4)b Key Characteristics of Elementary and Middle School Learners (Curtain & Dahlberg) Flashcards
List the key characteristics of PRIMARY students (ages 5-7; kindergarten; grades 1-2).
- learn best through concrete experiences and immediate goals
- imaginative and respond well to fantasy stories and dramatic play
- learn though oral language and can develop solid oral skills, pronunciation, and intonation when they have a good model
- have a short attention span
- require large-muscle activity
- need structured and specific directions and regular routines
List the key characteristics of PRESCHOOL students (ages 2 to 4).
- absorb languages effortlessly and imitate speech sounds well
- self-centered and do not work well in groups
- respond best to activities relating to their own interests
- short attention span
- respond best to concrete experiences & large-motor movement
- benefit from activities that develop phonological awareness such as rhymes and tongue-twisters
List the key characteristics of INTERMEDIATE students (ages 8-10; grades 3-5).
- at their peak for being open to ppl different from themselves
- benefit from a global emphasis in language study
- begin to understand cause and effect
- work well in groups
- continue to need concrete learning experiences
- often dislike working with classmates of the opposite sex
- learn well from imagination and stories that feature binary opposites and real-life heroes / heroines
- are able to work with rubrics and enjoy peer editing and scoring activities
List the key characteristics of EARLY ADOLESCENT students (ages 11-14; grades 6-8).
- experience more dramatic developmental changes than at any other time in life
- reach a cognitive plateau for a time
- have multiplying and rapidly changing interests
- feel a need to assert their independence, develop their own self-image, and become members of a peer group
- benefit from the encouragement of a positive relationship and a positive self-image
- respond well to opportunities to learn about subjects of interest to them and to learning experiences with a strong affective component
- respond well to content-based units with a culminating product