12) Using technology to contextualize and integrate language instruction Flashcards
What are 3 benefits of planned and purposeful use of technology?
1) better/more effective use of class time (thus some activities can be moved outside of class, extending time w/TL & reserving in class for interpersonal face-to-face interaction b/n teachers & Ss)
2) individualized learning (tech enables Ss to work @own pace/level)
3) empowerment (teachers can provide more authentic, current, and culturally rich materials to Ss; Ss can gain new learning control
What are ‘encoded texts?’
- texts that have been rendered in a form that allows them to be retrieved, worked with, and made available independently of the person and the context of their origins
- ex: handwritten/typed alphanumeric symbols, auto texts…
What conditions need to be present in order to derive benefits from working in technological environments? Ss must desire to…
1) acquire a foreign language & keep the initiative for work
2) maintain one’s effort until work is completed
3) regulate/evaluate one’s work through interactions w/electronic tools and interactions w/peers and tutors
4) renew the learning experience
Explain these terms/acronyms in relation to technology:
1) Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL)
2) Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)
3) Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC)
4) Computer-Assisted Autonomous Language Learning (CAALL)
5) Information Communication Technology (ICT)
1) CALL: application of computers in teaching/learning languages
2) TELL: use of all type of technology in language education
3) CMC: communicative computer applications
4) CAALL: individual computer work outside but still related to class
5) ICT: all technology that assists in sharing comm info (cell phones, IM, testing, podcasting, YouTube, blogs, wikis, etc.)
Although much more and better research is needed, what have studies shown to be positives of technology use in SLA?
- facilitates acquisition of vocabulary
- supports input-rich act thru reading assistant software, integrated video, and the Internet
- facilitates increased writing thru use of writing assistant software, e-mail, and chat rooms
- enhances listening comprehension and retention
- facilitates exploration of authentic lang use thru email, Internet
- enhances student motivation
- enhances availability and use of authentic texts
- enhances connectedness to native speakers (key pals, skype…)
What are questions to ask when considering technology in SLA?
1) how will the tech use help Ss learn lang in meaningful contexts?
2) what can Ss do now w/lang in each of the 5 SFLL goal areas?
3) what standards w/in goal areas will this tool help Ss address?
4) how will tool help Ss use lang to address those standards?
5) what process will Ss experience in using the tech and associated materials? What elements of the weave will be included?
6) what will this tool cost? (time, planning, supplies, equipment)
7) what are alternatives? is there a hs/college/library/etc that could help by providing services/resources?
8) Is this the best way to accomplish the objectives of instruction and to meet the needs of students?
What are the NETS-S?
National Educational Technology Standards for Students
Students need to be able to use technology for these purposes:
1) creativity and innovation
2) communication and collaboration
3) research and information fluency
4) critical thinking, problem solving, decision making
5) digital citizenship
6) technology operations and concepts
What is CMC and what are its benefits to SLA?
Computer-Mediated Communication: when the computer serves to facilitate or enhance comm between the learner and the source of authentic material, between learners, or between machines
+) more equal/increased participation than reg face2face class act
+) positive attitudes of Ss
+) greater Ss empowerment w/decreased teach. control/dominance
+) wider variety of discourse functions/interactional modifications
+) opportunities for intracultural communication
Explain the difference between and the benefits of:
1) synchronous CMC
2) asynchronous CMC
1) communication=real time, simultaneously (IM, chat room, Skype)
+) promotes meaningful interaction/cultural reflection
2) communication=at diff times (bulletin boards, forums, e-mail, threaded discussions, blogs)
+) time to reflect, plan/edit/revise post
What is a “technological simulation?”
simulation where the technology provides a scaffold and enough information to function within it; participants make decisions and negotiate their way though the simulation as they might if real
What 3 elements does a technology-based simulation need to be effective?
1) simulated environment/representation of real world
2) structure, created by rules of conversational interaction
3) reality of function (the Ss ‘reality’ perspective of the event)
What is the benefit of “simulated immersive environments” such as Second Life? Why is it best for university level students? What are downsides?
- 3D alternate immersion computer world (as a created avatar)
- usually need to be 18+ to utilize (thus best for university/adults)
- authentic lang and materials can be used while Ss participate in real-life situations (taking a cab, making a purchase, etc.)
- opportunities to interact in real time/asynchronously w/real ppl
- negatives: costly in sense of time and money for instructor
Explain the benefits of the following asynchronous CMC examples:
1) email / texting / other messaging technologies
2) listservs; UserNets, Newsgroups, Electronic Bulletin Boards, WeBlogs (Blogs) and Wikis
3) telecollaboration
4) social networks
5) translation devices/services
1) written interpersonal comm; tone/register is similar to spoken; have time to re-read input, think about own responses, try gambits
2) listserv=open exchange of info a/b texts, materials, techniques (kind of like an e-mail newsletter); rest = extension; operate on Internet; established on topic; multiple ppl can edit and/or respond
3) collaboration all over world on projects
4) can connect w/peers; more outside of class… careful w/ identity!
5) need guidance to use effectively; can use to see if ‘gist’ students go was close to reality! :) but… tendency 4 Ss 2 use inappropriately
Explain “speech recognition” tech in the classroom and pros/cons.
-assist in mastering linguistic forms at the phoneme/word/sent level
ex: Tell Me More, DynEd
-ex. of CAALL: computer assisted autonomous language learning
-Ss record themselves, listen to others; convo simulators/stimulus
PROS: quick feedback; motivation; opportunities to communicate
CONS: time-consuming to accustom to tech; loss of class time
Explain “Pod/Vodcasting” in the classroom and pros/cons.
-using iPod/MP3 player to create multimedia lessons using video, audio and voice
create: http://www.boxpopuli.com, http://www.apple.com/itunesu
PROS: popular w/Ss bc can use it anytime and repeat it
CONS: takes time to make, upload
What “Rich Internet Applications” are available on CLEAR?
CLEAR: Center for Language Education and Research (University of Michigan) make a “toolkit:” http://clear.msu.edu/clear/store/
- create ‘mashup’ (combine multiple web pages into one)
- create ‘better than Youtube’ videos and podcasts
- create worksheets to match textbook
- embed convos into webpages
- create own interactive language practice exercises
What is MERLOT and what tools can teacher access there?
Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
peer-reviewed materials; supported by ACTFL
-recommendations/reviews of software and other tech
-assignments for Ss
-links to other sites and ways to connect to colleagues/experts
What is the definition of a WebQuest?
scaffolded learning structure that uses links to essential resources on the Web and an authentic task to motivate Ss investigation of a central, open-ended question, development of individual expertise and participation in a final group process that transforms newly acquired information into a sophisticated understanding
What are the 6 components of an effective Webquest?
1) INTRODUCTION (set stage; background info; capture interest)
2) TASK (doable and interesting)
3) INFORMATION SOURCES (to accomplish task; sites/videos/etc)
4) PROCESS (description of strategies to complete the task)
5) GUIDANCE (how to organize info acquired. ex: respond to guiding q’s, concept maps, timelines, cause/effect, flow charts….)
6) CONCLUSION (bring closure; remind Ss what they learned; encourage them to reflect on the experience and extend it into other domains)
Students respond well to WebQuests that assign them 3 things:
1) a role to play (ex: scientist, detective, reporter)
2) persons w/whom to interact (ex: classmate, keypal, fictitious personalities)
3) scenario in which to work (ex: you’ve been asked by the Roman Senate to brief them on the recent conquests of General Caesar)
Explain these steps in the WebQuest Design Process:
1) exploring the possibilities
2) designing for success
3) creating the WebQuest
1) choose and chunk the topic; identify learning gaps, inventory resources, uncover the question
2) brainstorm transformations, identify real world feedback, sort links into roles, define the learning task
3) write the webpage, scaffold thinking, engage learners, implement and evaluate
Explain these terms:
1) distance learning
2) teleconferencing
3) hybrid/blended
4) drill and kill
1) teacher and Ss are in diff classrooms, connected via computer/telephone system due to budget, remote locations, class size, etc
2) form of DL: simultaneous real-time but in different physical rooms
3) form of DL: meet face-to-face once/twice per week; additional work on computer during rest of week
4) mechanical practice to maximize hybrid/blended in-class time