4-B,C,D Vessels of the Thorax (lymph, Azygos and Aorta) Flashcards
Trace the course of the thoracic duct in the thorax (largest lymphatic vessel in the body)
Originates in the upper abdomen at the cisterna chili (lymphatic vessel that receives all lymph from below the diaphragm). Ascends on the right side of the midline in the lower half of the thorax and then shifts to the left side of the midline in the upper half of the thorax. Exits thorax by passing behind the left subclavian artery and ends by joining the left internal jugular or left subclavian vein
Indentify the origin and termination of the thoracic duct
cisterna chili and where the left internal jugular joins the left subclavian, respectively
What area of the body does the brachiocephalic veins drain?
both arms and the head and neck
What area of the body does the superior vena cava drain?
upper half of the body, is connected to the inferior vena cavae by the azygos system
Describe the connections and position of the hemiazygos v.
ascends on the left side of the vertebral column, posterior to the aorta as far as T9, at which point it crosses the midline behind the aorta and joins the azygos vein; receives blood from posterior intercostal and esophageal veins
Describe the path and connections of the azygos
main channel, connects inferior and superior venae cavae receiving blood from the abdominal and thoracic walls through poster intercostal veins, esophageal and bronchial veins
Describe the position and connections of the accessory hemiazygos
begins at the 4th or 5th intercostal vein and descends to cross the midline at T7/T8 to join the azygos; receives a variable number of posterior intercostal veins
Identify collateral connections fo the azygos system
provides collateral circulation for the superior or inferior vena cavae
What is the immediate branches of the aorta as it exits the left ventricle (right away)
right and left coronary arteries
Where do the posterior intercostal veins feed into?
azygos system
Name 3 vessels that branch off the descending aorta
posterior intercostal arteries, bronchial arteries and esophageal arteries (visceral branches of descending aorta)
This nerve branches laterally from the sympathetic trunk and pass caudally to penetrate the diaphragm ?
thoracic splanchnic nerves
Inferior to the esophageal autonomic plexus you can find the anterior and posterior ____ trunks.
The thoracic duct is thin and weak, but usually can be found between ______ ______ and to the right and the _____ to the left.
esophagus and aorta, azygos
What are the three arteries that branch off the aortic arch?
brachiocephalic artery/trunk (right) left common carotid artery (heads toward the head) and left subclavian artery (left)
Sympathetic and parasympathetic systems are purely ____ in function.
motor (innervates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
Posterior intercostal veins train into ___ ____
azygos system
All preganglionic sympathetic nerve cell bodies are located where?
lateral horn at the spinal cord levels T1-L2
If presynaptic axons from the spinal cord only exit the spinal cord at levels T1-L2, how does the sympathetic chain run from first cervical to lowest sacral levels?
Presynaptic axons from the spinal cord enter the sympathetic trunk and synapse in a ganglion at that which ever level it must travel to.
Sympathetic splanchnic nerves are branches from the sympathetic trunk to ____
viscera : (splanchnic nerves going to heart, lungs and other viscera in the thorax containing mostly postganglionic fibers and synapses in a chain ganglion while splanchnic nerves going to abdominal and pelvic viscera contain mostly preganglionic fibers, synapsing in collateral ganglion or terminal ganglia)
The collateral or pre vertebral ganglia contain the post ganglionic cell bodies that send their axons to where?
abdominal (pelvic viscera send pre-ganglionic fibers to terminal ganglia on the organ)
What types of fibers does the cardiopulmonary plexus contain?
sympathetic, parasympathetic and sensory fibers
Nerves of the sympathetic system that use the gray postganglionic communicating rami primarily innervate targets in ?
body wall and extremities
Vagus nerves arise from the brainstem as cranial nerves and deliver parasympathetic fibers to the viscera where?
all viscera in the thorax and a portion of the viscera in the abdomen
The esophageal plexus includes what types of nerve fiber?
parasympathetic from the left and right vagus nerves, branchiomotor and viscerosensory fibers (esophageal muscle includes both skeletal and smooth muscle) …. as well as post ganglionic sympathetic
Parasympathetic splanchnic nerves are also known as?
pelvic splanchnic nerves
Name the two places that pre-ganglionic sympathetic fibers can synapse.
in the sympathetic trunk or the collateral/prevertebral ganglion
There are no sympathetic ganglia in the ___ therefore most sympathetic fibers headed in that direction synapse at the highest cervical chain ganglion called the superior cervical ganglion (fusion of the upper four cervical ganglia).
Fibers that synapse at the superior cervical ganglion reach their targets by traveling along branches of this artery
carotid artery
Postganglionic sympathetic fibers innervating the thorax leave the cervical sympathetic chain called (3nerves)
superior, middle and inferior cardiac nerves which form the cardiopulmonary plexus just below the arch of the aorta; fibers pass from the plexus to the SA node of the heart to the bronchi and arteries of the lungs
Preganglionic sympathetic fibers from T5-10, 12 pass through the sympathetic chain and synapse on the collateral ganglia, they continue from the sympathetic chain as what nerves? What part of the body do these nerves innervate?
greater, lesser and least thoracic splanchnic nerves which pass inferiorly through the diaphragm and enter the abdominal cavity synapsing on collateral ganglia at the branch points of the celiac, renal sand superior mesenteric arteries. the postganglionic fibers from the ganglia travel along the branches of the respective artery
Prevertebral ganglia such as the inferior mesenteric and hypogastric ganglia receive preganglionic fibers from branches of the sympathetic trunk called ?
lumbar or sacral splanchnic nerves
The ___ ___ and ____ do not receive parasympathetic innervation.
body wall and extremities
The vagus nerve targets which organs in the thorax
heart and lungs and esophagus
The vagus nerve targets which organs in the abdomen?
derivatives of the embryonic foregut and midgut (intestinal tract up to the transverse colon)
The sympathetic presynaptic neurons synapse on about 20 post synaptic neurons, this give the sympathetic system the ability to ?
amplify its message, essential feature for a system that must react quickly in an emergency situation
The parasympathetic presynaptic neurons synapse with only one or two postsynaptic neurons which allow the system to do what?
have more precise control over the signal it sends
Sensory neurons in the dorsal root ganglia that travel with sympathetics carry _____ ____ while sensory neurons that travel with parasympathetics (vagus) carry information for _____
pain sensation (due to excessive distention or contraction of SM); reflexes (sensations such as hunger and nausea)
The thoracic duct enters the thorax how?
through the diaphragm by passing through the aortic hiatus, ascending on the the right side of the midline before shifting to the left side of the midline in the upper half of the thorax
The azygos vein ascends on the right side of the vertebral column receiving blood from the abdominal and thoracic walls, mainly through the ?
Posterior intercostal veins, also from the esophageal and bronchial veins
The azygos vein forms the azygos arch just superior to the ?
Hilus of the lung, where it turns from vertical to more anteriorly in order to drain into the superior vena cava
The accessory hemiazygos begins at the 4th or 5th intercostal veins and bends to ____ to join the azygos vein.
The hemiazygos crosses the body at ___ posterior to the aorta and esophagus to join the azygos vein.
The descending aorta has ____ and ___ branches to supply the body wall and he internal organs respectively.
parietal and visceral