The Anterior Wall Of Abdomen consists of how many pairs muscles?
5 pairs;
Five on either side of Midline
3 Flat Muscles
2 Vertical Muscles
Name the three flat muscles of Anterior Wall Of Abdomen
- External Oblique
- Internal Oblique
- Transversus Abdominis
Name the 2 vertical muscles of anterior wall of abdomen
- Rectus Abdominis
2. Pyramidalis
All muscles of anterior abdominal wall are large muscles except?
Pyramidalis, which is triangular in shape
The structures derived from flat muscles are
- Inguinal ligament.
- Conjoint tendon.
- Cremaster muscle.
What is Inguinal Ligament
It is the lower-free border of external oblique aponeurosis stretching between anterior superior iliac spine and pubic tubercle
Conjoint Tendon is also known as?
Falx Inguinalis
Conjoint Tendon is formed by?
The fusion of lower aponeurotic fibres of
internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles which arches over the spermatic cord and is attached on to the pubic crest and medial part of the pectineal line
The Cremaster Muscle consists of
The cremaster muscle consists of a series of loops of skeletal muscle fibres joined by loose areolar tissue, the cremaster fascia.
The loops of cremaster muscle and fascia covers the
The spermatic cord and testis.
The Contraction of cremaster muscles leads to
Pulls the testis up toward the superficial inguinal ring, which helps to plug the superficial inguinal ring.
What is rectus sheath
The rectus sheath is an aponeurotic sheath enclosing the rectus abdominis muscle (and pyramidalis muscle if present) on either side of the linea alba.
Rectus sheath is derived from?
From the aponeuroses of flat muscles
The Functions of Rectus sheath are
a) Checking the bowing of rectus abdominis muscle during its contraction and hence increasing its efficiency.
(b) Maintaining the strength of the anterior abdominal
Rectus sheath presents as
2 walls;
Anterior And Posterior Wall
The anterior wall of rectus sheath is
Complete and covers the entire muscle longitudinally
The posterior wall of rectus sheath is
Deficient and incomplete above and below
The Rectus Sheath contains
- Two muscles: Rectus abdominis and pyramidalis
- Two arteries: Superior epigastric and inferior epigastric.
- Two veins: Superior epigastric and inferior epigastric.
- Six nerves: Terminal parts of lower six thoracic nerves, including lower five intercostal nerves and subcostal nerve.