39 Radiculopathy, Neuropathy Flashcards
Roots that do not contain sensory nerve fibers ?
C1, Co1
Cervical herniations MC affect:
C7»_space; C6
Cervical spondylosis MC affects:
C5, C6
Cervical spondylosis:
60+ y/o, M>F (slight)
Lumbosacral radiculopathies MC affect:
L5, S1
Signs/symptoms associated with radiculopathies?
- sharp, electric, radiating pain; worsened by movements that stretch the nerve root
- Weakness/Atrophy: motor nerve fibers w/in myotome lost (1 root affected = one myotome lost)
- Paresthesias (sensory nerve fibers for dermatome are lost)
- Muscle Stretch Reflexes: ↓ ~ classic LMN disease finding
Cervical Maneuvers associated with cervical radiculopathy?
neck extension (best), neck rotation, Spurling’s Maneuver
Epidemiology of disc herniations?
Epidemiology of spondylosis?
50 yo
MC cause of cervical spondylosis?
myeloradiculopathy (Spinal Canal Stenosis)
**can present ~ALS from compression of CST
MC causes of lumbosacral spondylosis?
- neurogenic claudication (ambulation –> lower extremity pain/weakness)
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
What bone conditions/injuries contribute to radiculopathy? How?
- Trauma (younger patients ): causes spinal column instability = ↑risk of radiculopathy
- Bone Disease:
- osteoporosis/malacia
- Paget’s Disease
- AVN from pro-longed steroids (SLE) - Neoplastic
- constitutional symptoms (weight loss)
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
Imaging for dx of radiculopathy?
greater contrast sensitivity + Gadolinium Contrast allows det scar tissue vs. disk protrusion
Function of EDX?
confirms clinical diagnosis from History and Physical
EDX assesses:
- sensory/motor nerves
- muscle fibers
- demyelination + axon loss
- location of d/o
- severity/prognosis
- diagnosis
Conservative trx for radiculopathy?
- *most improve w/in 6 weeks
- AVOID Bed Rest: be as routine as possible
- PT
- Rx: pain, steroids, nerve blockers
Features of polyneuropathy?
symmetric/distal weakness in glove/stocking pattern
Features of Mononeuritis?
weakness + sensory loss in nerve’s distribution pattern (myotome/dermatome)
Features of Mononeuritis complex?
multiple myotomes/dermatomes involved
Findings of plexopathies (LMN Disease)?
- ↓reflex
- ↓conduction velocity
- denervation/↓# motor units on EMG
Muscle biopsy in plexopathies (LMN Disease)?
atrophic fibers + fiber type grouping