1-B,C,D Skin and Superficial Fascia, Mammary Gland and Lymphatic System Flashcards
List other names that describe the superficial fascia
subcutanious tissue or tela subcutanea
The superficial fascia contains differing amounts of fat and _____ fibers that attach to the _______ and blend at a deeper level to the ________ fascia
collagen, dermis, investing
The term investing fascia describes what?
the outermost layer of fascia surrounding the skeletal muscle
Name the tissue that separates the lobules in the mammary gland.
coopers ligaments
Name an area where the superficial fascia is tighly bound to the deep fascia.
the palms
The breast is a ______ organ. (Describing the type of tissue it is made of)
T/F the base of the breast is circular
F- it has a lateral extension called the axillary tail
Name the two structures found at the apex of the breast
areola and nipple
Each lobe of the breast is connected to the nipple by a _____.
lactiferous duct
State the general fucntion fo the lymphatic system
recover plasma proteis that have escaped blood capillaries and return them to the blood- maintain osmotic equilibrium
Lymphatic capillaries are particularly abundant in the ____ (layer of skin) and the ___ and ____ of the digestive respiratory and genitourinary tracts. (layer below the epithelium)
dermis, mucosa and submucosa
Describe the consequences of lymph blockage
edema- fluid accumulates in the extracellular space
Valve, movement of adjacent structures and negative intrathroacic pressure are the three must important mechanisms in propelling_________ within its channels
Ducts deliver lymph to one or more _____ _______ before returning it to a vein
lymph node
Collecting ducts enventually form two major lymphatic ducts called:
right lymphatic duct and the thoracic duct
All lymph from the skin and subcutaneous tissue below the head and neck drain into the _______ or ________ nodes before entering the deep lymphatic vessels.
axillary, inguinal
Trace drainage pathways from the mammary gland
most lymphatic channels pass laterally to a series of axillary lymph nodes, while secondary routes pass medially to the parasternal nodes, superiorly to the supraclavicular nodes and inferiorly to the abdominal walls
Define regions drained by the inguinal node
any lymph below the umbilicus
As lymph drains, the last opportunity to remove antigens from the lymph before it enters the blood is at the ________ nodes AKA _______ nodes.
supraclavicular nodes/ sentinel nodes
What doe spinal nerves innervate? PNS or CNS?
the body wall of the trunk and the limbs (PNS)
What do the cranial nerves innervate?
head in the adult and the structures that developed in the embryonic head (PNS)
What do splanchinic nerves innervate?
smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and internal glands (PNS)
Define ganglia
collections of sensory or motor nerve cell bodies (PNS)
All deep fascia is found deep to the _______ , tissue which covers underlying bones and muscles
Investing fascia covers what internal structures (generally)?
mucle and bone
As a general rule, any nerve that is superficial to the investing fascia will contain only sensory and ______ nerve fibers
In many locations, extensions of the investing fascia pass inward to the bones form _____ ____ which divide muscles into groups.
intermuscular septa
Deep fascia also encloses individual muscles in a layer called the _____