3.8.3 Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air Flashcards
LCO 3.8.3 The diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and starting air subsystem shall be within the limits for each required diesel generator.
When associated DG is required to be OPERABLE.
A. One or more DGs with fuel level ? % indicated fuel level
and >?? % indicated fuel level in storage tank
A. One or more DGs with fuel level <80% indicated fuel level
and >71% indicated fuel level in storage tank
A.1 Restore fuel oil level to within limits (48 hours)
B. One or more DGs with lube oil inventory ? % and > ?? % visible in the sight glass.
B. One or more DGs with lube oil inventory <2.5 % and >1% visible in the sight glass.
B.1 Restore lube oil inventory to within limits (48 hours)
C. One or more DGs with fuel oil total particulates not within limits
C.1 Restore fuel oil total particulates to within limits. (7 Days)
D. One or more DGs with new fuel oil properties not within limits
D.1 Restore stored fuel oil properties to within limits (48 hours)
E. One or more DGs with a required starting air receiver pressure ? psig and >?? psig
E. One or more DGs with a required starting air receiver pressure
<230 psig and >185 psig
E.1 Restore starting air pressure to > 230 psig (48 hours)
F. Required Action and associated completion time not met
Note: should the required starting air receiver pressure momentarily drop to
<185 psig when starting the DG on one air receiver only, then entry into
condition F is not required.
One or more DGs with diesel fuel oil, lube oil, or starting air subsystem inoperable for reasons other than condition A, B, C, D, or E.
F.1 Declare the associated DG inoperable (Immediately)