30 mg/ 24 hrs: < 140/80
- Urine albumin > 30 mg / 24 hrs: < 130/80
- Risk of progression of CKD is modified by proteinuria
- Antihypertensives: ACE-Is & ARBs
- Block AII –> decrease glomerular capillary HTN –> decrease proteinuria –> decrease AII fibrosing effects
- Delay progression + cardiovascular benefits
- Don’t ever discontinue
- Side effects: increased creatinine, increased K, angioedema, & cough (ACE-I only)
- BP goals
- (3) Dietary protein restriction
- Decreased protein intake –> decreased hyperfiltration –> slowed progression
- (4) Smoking cessation
- Nicotine
- Increases GFR, urine flow, & Na excretion
- Increases catecholamines, cortisol, & aldo
- Tubuloxic effect
- Increased excretion of NAG & impaired cation transport
- Vascular effects
- Increased platelet aggregation & vasoconstrictor prostaglandins
- Decreased vasodilatory prostaglandins
- Endothelial cel linjury & impaired endothelial cell-dependent vasodilation
- Bottom line
- Tobacco potentiates GFR loss & can cause/worsen proteinuria
- Nicotine
- (5) Avoid nephrotoxins
- Most concerning: NSAIDs & herbal meds
- Others: tacrolimus/prograf/cyclosporine, aminoglycosides, amphotericin, colistin, & IV contrast
- AKI –> CKD & CKD –> AKI
Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
- Cause of disparity b/n # of pts receiving renal replacement & # w/ CKD
- CKD vs. CVD
- Traditional risk factors
- Non-traditional risk factors
- Both traditional & non-traditional factors
- Treatment
- Cause of disparity b/n # of pts receiving renal replacement & # w/ CKD
- Most pts w/ CKD die from CVD prior to requiring dialysis or transplantation
- Even on dialysis, risk of death from CVD is higher than in general population
- CKD vs. CVD
- Pts w/ CKD are high-risk pts for CVD
- CKD = coronary equivalent
- Pts w/ lower GFRs & microalbuminuria/proteinuria carry a high risk of CVD (equivalent to a prior hx of coronray disease
- Traditional risk factors
- Ex. age, diabetes, lipids, HTN, smoking, etc.
- Account for only a portion of the CVD risk associated w/ CKD
- Non-traditional risk factors
- Ex. anemia, volume overload, hyperparathyroidism, Ca/phosphate disturbances, uremia, & malnutrition/inflammation
- Play a role in increasing CVD risk in CKD
- Both traditional & non-traditional factors
- –> cardiomyopathy & ischemic heart disease
- Treatment
- Optimize management of known CVD risk factors
- Focus on BP, exercise, aspirin, & statins
- High suspicion b/c CKD pts often presnet w/ atypical CVD symptoms

Early identification treatment plan / model of care for pts w/ CKD
- Screen
- Diagnose
- Treat
- Prepare
- Screen for CKD
- Older pts
- Hx of kidney problems
- Family hx
- African-american
- Diabetics
- Diagnose CKD
- Serum creatinine –> eGFR, urine ablumin, or protein
- Treat kidney disease & CVD
- Manage BP
- Reno-protective meds (ACE-Is, ARBs)
- Smoking cessation
- Treat complications
- Prepare for renal replacement therapy
- Dialysis
- Transplant

- General
- Basic abnormality
- Symptoms vs. GFR
- Uremic symptoms result from…
- Uremia is related to…
- Variability in measuring kidney function
- Usual physical signs can be rapidly assessed by…
- Indication for initiation of dialysis
- Presence of uremic symptoms in a chronic dialysis pt often reflects…
- General
- Pathologic manifestation of kidney disease in its most severe untreated form
- Clinical expression of symptoms/signs of decreased GFR (renal failure)
- Basic abnormality
- Presence of waste products that the kidney is no longer removing form the body
- Retained products of metabolism
- Symptoms vs. GFR
- CKD pts may be asymptomatic until GFR < 15-20 ml/min –> uremia
- Uremic symptoms result from…
- Renal excretory failure
- Retention of urea, hormones, polyamines, trace elements, serum proteases (“middle molecules”), pyridine derivatives, beta2-microglobulin, etc.
- Loss of normal metabolic & endocrine functions
- Renal excretory failure
- Uremia is related to protein intake
- Low protein diet –> decreased symptoms
- Multisystem disorder: manifestations include…
- GI: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dysguesia, changes in appetitie
- CVS: dyspnea, edema, chest pain
- Neuro: restless legs, twitching, confusion, sleep & memory problems
- Skin: pruritus, bruising, uremic frost
- MSK: bone pain (endocrine), arthritis
- Hematologic
- Variability in measuring kidney function
- CKD pts develop complications s& symptoms at dif thresholds
- Makes it difficult t ouse GFR as the only factor in decision making
- Usual physical signs can be rapidly assessed by…
- BP, pericardial rub, rales, etc.
- Indication for initiation of dialysis
- Development of & failure to alleviate uremic manifestations w/ conservative/pharmacologic therapy
- Presence of uremic symptoms in a chronic dialysis pt often reflects…
- Inadequate treatment
- Need to increase dialysis dose

- Common signs
- Multisystem disorder: manifestations include…
- Cardiovascular
- Endocrine disorders
- Hematologic
- GI
- Neuropsychiatric
- Immunologic
- Musculoskeletal
- Dermatologic
- Common signs
- Sallow pallor, bruising
- Uremic fetor
- Hypertension
- Pericardial rub
- Alteration of consciousness
- Neuropathy
- Malnourished state
- Manifestations
- Cardiovascular
- Ischemic cardiac disease
- Pericardial disease (pericarditis)
- Dyspnea
- Edema
- Chest pain
- Endocrine disorders
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Glucose intolerance (uremic diabetes)
- Hyperlipidemia
- Sexual dysfunction / infertility
- Hematologic
- Anemia
- Bleeding diathesis
- GI
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Gastritis
- Duodenitis
- Dysgeusia
- Changes in appetite
- Neuropsychiatric
- Peripheral neuropathy
- CNS disturbances
- Seizures
- Sleep disorders
- Restless leg
- Twitching
- Confusion
- Memory problems
- Immunologic
- Leukopenia, lymphocytopenia
- Decreased antibody responses
- Decreased cell-mediated immune respones
- Increased susceptibility to infection
- Musculoskeletal
- Mineral & bone disease
- Myopathies
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Bone pain
- Arthritis
- Dermatologic
- Pruritus
- Uremic pigmentation
- Uremic frost
- Calciphylaxis
- Nail changes
- Bruising
- Cardiovascular

Renal adaptation
- Pt awareness of their kidney disease
- Asymptomatic CKD
- Basis of adaption
- Pt awareness of their kidney disease
- >10-12 million adults in the US have CKD w/ GFR < 60 ml/min
- Majority aren’t aware
- Asymptomatic CKD
- CKD is often asymptomatic until late in the disease course
- Renal reserve allows remaining nephrons to hyperfilter/increase their level of function
- Additional compensatory processes maintain adequate homeostasis
- Basis of adaption
- Adaptations in glomerular & tubular function & extra-renal systems maintain electrolyte balance but may contribute to adverse consequences
- Adaptation –> increased solute excretion per remaining functional nephron
- Fractional excretion increases as GFR decreases

Mechanisms that help explain the diseased kidney’s ability to function
- Intact nephron hypothesis
- Functional reserve
- Hyperfiltration
- Osmotic diuresis
- Intact nephron hypothesis
- Diseased kidney continues to regulate appropriately by responding to varying intake of solutes & water in an organized fashion
- Diseased kidney behaves as a reduced # of nephrons that are each functioning normally or above normally
- Abnormalities that occur are generally explained by the overall reduction in renal mass rather than by the general loss of glomerular or tubular functions
- Functional reserve
- Ability of kidneys to increase their function/work
- Severely diseased kidney is functioning at or near its max capacity to maintain homeostasis
- Extreme variations in itake are poorly tolerated
- Upper & lower limits for solute & water excretion converge in advanced CKD
- Dietary indiscretions or inappropriate meds may not be well tolerated
- Hyperfiltration
- Abnormal increase in filtration rate of functioning glomeruli
- Decrease renal mass –> hyperfiltraiton in remaining nephrons –> glomerular sclerosis & proteinuria
- Seconary change in remaining nephrons + increased filtered load –> CKD progression
- Osmotic diuresis
- Decrease renal mass –> each remaining nephron handles increased solute
- Increased solute excretion per nephron –> osmotic diuresis (associated increased water loss)
- Reduced ability to produce max concentrated urine
- –> nocturia & polyuria in moderate to advanced CKD
Impact of declining kidney function on fluid/electrolyte balance
- Nephron loss vs. solute regulation
- Creatinine, urea nitrogen, & additional nitrogenous waste products
- Bicarb, Ca, & organic phosphate
- Water, Na, & K
- Plasma concs of creatinine & BUN
- Plasma concs of phosphorus & bicarb
- Plasma concs of Na & K
- Plasma H conc
- Additional physiologic stressors in advanced CKD
- Continued solute regulation despite progressive nephron loss
- Little regulation of creatinine, urea nitrogen, & addiitonal nitrogenous waste products (+ other uremic toxins)
- Partial regulation of bicarb, Ca, & organic phosphate is maintained until there’s significant nephron loss (GFR < 30-45 ml/min)
- Near complete regultaion of water, Na, & K are maintained until ~9/10 nephrons are lost (GFR < 10-15 ml/min)
- Plasma concs of creatinine & BUN
- Readily increase as GFR deteriorates
- Plasma concs of phosphorus & bicarb
- Change to a lesser degree as GFR deteriorates
- Plasma concs of Na & K
- Relatively stable until there’s severe decrement in GFR
- Plasma H conc
- Tightly regulated
- Additional physiologic stressors in advanced CKD
- Although most homeostatic mechs are robust, in advanced CKD the kidney has a very limited ability to cope w/ additional physiologic stressors
- Adaptation is limited due to decreased GFR
Renal handling of specific fluid/electrolytes:
Creatinine & nitrogenous compounds
- Cr & urea when GFR decreases
- Cr vs. GFR
- Urea vs. GFR
- Cr & urea when GFR decreases
- Excretion of Cr & urea is maintained by increasing serum levels
- At a higher serum Cr level, the diseased kidney is able to filter and excrete the usual daily production of Cr (i.e., re-establish steady state)
- There are minimal adaptive mechs to maitnain “normal” serum levels of Cr/urea
- Cr vs. GFR
- Increased serum Cr is directly proportional to decreased GFR
- Good measure of GFR
- Urea vs. GFR
- Increased serum urea is directly proportional to decreased GFR
- Urea is also affected by other factors like urine flow, dietary protein, catabolic state, & drugs (ex. steroids & tetracycline)
Renal handling of specific fluid/electrolytes:
Na excretion
- Challenge for the kidney in Na homeostasis
- FENa in healthy patients
- Most CKD patients are able to excrete the daily Na load in the setting of a reasonable dietary Na+ intake
- Due to…
- Mechs
- FENa in CKD pts
- Excretory range in CKD
- Na homeostasis in CKD pts is maintained by…
- Input sol’n
- Output sol’n
- Marked Na retention occurs if…
- Clinical manifestations of Na imbalance in CKD
- Common
- Less common
- Challenge for the kidney in Na homeostasis
- Large variations in daily dietary Na intake from 10 - 500 mEq/day (0.2-11g/day)
- FENa in healthy patients
- Varies depending on intake
- <1% w/ intake b/n 2-5g
- Most CKD patients are able to excrete the daily Na load in the setting of a reasonable dietary Na+ intake
- Due to increased fractional excretion by tubules
- Tubules are filtering less Na due to decreased GFR
- –> higher fractional excretion is adaptive
- Mechs
- Decrease Na/K/2Cl (loop) & Na/Cl (thiazide) transporters
- Increase natriuretic factors (ex. atrial natriuretic peptide)
- Adaptive natriuresis
- Modest hypervolemic status –> pressure natriuresis
- –> further Na excretion –> establish a new steady tate
- Due to increased fractional excretion by tubules
- FENa in CKD pts
- Increased FENa –> decreased fractoinal reabsorption via…
- Decreased N/K/2Cl & Na/Cl transporters
- Increased ANP
- Increased adaptive natriuresis
- Initial + Na balance –> increased EC volume –> increased BP –> pressure natriuresis –> re-establishes steady state
- Increased FENa –> decreased fractoinal reabsorption via…
- Excretory range in CKD: narrowed
- Dietary Na intake increases (decreases) –> volume overload (depletion)
- Na homeostasis in CKD pts is maintained by…
- Input sol’n: dietary Na restriction in proportion to decreased GFR
- Output sol’n: increased Na excretion
- Marked Na retention occurs if…
- Intake >>> max ecretion level or GFR is very low (<10%)
- To prevent this: dietary Na restriction of 2g/day
- Clinical manifestations of Na imbalance in CKD
- Common: weight gain, peripheral edema, pulm edema
- Less common (GI illness, etc.): weight loss, tachycardia, systemic HoTN
Renal handling of specific fluid/electrolytes:
Water excretion
- Water balance is maintained in advanced CKD via…
- Changes are due to…
- What limits kidney’s concentrating ability
- Fractional reabsorption of water per nephron
- Urine osmolality
- Inability to concentrate urine –>
- Inability to dilute urine –>
- Water balance is maintained in advanced CKD via…
- Normal thirst mech
- Free access to water
- Changes are due to…
- Decreased GFR –> limited ability to clear water (limited diluting capacity)
- What limits kidney’s concentrating ability
- Structural damage in the medulla & tubulointerstitium
- FUnctional defects affecting ADH receptors & AQP channels
- Osmotic diuresis
- Fractional reabsorption of water per nephron: decreased
- Adaptive to maintain adequate water excretion in the setting of reduced filtration
- Limtis kidney’s concentrating ability
- Limits kidney’s ability to tolerate water deprivation
- Urine osmolality: isosthenuria (~300 mOsm/L)
- Sudden water load or deprivatoin is poorly tolerated
- Kidney can’t dilute or concentrate urine
- Inability to concentrate urine –>
- Nocturia
- Modest polyuria
- Hypernatremia (if water intake is limited)
- Inability to dilute urine –>
- Hyponatremia (if water intake is excessive)

Renal handling of specific fluid/electrolytes:
K excretion
- Filtered load of K vs. distal K secretion
- K excretion is increased by…
- Distal K secretion vs. GFR
- Hyperkalemia (in most pts w/ CKD)
- Hyperkalemia (in some pts w/ CKD)
- Filtered load of K vs. distal K secretion
- Decreased filtered load of K –> increased distal K secretion –> increased FEK
- K excretion is increased by…
- Increased aldo
- Increased EC K
Increased distal tubular flow due to…
- Adaptive natiuresis (Decreased fractional reabsorption of Na)
- Osmotic diuresis per nephron
- Pressure natriuresis
- Distal K secretion vs. GFR
- Increase distal K secretion –> decrease GFR (proportionally)
- Hyperkalemia is uncommon in most pts w/ CKD on a normal diet until GFR < 15 ml/min or oliguria develops due to…
- Increased GI losses
- Increased secretion by distal nephrons
- Some pts w/ moderate CKD will develop hyperkalemia
- Inadequate aldo
- Idiopathic (diabetes w/ type IV renal tubular acidosis, RTA)
- ACE-Is, ARBs, K sparing drugs
- Distal flow-related
- Volum edepletion
- CHF w/o diuretics (decreased ECV)
- Lack of insulin
- DM
- Fasting
- Dietary indiscretion/meds
- ACE-Is
- K sparing drugs
- Inadequate aldo
Renal handling of specific fluid/electrolytes:
Acid-base balance
- NH4
- Metabolic acidosis in CKD
- Mechs
- Major
- Minor
- Very late CKD
- Net result
- Adaptation of proton retention in CKD
- 2 patterns of acidosis
- Early
- Late
- NH4
- Most important urinary buffer
- Urinary excretion is dependent on NH4 generation/excretion
- Metabolic acidosis in CKD
- Serum HCO3 decreases to 15-20 mEq/L
- GFR < 25-30 ml/min
- Mechs
- Major: decreased # of functioning nephrons –> decreased NH4 excretion
- Minor: increased K or ECFV –> proximal bicarb wasting
- Very late CKD: decreased sulfate/phosphate excretion
- Net result: positive H balance
- Despite an adaptive increase in fractional NH4 excretion
- Retained acid is buffered in bone
- Adaptation of proton retention in CKD
- Increased fractional excretion of NH4
- Increased fractional excretion of phosphate
- Bone buffering –> osteoporosis
2 patterns of acidosis
- Early hyperchloremic non-AG acidosis
- Mild to moderate CKD (GFR < 30 ml/min)
- Primarily due to decreased NH4+ excretion
- Late hyperchloremic AG acidosis
- Due to retained sulfates, phosphates, etc.
- Seen w/ severely reduced GFR (< 10 ml/min) (ex. uremia / ESRD)
- Early hyperchloremic non-AG acidosis
Example: ability to cope w/ stressors
- A healthy medical student on a surgical rotation spends all day/night in the OR. Ignoring insensible losses and assuming he needs to excrete 600mosms of waste/day, how much fluid would she need to drink today to excrete her daily waste?
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
- Assuming he maximally concentrates, how much water will it take to excrete 600mosm (i.e., 1 d of waste)?
- A medical student was mysteriously kidnapped and drugged one night. He awakes in a bathtub full of ice with bilateral flank pain. A note on the floor says: We just removed 1 and 9/10 of your kidneys, find a good nephrologist. Ignoring insensible losses and assuming he needs to excrete 600mosms of waste/day, how much fluid should he drink each day?
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
- Assuming he maximally concentrates, how much water will it take to excrete 600mosm (i.e., 1 d of waste)?
- A healthy medical student on a surgical rotation spends all day/night in the OR. Ignoring insensible losses and assuming he needs to excrete 600mosms of waste/day, how much fluid would she need to drink today to excrete her daily waste?
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
- 1200 mOsm/L
- Assuming he maximally concentrates, how much water will it take to excrete 600mosm (i.e., 1 d of waste)?
- 0.5 L
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
- A medical student was mysteriously kidnapped and drugged one night. He awakes in a bathtub full of ice with bilateral flank pain. A note on the floor says: We just removed 1 and 9/10 of your kidneys, find a good nephrologist. Ignoring insensible losses and assuming he needs to excrete 600mosms of waste/day, how much fluid should he drink each day?
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
- 300 mOsm/L
- Assuming he maximally concentrates, how much water will it take to excrete 600mosm (i.e., 1 d of waste)?
- 2 L
- What is the ~ maximum concentrating ability?
Common complications of CKD:
Hematological Disorders
- Anema
- General
- Characteristics
- Primary cause of anemia in CKD
- Secondary causes of anemia in CKD
- Management
- Adverse effects w/ meds
- Platelet dysfunctio
- Anemia
- General
- Decrease in hematorcit correlates w/ severity of disease
- Prevalence of anemia increases as GFR decreases < 45 ml/min
- Most pts w/ GFR < 30 ml/min –> at least mildly anemic
- Characteristics
- Hypoproliferative (normal) bone marrow + normal red cell indices –> normochromic, normocytic anemia
- Low reticulocyte count
- Serum erythropoieitin level low to normal (not usually checked)
- Normal bone marrow (not usually needed to diagnose)
- Lack of an alternative diagnosis (e.g., vitamin deficiency, iron deficiency, etc)
- Primary cause of anemia in CKD: decreased erythropoietin production
- Erythropoietin is produced in the kidney
- CKD –> decreased erythropoietin –> deprives bone marrow of stimulus to produce RBC
- Secondary causes of anemia in CKD
- Uremic inhibitors of erythropoietin (limiting its efficacy)
- Decreased RBC half-life
- Functional or absolute iron deficiency due to occult/overt GI bleeding from gastritis, duodenitis, or angiodysplasia
- Management
- Synthetic erythropoietin treats anemia in CKD
- Erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESAs): additioanl recombinant forms
- Treat anemia, improve quality of life, & decrease need for transfusions & hospitalizations
Adverse effects w/ ESAs in CKD
- Iron deficiency
- RBC production outstrips iron stores
- Address w/ supplement iron
- Rarely –> severe hypertensive encephalopathy & seizures
- Increased risk of CV events
- Using ESAs to achieve near normal HgB in pts w/ anemia & CKD carries greater risks than benefits
- Iron deficiency
- General
- Platelet dysfunction
- CKD pts have a bleeding diathesis due to an acquired defect of platelet function
- Cause: retention of a uremic toxin
- Responsible for prolonged bleeding & easy bruising

Common complications of CKD:
Mineral & bone disease
- CKD is associated w/…
- Management
- CKD is associated w/…
- Abnormalities of divalent ions (Ca, Phos) and of the hormones that regulate the conc of these minerals in body fluids
- Dysregulation of these divalent ions is a possible source of CV disease
- CKD –> increased vascular Ca depositoin & calcificaiton of heart valves
- Management
- Low phosphorus diet
- Phosphate binders w/ meals
- Prevents hyperphosphatemia by blocking GI absorption
- Calcitriol (1,25 Vit D) or analogues
- If/when PTH is elevated
- Directly suppresses PTH
- Maintain Ca * Phos product < 55mg2/dl2
- Decreases extra-skeletal calcifications
- Careful monitoring of Ca, phosphate, PTH
- Avoid aluminum
Common complications of CKD:
Mineral & bone disease:
- Phosphorus levels as GFR decreases
- Phosphorus levels w/ further decreases in GFR
- As GFR declines further…
Phosphorus levels are initially unchanged as GFR falls, due to decreased reabsorption
- Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) increases as GFR decreases
- FGF-23 increases phosphaturia
- Elevations in PTH also enhance phosphaturia
- Fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23) increases as GFR decreases
- With further decreases in GFR (<30ml/min), phosphate levels increase
- Hyperphosphatemia stimulates the secretion of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and FGF-23
- As GFR declines further, these progressive elevations increase renal phosphate excretion (but not back to normal)

Common complications of CKD:
Mineral & bone disease:
Vitamin D metabolism
- 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme
- Calcitriol
- When GFR < ~30 ml/min…
- 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme
- Catalyzes the conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D into its active form, 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (i.e., calcitriol)
- Calcitriol
- Enhances GI absorption of calcium and phosphorus
When GFR < ~30 ml/min, low circulatory levels of calcitriol are found
- Low calcitriol levels contribute to the hypocalcemia seen in advanced CKD
- Worsened renal function (less 1-alpha-hydroxylase enzyme), 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency, and increased FGF-23/phosphorus levels all play a role in decreasing calcitriol levels
Common complications of CKD:
Mineral & bone disease:
- Elevated serum phosphorus
- Intestinal absorption of Ca…
- When GFR < 30%…
- Elevated serum phosphorus
- Causes Ca-Phos deposits
- Decreases serum Ca
- Intestinal absorption of Ca progressively decreases with advancing renal disease, in part due to a lack of 1,25 (OH)2D3
- Relatively low Ca state stimulates PTH release
- Elevated PTH helps maintain normocalcemia
- When GFR < 30%, serum Ca may fall
- Frank hypocalcemia is relatively uncommon until advanced CKD (GFR < 10-15 ml/min)
- This homeostasis comes at the cost of elevated PTH levels
Common complications of CKD:
Mineral & bone disease:
Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
- Among the earliest detectable abnormalities in CKD
- 2 main inhibitors of PTH
- Reactive elevation in PTH
- PTH normally stimulates…
- CKD skeletal resistance
- CKD also…
- Secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Among the earliest detectable abnormalities in CKD
- Increased PTH
- Can occur at a GFR = ~45-60 ml/min or earlier
- 2 main inhibitors of PTH
- (1) Ionized Ca
- (2) 1,25 (OH)2D3 (calcitriol)
- Both are reduced in CKD
Reactive elevation in PTH
- Due to elevated phosphorus, decreased calcium, and low 1, 25 (OH)2D3 levels
- Partially adaptive in the setting of CKD
- PTH normally stimulates…
- Renal phosphorus excretion
- Brings phosphorus levels down towards normal
- Renal tubular Ca reabsorption
- Increases serum Ca
- Bone resorption
- Increases serum Ca
- Increased synthesis of 1 alpha hydroxylase in the kidney
- Enhances renal conversion of 25OH-VitD to calcitriol
- Augments GI Ca absorption
- Renal phosphorus excretion
- CKD pts demonstrate skeletal resistance to PTH action
- Higher levels are required to induce a given amount of Ca resorption from bone
- Due to reduction in the number of PTH receptors on bone
- CKD also…
- Decreases efficient production of calcitriol
- Limits possible GI augmentation of Ca absorption
- Llimits Vit D negative feedback on PTH
- Decreases efficient production of calcitriol
Secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Skeletal resistance to PTH + decreased production of calcitriol + progressive phosphate retention (as GFR worsens) + the decreased Ca levels –> further elevations in PTH
- Maintains normocalcemia despite reduced calcitriol levels
- Increases phosphorus excretion by the kidney by reducing reabsorption
- Does this at the cost of increased PTH & bone resporption
Mineral & bone disease summary
- Hyperphosphatemia
- 1,25 (OH)2 D deficiency (calcitriol)
- Hypoclacemia
- Secondary hyperpraathyroidism
- Results of these disturbacnes
- Renal osteodystrophy (includes osteitis fibrosa)
- Rickets / osteomalacia
- Adynamic bone disease
Common complications of CKD:
Osteitis fibrosa
- Occurs in…
- Driven by…
- Bone turnover
- Clinical manifestations
- Occurs in ~40% of ESRD pts
- Driven by secondary hyperparathyroidism
- Bone turnover is increased with increased osteoblast and osteoclast activity
- –> weakened bones
- –> increased osteoid (unmineralized bone)
- –> increased peritrabecular fibrosis
- –> weakened bones
- Clinical manifestations
- Joint aches, bony pain, pruritus, increased risk of fractures
- Extraskeletal calcifications (e.g., vascular)
- Infrequent but dreaded, calciphylaxis (medial calcification of the arterioles leading to ischemia and subcutaneous necrosis)

Common complications of CKD:
Adynamic bone disease
- Occurs
- General
- Due to…
- Risk factors
- Over suppression of PTH –>
- Decreased bone activity –>
- Occurs in ~40% of ESRD pts
- Bone turnover is decreased and fracture risk is elevated
- Due to…
- Calcitriol deficiency
- PTH resistance
- Excessive suppression of parathyroid glands while trying to prevent/treat osteitis fibrosa
- Risk factors
- DM
- Advanced age
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Over suppression of PTH –> reduced osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity
- Decreased bone formation & bone mass
Decreased bone activity –>
- Increased extraskeletal calcifications (bone not available to take up Ca, Phos)
- Fracture risk (higher than osteitis fibrosa)

Common complications of CKD:
Rickets & osteomalacia
- Children
- Adults
- Occurs in…
- General
- Due to…
- Children: rickets
- Adults: osteomalacia
- Occurs in <5% of ESRD (uncommon)
- General
- Defective mineralization of osteoid
- Bone turnover is decreased
- Due to Vitamin D deficiency or aluminum deposition
- When aluminum based phosphate binders were used in the past, they are now avoided

Common complications of CKD:
Mixed renal osteodystrophy
- Mix of…
- Pts can also develop…
- Mix of…
- Osteitis fibrosa
- Adynamic bone disease
- Rickets / osteomalacia
- Pts can also develop soft tissue calcifications from deposition of calcium phosphorus in the skin
- Calcification in the small blood vessels in skin –> necrosis of skin and fatty tissue –> rare, but excruciatingly painful and life-threatening calciphylaxis
- Pprimary cause of death in calciphylaxis: secondary infection of the ulcers, and sepsis