3 Renal Hemodynamics Flashcards
Major renal functions
- Maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis)
- Kidney is supplied w/ 20% of CO for this reason
- Secrete hormones
- Renin, prostaglandin, & bradykinin
- Erythropoietin
- Lower oxygen content –> higher erythropoietin
- Vitamin D (site of 1 & 24 hydroxylation)
- Metabolism
- Protein, glucose, lactate
- Hormone breakdown (insulin)
- Renal blood flow (RBF)
- Renal plasma flow (RPF)
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
- Filtration fraction (FF)
- To maintain equilibrium
- Renal blood flow (RBF)
- Amt of blood that perfuses both kidneys / minute
- Normal: 1200 ml/min
- Renal plasma flow (RPF)
- Rate of plasma flow to the kidneys / minute
- Normal: 670 ml/min (55-60% of RBF)
- Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
- Volume of plasma filtered by the glomeruli / minute
- Normal: 125 ml/min (males), 100 ml/min (females)
- Filtration fraction (FF)
- Ratio of GFR / RPF
- Normal: 0.18 - 0.22
- To maintain equilibrium
- GFR & RPF must remain nearly constant
Blood flow distribution in the kidney
- Where blood initially goes
- Pre-glomerular blood flow
- Post-glomerular blood flow
- After a high protein or salt meal
- All blood initially goes to the cortex
- Pre-glomerular blood flow is related to glomerulus size
- Larger juxtamedullary glomeruli –> greater blood flow
- Midcortical or superficial cortical glomeruli –> less blood flow
- Post-glomerular blood flow
- 85% –> cortex
- 15% –> medulla
- After a high protein or salt meal
- Increase salt / solute intake
- –> increase blood flow to superficial glomeruli w/ shorter LOHs
- –> more efficient excretion of excess solute

AffA vs. EffA
- Role in maintaining blood flow during ischemia
- Size
- Role in maintaining blood flow during ischemia
- EffA is more important in maintaining blood flow in low blood flow states
- Size
- Cortical: AffA > EffA
- Juxtamedullary: EffA > AffA
- EffA is more robust & has a greater role in blood flow regulation

Forces governing GFR
- Starling principle
- Equation
- Terms
- Kf
- Pgc
- Pb
- πgc
- πb
- Starling principle
- GFR is determined by the balance of hydrostatic & oncotic pressures
- Hydrostatic pressure
- Biggest driving force coming into the glomerular capillary (from BP)
- Pushes fluid out into bowman’s space
- Oncotic pressure
- Protein concentration increases in capillary
- Pulls water back into the capillary
- Equilibiurm point: no net ultrafiltration pressure
- Equation
- GFR = Kf * [(Pgc - Pb) - (πgc - πb)]
- Terms
- Kf = glomerular coefficient or filtering capacity of hte glomerular filtration barrier
- (Total filtering surface area of the glomerulus) * (hydraulic conductivity of the glomerular membrane)
- Pgc = glomerular capillayr hydrostatic pressure
- Related to renal perfusion pressure & AffA & EffA resistances
- Pb = hydrostatic pressure within bowman’s space (negligible)
- πgc = glomerular capillayr oncotic pressure
- πb = oncotic pressure in bowman’s space (negligible)
- Kf = glomerular coefficient or filtering capacity of hte glomerular filtration barrier

Forces governing GFR
- AffA constriction
- AffA dilation
- EffA constriction
- EffA dilation
- Increased Kf
- Decreased Kf
- Final GFR & RBF depend on…
- AffA constriction
- Pre-glomerular
- Increases AffA resistance
- Decreases GFR, RBF, & glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
- AffA dilation
- Increases GFR, RBF, & glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure
- Decreases AffA resistance
- EffA constriction
- Post-glomerular
- Increases EffA resistance, GFR, glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, peritubular capillary oncotic pressure, & luminal hydrostatic pressure in the proximal nephron
- Decreases RBF
- Favors salt & water reabsorption from the proximal tubule
- EffA dilation
- Increases RBF
- Decreases GFR, glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, & EffA resistance
- Increased Kf
- Due to mesangial cell relaxation
- Increases GFR
- Decreased Kf
- Due to mesangial cell contraction
- Decreases GFR
- Final GFR & RBF depend on…
- Relative resistances at AffAs & EffAs

- Changes in glomerular pressures & flow can change due to…
- Autoregulation
- Predominant regultaory changes in renal vascular resistance under normal conditions
- Changes in glomerular pressures & flow can change due to…
- Position changes
- Ingestion or loss of solute / fluid
- Autoregulatoin
- Maintenance of a near normal intrarenal hemodynamic environment (RBF, RPF, & GFR) despite large changes in systemic BP
- Accomplished by adjusting renal vascular resistances
- Predominant regultaory changes in renal vascular resistance under normal conditions
- Pre-glomerular AffA changes resistance by constricting or dilating to maintain GFR & RBF

Structural components of hte glomerulus involved in autoregulation
- AffA
- Bottom right vessel
- EffA
- Bottom left vessel
- Macula densa
- Epithelial lining on the bottom b/n the arterioles
- Glomerular mesangial cells
- Black in the mdidle

- Function
- Where most reabsorption of salt & water occurs
- Where final qualitative changes in urinary excretion occur
- Primary site of qualitative change
- If delivery to these segments was not closely regulated…
- Ex. a disparity of 5% difference b/n GFR & reabsorption…
- Effective circulating volume
- Function
- Prevent excess salt & water loss
- Where most reabsorption of salt & water occurs
- Proximal tubule & LOH
- Where final qualitative changes in urinary excretion occur
- Distal tubules beyond the macula densa
- Primary site of qualitative change
- Collecting tubule
- If delivery to these segments was not closely regulated…
- Enhanced flow would overwhelm the reabsorptive capacity of distal segments
- –> life-threatening losses of salt & water
- Ex. a disparity of 5% difference b/n GFR & reabsorption…
- –> loss of 1/3 of the extracellulra volume –> vascular collapse
- Effective circulating volume
- Volume necessary in the vascular space to ensure adequate vital organ perfusion
- Maintained by tight control of GFR & reabsorption by the kidney

Diseases cuased by autoregultaory failure
- Acute kidney injury
- Esp acute tubular necrosis (“vasomotor nephropathy”)
- Diabetic nephropahty
- Hypertensive nephropathy
- Progressive renal failure (“hyperfiltration injury”)
Myogenic hypothesis
- Intrinsic mechanism of autoregulation
- Arterial smooth muscle contracts/relaxes when vascular wall tension increases/decreases
- Increase perfusion pressure –> distend renal arteriolar blood vessel walls –> increase wall tension –> AffA contracts –> decrease perfusion pressure & blood flow back to normal values
- Vascular response to wall tension is mediated by Ca
- Properties are confined to the AffA
- Time < 10 seconds
Tubuloglomerular feedback (TGF)
- General
- Importance of Cl
- Increase RBF, GFR, & fluid / solute delivery to the tubule –>
- Adenosine hypothesis
- Proposed mechanism
- General
- Dependent on the close proximtiy of macula densa cells to the smooth muscle & granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus
- Macula densa cells detect changes in Cl delivery w/ altered renal tubular flow –> changes in AffA resistance
- Importance of Cl
- Cl dependence of hte Na/K/2Cl pump in the luminal membrane of the cortical & medullary thick limbs of the LOH
- Osmolality of the luminal fluid also plays a role
- Increase RBF, GFR, & fluid / solute delivery to the tubule –>
- Macula densa cells sense increased Cl –> AffA constriction –> decrease RBF & GFR to normal
- Adenosine hypothesis
- Increase tubular flow –> increase ATP hydrolysis in macula densa cells –> increase local interstitial adenosine
- AffA has a high conc of type 1 adenosine receptors
- Adensoine –> AffA constriction –> reduce delivery of solute ot the macula densa
- Proposed mechanism
- Increase Na –> Na/K/2Cl works faster –> generate AMP & adenosine –> increase urine output & flow –> vasoconstriction
- Decrease flow –> vasodilatoin

Renin-angiotensin system
- General
- Stimulation –> outcome
- Renin storage & synthesis
- Renin secretion
- When renin is released
- What inhibits renin release
- General
- Extrinsic regulation via hormonal mechanisms
- Stimulation –> outcome
- Compromised volume homeostasis –> renin secretion stimulation –> AII production –> maintain arterial BP, renal perfusion pressure, preserve GFR, & minimize salt & water loss
- Renin storage & synthesis
- In the granular epithelial cells of the AffA in the JG apparatus
- Renin secretion
- Decrease intracellular Ca –> increase cytosolic cAMP in JG cells –> renin secretion
- When renin is released
- Decreased blood volume or extracellular fluid volume –> decreased renal artery perfusion pressure
- Volume depletion due to trauma, hemorrhage, inadequate fluid intake, or excess losses from diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting
- Sensing mechanism: renal vascular baroreceptors in JG cells are sensitive to AffA wall tension
- Decreased AffA, carotid arterial, & atrial wall tension
- Vascular baroreceptors –> SNS –> increase catecholamines –> interact w/ AffA adrenergic receptors –> increase renin
- Decreased Na intake
- Increased renal SNS activity
- Decreased blood volume or extracellular fluid volume –> decreased renal artery perfusion pressure
- What inhibits renin release
- AII, K, ADH, thromboxane A2
Renin-angiotensin system
- Renin –>
- Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) –>
- Where ACE & AII are found
- Most effects of AII are mediated by…
- AII arrival
- AII types of functions
- AII functions
- Primary function of RAAS
- Renin –>
- Angiotensinogen (formed in the liver) –> inactive angiotensin I
- Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) –>
- Inactive angiotensin I –> active angiotensin II (AII)
- Where ACE & AII are found
- Both: most tissues
- AII: lungs
- ACE: kidney
- Most effects of AII are mediated by…
- The AII receptor subtype AT1
- AII arrival
- Arrives at renal vascular receptors via circulation or local cleavage by ACE
- AII types of functions
- Circulating endocrine substance w/ systemic effects
- Paracrine/autocrine/intracrine substance w/ local effects
- AII functions
- Systemic vasoconstriction –> increases BP & renal perfusion pressure
- AffA & EffA constriction –> decreases RBF (& GFR) –> increases FF
- Constriction is greater in the EffA than the AffA
- Glomerular mesangial cell contraction –> alter Kf
- Stimulates aldosterone release –> increases proximal tubular Na absorption –> stimulates thirst, ADH release, & SNS activity
- Primary function of RAAS
- Preserve GFR during low perfusion states when RBF can’t be maintained
- General
- Synth & release are stimulated by…
- Release is stimulated by…
- Endogenous prostaglandins
- When RAAS & SNS are activated by actual or perceived (“effective”) volume depletion
- Prostaglandin synth inhibition by aspirin or NSADs in effective volume depletion
- General
- Local vasodilators of renal vasculature (autocoids)
- FA products of arachidonic acid synth’d in the kidney
- Ex. PGE2, PGI2, & PGF2
- Synth & release are stimulated by…
- Renal vasoconstriction, volume depletion, & renal hypoperfusion
- Release is stimulated by…
- AII, bradykinin, catecholamiens, ADH, & glucocorticoids
- Endogenous prostaglandins
- Regulate GFR & RBF.
- Directly: AffA smooth muscle action
- Indirectly: altering the action of neural & hormonal influences
- Vasodilation –> preserve RBF in the presence of vasoconstrictors (ex. AII, SNS)
- Regulate GFR & RBF.
- When RAAS & SNS are activated by actual or perceived (“effective”) volume depletion
- Decrease GFR & RBF –> prostaglandin release –> AffA dilation –> increased RBF (& GFR)
- Actual volume depletion: hemorrhage
- Perceived (“effective”) volume depletion: decreased renal perfusion from advanced CHF or liver disease
- Prostaglandin synth inhibition by aspirin or NSADs in effective volume depletion
- Vasoconstriction will be unopposed
- Renal function (waste removal, salt & water homeostasis) will be compromised as GFR & RBF fall
- –> severe clinical consequences
Extrinsic regulation: neural mechanisms
- Renal vasculature innervation
- Renal nerve stimulation –>
- Renal efferent nerve stimulation ->
- Necessity of renal nerves
- Role of SNS in renal vascular resistance regulation
- Renal vasculature innervation
- Adrenergic fibers of the SNS
- Vasoconstriciton dependent on alpha1-adrenergic receptors
- Renal nerve stimulation –>
- Increased renal vascular resistance due to AffA & EffA vasoconstriction –> decrease RBF & GFR
- More stimulation –> AffA vasoconstriction (predominantly) –> decreased glomerular capillayr pressure
- Renal efferent nerve stimulation –>
- Increased renin release from JG cells –> increased AII produciton –> AffA & EffA vasoconstriction
- Prostaglandin stimulation
- Necessity of renal nerves
- Not necessary for efficient autoregulation of renal hemodynamics or for the tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
- Role of SNS in renal vascular resistance regulation
- Little role in the normal unstressed organism
- Stress (ex. hemorrhage, severe volume depletion, CHF, hypoxemia) –> nerual stimulation –> vasoconstriction

- Dominant regultaors of RBF & GFR in the Na replete state & normal BP range
- W/ volume contraciton & Na depletion…
- Cascade during decreased renal perfusion
- Dominant regultaors of RBF & GFR in the Na replete state & normal BP range
- Intrinsic mechanisms of autoregulation
- Myogenic responses
- Tubuloglomerular feedback
- Intrinsic mechanisms of autoregulation
- W/ volume contraciton & Na depletion…
- Neural & hormonal mechanisms play a greater role as the decrease in renal perfusion worsens
- Cascade during decreased renal perfusion
- See diagram