3710.1 Flashcards
Who can authorize further flight away from home station with no cosmetic or structural damage?
What % of total Fixed Wing flight hours are dedicated to training?
What % of Rotary Wing flight outs are dedicated to training?
Who acts as the senior member of the Unit Safety and Health Committee?
Who acts as the president of the unit permanent mishap board?
Who monitors flight proficiency and training of all assigned crew members?
Who assigns flight pay system managers ?
Who acts as a Member of the unit safety board and permanent mishap board and advises the CO on matters of flight safety.
Flight Safety Officer
Who acts as the liaison between the enlisted workforce and command cadre
Who supervises the Flight Examining and Flight Standards boards?
Who maintains weight and balance records
Flight Services
Who establishes programs for fuel and oil contamination prevention, FOD, and corrosion control?
Who is responsible to the CO for the mx of aircraft, GSE, and facilities?
Who is QA responsible to?
Who establishes qualification requirements for QA inspectors and maintains a record of all designated inspectors?
QA Officer
Who DIRECTS preventative and corrective maintenance of aircraft?
MX Officer
Who Plans, Schedules, and controls all phases of maintenance?
MX Officer
Who is responsible for maintaining all ground equipment, conducting FOD prevention, MANAGES the fuel facilities, and coordinating training of personnel in evolved in ground handling?
MX Officer
Who is the MX Officer responsible to?
Who serves as the SENIOR enlisted advisor for the AEO?
Who oversees flight orders, flight pay, and operational/technical qualifications for enlisted personnel?
Who does the LCPO report to?
Who administers programs for maintenance and repair of buildings, grounds, boats, and vehicles?
Facilities Engineering Officer
What is considered the Red Zone for reverse cycle ops?
How many days of reverse cycle ops to adapt?
4 days
How often do rotary wing aircrew undergo Underwater Egress Training (dunker)?
75 months
Max weekly flight hours?
50hrs within 7days
A crew member may remain in a duty status indefinitely as long as they have not exceed _______
An average of 4 flight hours a day
How many types of Low Pressure/ Hypoxia trainers?
3 : LPC / MHT / NHT
How many days after reporting to unit for SWET training?
60 days
What are the semi-annual training periods?
Who recommends a member for instructor qual?
Operations Officer
After STAN check, how long before written test due?
Who is in charge of the fuel farm?
MX Officer
Who is responsible for maintaining shelf life limits?
Quality Assurance Officer
Who is responsible for tracking Unit training on egress?
Operations Officer
Who supervises and administers the unit safety program?
When giving blood how long are you grounded for 200 cc or more?
3 days (72 hrs.)
When giving blood how long are you grounded for 500 cc or more?
7 days
Who provides approval to scuttle an aircraft?
Who is responsible for calibrating equipment at a unit?
Maintenance Officer
Who can authorize a test flight to be completed after sunset?
Commanding Officer
What determines the rating of crane required to lift an aircraft?
50% greater than max gross weight
What is the minimum number of people required to taxi in a confined space?
2 safety observers minimum
What is the rated capacity of a crane to salvage an aircraft?
50% greater than max gross weight
What is the first step in a salvage operation?
Keep the aircraft from sinking
What flag is flown in the port aft corner of a ship if it is fuel capable?
Hotel (H)
What liquid is used for composite material containment during a salvage operation?
Liquid floor wax, spray lacquer, poly primer, and light oil
An aircraft lands with minor damage, who can authorize it to fly?
Commanding Officer
An aircraft lands with major damage, who can authorize it to fly?
CG-711 with technical concurrence from CG-41
What form is CG-5285?
USCG Training record
Who reports to the C O about aircrew stan check, aircrew performance, etc?
Flight standard board, Standardization Officer
What happens when you fail a stan check?
When you fly for eight hours, how much bed rest is required?
8 hours
Hazardous cargo carried in a C G aircraft must comply with what regulations?
AFMAN 24-204
What is considered an operations and emergency bill?
Fire, field crash, water crash, SAR, Disaster control, Communications, Hurricane, Pre-mishap plan, Recovery and salvage
Who authorizes repair to hoisting cables for helicopters?
Where would you find watch standing procedures?
Unit organization Manual, the third chapter
When a member takes a flight while on leave, how much of their minimum recurrent training can be counted?
Who has overall responsibility of precision tools?
Maintenance Officer
Who is responsible for procurement, custody, issue, and condition of all general and special tools required by the Aeronautical Engineering Department?
Aviation Materiel Officer
What is composed of experienced Aircraft Commanders, Instructor Pilots, Flight Examiners, the flight safety Officer, and enlisted flight crew members established at the Unit?
Flight standard board (FSB)
Who acts as senior member of the unit safety and Health Committee?
Executive Officer
How often is physiology training required?
Who would a member report mental instability to if they are unable to perform flight duties?
Commanding Officer
How long are Aircrew Syllabus and check rides sheet maintained?
4 years
Who is the release authority for aircraft that has suspected major structural damage?
What is the lowest authority to schedule flights?
Operations Officer
Who can authorize an unscheduled flight?
Commanding Officer
The M A A works for who?
How often is OPS Hazard training given?
Within 60 days on initial assignment at the Unit and annually thereafter
When does semiannual recurrent training begin?
First of January and the first of July
What is the start/stop date for annual recurrent training?
1 January to 31 December
Annual requirement may be extended to the end of the 15th calendar month with what?
Commanding Officer approval
What types of board is composed of experienced pilots and enlisted flight crewmembers?
Flight Standards Board (FSB)
How are the crew listed on part II of the CG 4377?
Names and the last four number of the Social Security
How long after a crewmember stops flying will their qualifications in the type aircraft lapse?
12 months
Who is responsible for aircraft inventory of an aircraft to be transferred?
Aviation Materiel Officer
Who is responsible for maintaining firefighting and crash rescue equipment at a unit?
Facilities Engineering Officer
If you have an Aircrew member on flight orders and they want to take themselves out because of mental/personal problems, who must be notified?
What is the manual for maintaining aircrew qualifications?
What is the required off-duty time for 8 hours of flight time?
Must allow a minimum of 8 hours of bed rest
How often is egress training required?
Who can authorize further flight with major damages?
Who can authorize minor flights with minor damages?
Must have a standardization every how many months?
12 months, except pilots in DIFPRO assignments
How long are check rides sheet and syllabus kept?
4 years
What is recommended for containment of composite material after a mishap?
Cover helicopter parts containing exposed composite with polyethylene sheeting, taping securely
What is required if you wear prescription eyewear during flight operations?
Shall wear them during flight operations and have a backup set readily available
Who aids the operations officer in keeping the 4377 Part II?
Flight Services Officer
How long should a rescue swimmer keep records?
Shall be maintained for a minimum of 18 months
Which manual contains information regarding training for Non-aircrew?
Who maintains personal Training Records?
How long is a Rescue Swimmer Syllabus maintained?
18 months
How long is the Rescue swimmer Stan check maintained?
Length of carrier
Who approves Syllabi?
Who can waive a PT test for a Rescue Swimmer that is on leave for 30+ days?
When can minimums be prorated if you are on emergency leave?
More than 30 days
How many instruction for semiannual mins are required for an instructor?
At least 3
How many secure voice OPS are required for an MSO?
2 secure coms and 2 of everything else
How many EP’s are required for a FM to complete for semi-annual mins?
2 hoist and 1 swimmer
How often must a BH hoist?
Once per semi-annual period
Which Officer is responsible for flags for dignitaries?
Navigations Officer
Which Officer is responsible for storing Cryptographic gear?
Communications Officer
How many flight hours is an AMS required to have in rotary wing to receive wings?
How many flight hours is an AMS required to have in fixed wing to receive wings?
Which department is responsible for the calibration of tools?
Engineering Department
Which manual is used to rescind aircrew wing?