11 Potassium Homeostasis & Disorders Flashcards
Physiologic role of potassium
- Intracellular K
- Extracellular K
- Conc gradient b/n intracellular & extracellular compartments
- K: primary intracellular cation
- Conc = 120-150 mEq/L
- Regulates cell membrane potential, transporter protein & enzyme function, & cell volume
- Extracellular K
- Conc = 50-100 mEq
- Tightly requlated –> 3.5-5 mEq/L
- Low conc (< 3.4 mEq/L) –> hypokalemia
- High conc (> 5 mEq/L) –> hyperkalemia
- Conc gradient b/n intracellular & extracellular compartments
- Maintained by the Na/K ATPase
- Transport 2 K in for 3 Na out of the cell
- Na & K flow back down their conc gradients through specific Na & K channels

Transcellular K conc
- Critical to certain cellular functions
- Alterations in the transcellular K gradient may…
- Hypokalemia
- Hyperkalemia
- Critical to certain cellular functions
- Provides K ions as substrates for membrane transport processes
- Major determinant of the cell resting membrane potential
- Plays roles in cardiac & neuromuscular functions
- Alterations in the transcellular K gradient may…
- Alter the cell membrane resting potential
- Impair neuromuscular excitability (ex. cardiac pacemaker rhythmicity & cardiac conduction)
- Impair cell membrane transport processes
- Hypokalemia: low K in blood
- Resting membrane potential hyperpolarizes (–> more negative)
- Takes a longer time for cells to repolarize
- Hyperkalemia: high K in blood
- Resting membrane potential depolarizes (–> less negative)
- Cells repolarize faster
- Fewer Na channels are open –> conduction through the heart becomes sluggish

Regulation of K homeostasis
- External balance
- Definition
- K intake
- K excretion
- Internal balancve
- Definition
- Ex. ingest 50 mmeq of K
- Net result of 2 processes
- External balance
- Definition
- Regulation of total body K content by altering K intake & excretion
- K intake
- Normal dietary K intake = 50-150 meq K / day
- Foods high in K: potatoes, tomatoes, melons, bananas, citrus fruits, dried fruits, nuts, coffee, chocolate, & salt substitutes
- Other sources of K: IV fluids, IV hyperalimentation, K-containing drugs, blood transfusions, & herbal medications (alfalfa, dandelion, noni juice)
- K excretion
- 90% of K: excreted by kidneys
- 10% of K: excreted in stool & sweat
- Fecal K losses = 50-10 meq/day
- Sweat K losses = 0-10 meq/day
- Only renal K excretion is under strict & complex regulation
- Basis for K homeostasis
- Regulation of final urinary K content occurs in the collecting duct
- Definition
- Internal balance
- Definition
- Regulation of the distribution of K b/n ICF & ECF compartments
- Responsible for moment-to-moment control of EC K conc
- Ex. ingest 50 mmeq of K
- –> 40% excreted over 4 hours
- –> 60% remains in ECF –> increase K conc
- Hyperkalemia doesn’t develop due to internal balance regulation
- Net result of 2 processes
- K uptake via Na/K ATPase
- K secretion via K permeability of the cell membrane
- Definition

Renal K handling
- K reabsorption
- PT + LOH
- CD
- Final urinary K content & excretion is determined primarily by…
- K filtration
- K is freely filtered by the glomerulus
- K reabsorption
- PT + LOH: 90% reabsorbed
- PT: 65% (passive, not tightly regulated)
- TkAL: 25% (passive & active via Na/K/2Cl)
- CD: K is both reabsorbed & secreted
- CCD & MCD: type A & B intercalated cells (active via H/K ATPase)
- PT + LOH: 90% reabsorbed
- Final urinary K content & excretion is determined primarily by…
- Relative rates of K secretion & reabsorption in teh distal nephron
- Secretion of K in teh CD is highly regulated & responsive to physiological needs

Cellular mechs for CD K secretion
- Principal cells
- K secretion vs. urinary flow
- Key features
- Intercalated cells
- K secretion vs. urinary flow
- Key featuress
- Principal cells
- K secretion vs. urinary flow
- Main K secretory cells
- Actively secrete K regardless of rate of urinary flow
- Key features
- Na/K ATPase
- Basolateral channel that pushes 3 Na into the interstitium for 2 K into the cell
- ROMK & BK K channels
- Mediate voltage dependent K secretion across the apical membrane into the tubule lumen
- ENAC channel
- Apical epithelial Na channel
- High resistance tight junctions b/n cells
- Na/K ATPase
- K secretion vs. urinary flow
- Intercalated cells
- K secretion vs. urinary flow
- Secrete K only during states of high urinary flow
- Key features
- Na/K ATPase
- Basolateral channel that pushes 3 Na into the interstitium for 2 K into the cell
- BK
- Mediate voltage dependent K secretion across the apical membrane into the tubule lumen
- High-resistance tight junctions b/n cells
- Na/K ATPase
- K secretion vs. urinary flow

At the cellular level…
- K secretion depends on…
- K conc gradient across the cell membrane
- K permeability across the apical membrane
- Voltage across the apical membrane
- Urinary flow
- K reabsorption depends on…
- K secretion depends on…
- K conc gradient across the cell membrane
- Established by the Na/K ATPase
- Transports K from the interstitium into the principal & intercalated cells
- Maintains a high intracellular conc of K
- BK & ROMK channels require a high conc of intracellular K
- Allows K to be secreted into the lumen across the apical side
- K permeability across the apical membrane
- Determined by the number of open K channels at the apical membrane
- Voltage across the apical membrane
- Transporting charged ions across teh luminal membrane into cells –> electrical voltage
- Primarily generated by ENAC (Na transport)
- Na uptake through the apical Na channel down the Na gradient created by the Na/K ATPase –> negative charges in the lumen
- Creates a lumen-negative electrical potential difference across the apical membrane
- Excess negative charges in the tubule lumen favors K secretion into the urinary space
- Voltage-dependent K secretion in principal cells is mediated by the apical ROMK
- K & Na transport are stimulated by aldo
- Urinary flow
- High urinary flow –> increase K secretion
- BK channel-mediated K secretion is flow-dependent
- Principal & intercalated cells sense high urinary flow –> open BK K channels
- K conc gradient across the cell membrane
- K reabsorption depends on…
- Intercalated cells
- K-absorbing cells in teh CD
- Also responsible for H secretion
- H/K ATPase
- Apical membrane pump that mediates K reabsorption by the intercalated cell (active process)
- Intercalated cells

Regulation of renal K excretion
- Location
- Factors that directly affect distal tubular K handling
- Location
- Occurs in the distal nephron
- Alterations in glomerular filtration rates & PT function have little direct effect on net K handling
- Factors that directly affect distal tubular K handling
- Peritubular factors
- Serum K conc
- Serum aldo
- Extracellular pH
- Luminal factors
- Distal tubular flow rate
- Distal tubular Na delivery
- Luminal anion composition
- Peritubular factors
Regulation of renal K excretion:
Peritubular factors:
Serum K concentration / dietary K intake
- Dietary K intake & extracellular K
- K adaptation
- Adaptive K changes during K excess
- Required for a max response
- Adaptive K changes during K deprivation
- Dietary K intake & extracellular K
- Significantly influence tubular K secretion
- Increase dietary K intake –> increase serum K –> increase apical Na & K transport –> increase Na/K ATPase –> increase K secretion
- Via both aldo-dependent & aldo-independent mechanisms
- K adaptation
- Gradual process i.r.t. changes in dietary K intake
- At any given level of serum K, K secretion will be higher w/ a high K diet compared to a normal or low K diet
- Increase in urinary K excretion is mediated by increased K secretion in the distal nephron
- Adaptive K changes during K excess
- Increase Na/K ATPase activity –> increase apical membrane Na & K transport
- –> morphologic changes in principal cells (increase basolateral membrane area)
- Decrease K reabsorption by intercalated cells
- Increase Na/K ATPase activity –> increase apical membrane Na & K transport
- Required for a max response
- Increased plasma K & aldo
- Adaptive K changes during K deprivation
- Morphologic changes in intercalated cells (increase apical cell membrane area + increase apical K transporters)

Regulation of renal K excretion:
Peritubular factors:
- Effect on K
- Effect on Na
- Na vs. K
- Stimulates K secretion by the CD
- Binds to an intracellular receptor –> synths aldo-induced proteins
- Increases basolateral Na/K ATPase –> increases K entry –> generates Na gradient for apical Na reabsorption
- Increases the number of apical Na & K channels –> increases Na reabsoprtion –> generates an apical lumen-negative electrical potential difference –> favors K secretion into the lumen
- Stimulates Na reabsorption
- K vs. Na
- Na excretion comes back into balance after several days (“aldo escape”)
- K excretion remains elevated –> progressive renal K loss

Regulation of renal K excretion:
Peritubular factors:
Extracellular pH
- Changes in EC pH
- Acidemia
- Alkalemia
- pH-induced effects
- Changes in EC pH
- Associated w/ limited reciprocal shifts in H & K b/n the ECF & ICF
- Acidemia
- Decreases intracellular K in CD cells
- Decreases K secretion
- Alkalemia
- Increases intracellular K in CD cells
- Increases K secretion
- pH-induced effects
- Limited & transient
- Frequently masked by other factors

Regulation of renal K excretion:
Luminal factors:
Distal tubular flow rate
- Tubular flow rate vs. K secretion
- BK K channels
- Tubular flow vs. K gradient
- Tubular flow rate vs. K secretion
- Increase tubular flow rate in the distal nephron –> increase K secretion
- Decrease tubular flow rate in the distal nephron –> decrease K secretion
- BK K channels
- Expressed in principal & intercalated CCD cells
- Facilitate flow-dependent K secretion
- Tubular flow vs. K gradient
- Increase tubular flow –> clears secreted K from distal nephron lumen –> introduces fresh low K-containing fluid from the more proximal nephron

Regulation of renal K excretion:
Luminal factors:
Distal tubular Na delivery
- Distal tubular Na delivery vs. Na reabsorption
- Distal tubular Na delivery vs. flow rate
- Distal tubular Na delivery vs. Na reabsorption
- Increase Na delivery –> increase Na reabsorption –> lumen-negative potential difference –> increase K secretion
- Distal tubular Na delivery vs. flow rate
- Difficult to dissociate
- Increased distal flow is usually associated w/ increased distal Na delivery
- Ex. intravascular volume expansion, diuretics
- Decreased distal flow is usually associated w/ decreased distal Na delivery
- Ex. intravascular volume depletion
Regulation of renal K excretion:
Luminal factors:
Distal tubular fluid anion composition & summary
- Substition of another anion for Cl
- Other anions besides Cl
- Greatest factors in K secretion
- Substition of another anion for Cl
- Decreases distal tubular Cl delivery –> increases K secretion
- Other anions besides Cl
- Ex. bicarb, penicillin salts (e.g. carbenicillin), acetoacetate, beta-hydroxybutyrate, hippurate
- Less well reabsorbed in the CD
- Increase conc of these poorly reabsorbable anions –> increase lumen-negative potential –> increase Na reabsorption –> increase K secretion
- Greatest factors in K secretion
- Distal tubular flow rate & aldo
- Variations in these factors have opposing effects that maintain a constant rate of K secretion despite variations in Na balance
- Ex. intravascular volume depletion
- –> increases PT Na reabsorption –> decreases tubular flow –> decreases K secretion
- –> increases aldo secretion –> increases K secretion

Transtubular K gradient (TTKG)
- Clinical index to assess renal K secretion
- Ratio of the estimated K conc in the CCD (CCDK) to the plasma K conc (PK)
- CCDK can’t be measured directly
- Estimated by correcting the urinary K conc for water reabsorption in the medullary CD
- During K depletion
- TTKG < 2.5 (usually close to 1)
- During K loading
- TTKG > 10

Regulation of internal balance:
Physiologic factors
- Insulin
- Catecholamines
- Aldo
- Insulin
- Stimulates cellular uptake of K
- Mediated by increased Na/K ATPase activity
- Independent of glucose transport
- Insulin + K: components of a regulatory loop
- Increase splanchnic K –> increase pancreatic insulin secretion
- Insulin –> K uptake by the liver 7 muscle –> returns serum K conc to normal
- Stimulates cellular uptake of K
- Catecholamines
- Stimulate cellular uptake of K
- Mediated by beta2-adrenergic receptors
- Results from increased Na/K ATPase activity
- Aldo
- Stimulates cellular uptake of K
- Effect is less than its effect on external K balance

Regulation of internal balance:
Pathophysiologic factors
- Acid-base disturbances
- H vs. K shifts
- Effects of changes in blood pH on EC K conc
- Effects of changes in serum bicarb conc
- Plasma tonicity
- Cell lysis & cell proliferation
- Cell membrane disorders
- Hyperkalemic & hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- Primary hyperkalemic defect
- Primary hypokalemic defect
- Acid-base disturbances
- H vs. K shifts
- H shifts into or out of the IC compartment
- Buffers changes in the EC H ion conc
- K shifts in the opp direction of H to maintain electroneutrality
- H shifts into or out of the IC compartment
- Effects of changes in blood pH on EC K conc
- Metabolic distrubances have a greater effect than respiratory disturbances
- Metabolic acidoses due to organic acids (ketoacidosis, lactic acidosis) have smaller effects than due to mineral acids
- Effect is dependent on the duration of disturbance & degree of IC buffering
- Effects of changes in serum bicarb conc
- Increase bicarb under isohydric conditions –> K shifts into cells
- Decrease bicarb under isohydric conditions –> K shifts out of cells
- H vs. K shifts
- Plasma tonicity
- Increase plasma tonicity –> fluid shifts from IC to EC compartments
- K exits the IC compartment w/ water via solvent drag
- Cell lysis & cell proliferation
- Cell lysis –> IC contents release into EC space
- Since IC K > EC K, EC K can rise abruptly
- Cell proliferation –> K is taken up into proliferating cells –> decrease EC K
- Cell lysis –> IC contents release into EC space
- Cell membrane disorders
- Hyperkalemic & hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- Disorders of skeletal muscle cel lmembrane ion channels
- –> flaccid paralysis & transmembrane K shifts
- Primary hyperkalemic defect
- Skeletal muscle voltage-gated Na channel mutaiton
- Primary hypokalemic defect
- Skeletal muscle dihydropyridine-type Ca channel mutation
- Hyperkalemic & hypokalemic periodic paralysis

Clinical disorders of K homeostasis
- Hyperkalemia may result from disturbances in…
- Hypokalemia may result from disturbances in…
- Hyperkalemia may result from disturbances in…
- External balance –> total body K excess –> chronic hyperkalemia
- Internal balance –> shift of K from the IC to EC compartment –> acute hyperkalemia
- Hypokalemia may result from disturbances in…
- External balance –> total body K deficiency
- Inadequate K intake
- Increased extrarenal K losses
- Increased renal K losses (renal K wasting)
- Internal balance –> transcellular K shifts
- External balance –> total body K deficiency
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Excessive K intake
- When K excretion is not impaired
- When K excretion is impaired
- When K excretion is not impaired
- Won’t produce significant hyperkalemia
- When K excretion is impaired
- Tolerance of…
- Acute potassium loads (dietary potassium (fruits, vegetables, nuts, chocolate, coffee, salt substitutes)
- Potassium supplements
- IV fluids
- Intravenous hyperalimentation
- Potassium-containing medications (potassium salts of penicillin)
- Blood transfusions
- …can be severely limited
- Tolerance of…
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Decreaed renal excretion & renal insufficiency
- Decreased renal excretion
- Renal insufficiency
- Acute renal failure
- Chronic renal failure
- Decreased renal excretion
- From impaired GFR or defects in tubular K handling
- Common for multiple defects to be present simultaneously
- Renal insufficiency
- Acute renal failure
- Esp oliguric renal failure (<400 ml urine / 24 hr)
- K excrection is impaired
- Hyperkalemia is common
- Chronic renal failure
- Significant impairment of K exrection doesn’t occur until the GFR decreases < 15-20 ml/min
- Above this level, distal tubular delivery is sufficient ot maintain K balance (at the expense of increased single nephron secretory rates)
- Adaptation occurs similar to chronic K loading in a normal kidney
- Due to elevated aldo
- Ability to compensate for sudden increase in K intake is impared in renal disease
- Significant impairment of K exrection doesn’t occur until the GFR decreases < 15-20 ml/min
- Acute renal failure
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Decreased distal tubular flow
- Decrease distal tubular Na delivery & flow –>
- Volume depletion
- Decrease EABV
- Medications
- Decrease distal tubular Na delivery & flow –> decrease renal capacity for K excretion
- Volume depletion
- Ex. dehydration, blood loss
- Decrease EABV
- Ex. CHF, cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome
- Medications
- Prostaglandins preserve AffA flow –> antagonize AII vasoconstriction in states of volume depletion or decreased EABV
- NSAIDS inhibit prostaglandin synth –> decrease GFR in these states
- ACE-Is & ARBs block AII on EffAs –> decrease glomerular capillary pressure
- Prostaglandins preserve AffA flow –> antagonize AII vasoconstriction in states of volume depletion or decreased EABV
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Mineralocorticoid deficiency
- Mineralocorticoids maintain K homeostasis in states where distal tubular flow is impaired & in renal insufficiency
- Combined glucocorticoid & mineralocorticoid dificiency
- Primary adrenal insufficiency / Addison’s disease
- Hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism
- Diabetes mellitus
- Drug-induced hypoaldosteronism
- ACE-Is
- Heparin
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Distal tubular dysfunction
- Impaired tubular function + hyporesponsiveness to aldo & decreased K secretion –>
- K sparing diuretics
- Impaired tubular function + hyporesponsiveness to aldo & decreased K secretion
- –> interstitial nephritis
- –> sickle cell disease
- –> lupus nephritis
- K sparing diuretics
- Ex. amiloride, triamterene, spironolactone
- Decrease Na reabsoprtion by ENACs in CCD principal cells –> decrease K secretion
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
Factors affecting internal balance
- General
- Disturbances of internal K balance frequently contribute to acute hyperkalemia
- Insulin deficiency
- Diabetes mellitus
- Beta-adrenergic blockade
- Beta-blocker therapy
- Hypertonicity
- Hyperglycemia
- Acidemia
- Metabolic acidosis > respiratory acidosis
- Hyperchloremic acidosis > high-anion gap metabolic acidosis
- Cell lysis (release of IC K)
- Burns
- Tissue necrosis
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Hemolysis
- Tumor lysis syndrome
Disorders of hyperkalemia (plasma K > 5):
- Definition
- May result from…
- Suggested by…
- Significant hyperkalemia is reported by labs despite a normal plasma K conc
- May result from…
- Incorrect phlebotomy technique
- Prolonged tourniquet applicatoin
- Muscle exercise –> local muscle K release
- In vitro K release from cells
- Hemolyzed specimens
- Thrombocytosis (platelet count > 1,000,000/mm3)
- Leukocytosis (WBC > 100,000/mm3)
- Incorrect phlebotomy technique
- Suggested by the absence of hyperkalemic ECG changes
Clinical manifestations of hyperkalemia
- Result from…
- Resting cell membrane potential in hyperkalemia
- Cardiac toxicity
- Hyperkalemia –>
- Associated ECG changes
- Neuromuscular symptoms
- Result from…
- Changes in transmembrane K gradients
- Resulting change in resting membrane potential in excitable tissues
- Resting cell membrane potential in hyperkalemia
- Depolarized in myocytes & neurons
- –> decreased membrane na permeability via inactivated Na channels
- –> net reduction in membrane excitability
- Cardiac toxicity
- Hyperkalemia –> sudden, lethal ventricular arrhythmias (VTach, VFib)
- Medical emergency that requires urgent therapy
- Associated ECG changes
- Peaked T waves
- Wideneed QRS
- PR prolongatoin
- QT shortening
- Decreaed P wave amplitdue
- QRS & T waves fuse –> sine-wave pattern
- Hyperkalemia –> sudden, lethal ventricular arrhythmias (VTach, VFib)
- Neuromuscular symptoms
- May develop w/ ascending muscular weakness –> quadriplegia & respiratory arrest

Medical treatment of hyperkalemia
- Severe hyperkalemia
- Pts w/ serum K > 6-6.5 meq/L or ECG manifestations of hyperkalemia
- Acute therapy
- Membrane stabilization
- Redistribution of K into cells
- Enhanced elimination of K
- Chronic therapy
- Severe hyperkalemia
- Medical emergency requiring urgent therapy
- Pts w/ serum K > 6-6.5 meq/L or ECG manifestations of hyperkalemia
- –> continuous ECG monitoring
- Acute therapy
- Membrane stabilization: IV Ca
- –> raise threshold potential –> decrease cardiotoxic effects
- Rapid onset, shorr duraiton
- No effect on plasma K
- Redistribution of K into cells
- IV insulin
- Longer onset, longer duration
- Accompanied by glucose infusion to prevent insulin-induced hypoglycemia (but avoid glucose bolus)
- Beta-adrenergic agonists: albuterol
- Longer onset, longer duration
- IV Na bicarb
- Medium onset, longer duration
- IV insulin
- Enhanced elimination of K
- Increase urine flow & distal nephron Na delivery (diuretics, IV saline)
- GI ion exchange resins (Na polystyrene sulfonate)
- Long onset, variable duration
- Given orally or as retention enema
- Acute hemodialysis
- Membrane stabilization: IV Ca
- Chronic therapy
- Treat underlying process
- Restrict K intake
- Stop offending drugs
- NSAIDs, ACE-Is, beta-adrenergic blockers, heparin
- Enhance distal tubular Na delivery & flow
- Liberalize na intake, diuretics
- Mineralocorticoid replacement (rare)
- Fludrocortisone
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Inadequate intake
- K conservation is never complete (unlike Na)
- Even w/ K depletion, obligate renal & extrarenal K losses can only be reduced to 10 meq/day
- Intake < 10 meq/day –> progressive K depletion & hypokalemia
- Ex. alcoholism, malnutrition
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Increased extrarenal K losses
- If extrarenal K losses > dietary intake
- If hypokalemia is due to extrarenal K losses
- Losses may occur from…
- GI tract
- Skin (cutaneous)
- If extrarenal K losses > dietary intake
- –> max renal K conservation will be inadequate to prevent progressive K depletion
- If hypokalemia is due to extrarenal K losses
- Transtubular K gradient (TTKG) will be appropriately low (<2.5)
- Losses may occur from…
- GI tract
- Diarrhea
- Laxative abuse
- Vomiting
- Nasogastric suction/drainage
- majority of K losses result form renal K wasting due to metabolic alkalosis & secondary hyperaldosteronism
- Skin (cutaneous)
- Profuse sweating
- Severe burns
- GI tract
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Factors affecting external balance:
Increased renal K losses (renal K wasting)
- Hypertensive disorders (HTN) are due to…
- Normotensive disorders (no HTN) are due to…
- Hypertensive disorders (HTN) are due to…
- (Apparent) mineralocorticoid excess
- Normotensive disorders (no HTN) are due to…
- Increased distal tubular flow rates
- Presence of poorly reabsorbable anions
- Primary tubular dysfunction
- Secondary hyperaldosteronism
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Hypertensive hypokalemic disorders (effective mineralocorticoid excess)
- Hyperreninemia
- Renal artery stenosis
- Renin-secreting tumor
- Primary hyperaldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome)
- Mineralocorticoid excess secretion (adrenal hyperplasia, adenoma, carcinoma)
- Cushing’s syndrome
- Exogenous steroid therapy
- Cortisol hypersecretion (adrenal or pituitary adenoma, ACTH-secreting tumor)
- Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Increased ACTH levels resulting from enzymatic defects in cortisol biosynthesis
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Normotensive hypokalemic disorders
- Diuretic therapy
- Osmotic diuresis
- Glucosuria with diabetes mellitus
- Urea from acute renal failure
- Renal tubular acidosis
- Proximal (Type II) RTA
- Classical distal (Type I) RTA
- Prolonged vomiting or nasogastric drainage
- Prolonged loss of gastric secretions –> severe metabolic alkalosis
- Increased delivery of bicarb (poorly reabsorbable anion) to the distal nephron and secondary hyperaldosteronism –> renal K wasting
- Ureteral diversion
- Ureteroileostomy or ureterosigmoidostomy
- Diversion of urine into a loop of ileum or sigmoid colon for the treatment of ureteral or bladder disease
- Exchange of K & bicarb by the intestinal epithelium for Na & Cl int eh urine –> hypokalemia & metabolic acidosis
- Ureteroileostomy or ureterosigmoidostomy
Disorders of hypokalemia (plasma K < 3.5):
Factors affecting internal balance
- General
- Associated w/ increased translocatioon of K from the EC into the IC compartment –> hypokalemia or exacerbate pre-existing electrolyte disturbances
- Insnsulin excess
- Insulin therapy
- Catecholamine excess
- Associated with medical disorders
- E.g. myocardial ischemia/infarction or delirium tremens, and medications
- Alkalemia
- Cell proliferation
- Rapidly proliferating leukemia or lymphoma
- Treatment of megaloblastic anemia
Manifestations of hypokalemia
- Primary manifestations of hypokalemia result from…
- Initial hypokalemia
- Severe hypokalemia
- Effects beyond excitable tissues
- Renal manifestations
- Primary manifestations of hypokalemia result from…
- Alterations int he resting potential of excitable tissues
- Initial hypokalemia
- –> decreased EC : IC K conc ratio
- –> membrane hyperpolarization
- Severe hypokalemia
- –> secondary increase in Na conductance
- –> membrane depoalrizaiton
- Effects beyond excitable tissues
- ECG abnormalities
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Flat T wave –> prominent U wave –> depressed ST
- Decreased neuromuscular excitability
- Rhabdomyolysis
- Renal manifestations
- Increased renal generatoin of ammonia
- IC K –> EC fluid compartment
- H move IC to maintain electroneutrality
- Increased IC H conc –> renal ammoniagenesis
- Decreased responsiveness of the CCD to ADH –> nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
- Increased renal generatoin of ammonia

Treatment of hypokalemia
- Correct the underlying disorder
- K replacement/repletion
- Oral route prefered
- IV route cautioned
- Max rate of replacement = 10 meq/hr
- K requires a finite time to enter cells
- Too rapid administratoin –> transient hyperkalemia –> neuromuscular & cardiac toxicity
- K sparing diuretics
- Amiloride & triamtereine in pts w/ primary renal K wasting
- Spironolactone (MR antagonist) in pts w/ hyperaldosteronism