13020 Flashcards
How many days to release a salvage report / lesson learned message?
30 Days
How far out budget for Support Equipment planned?
3 years
Who is responsible for aircraft salvage?
The unit
Who funds unusual costs associated with salvage operations?
What is the ideal NMCT%
Who can request a functional check?
Engineering Officer
Can LCF parts get extensions?
(Low Cycle Fatique)
NO Extensions
How long can you extend a MSR?
(Mandatory Special Requirement)
Shall not be extended
Can you extend ACMS?
Yes, may be extended as listed in the MDL
Where are personnel allocations communicated to the units?
What is used when PRIME UNIT is prototyping equipment to add and remove components to the plane?
What is maintenance effectiveness?
Capability to maintain equipment in operational status and configuration.
Maintenance release personnel are designated in writing in accordance with what manual?
Commandants Instructions M1320.1G
Who is in charge of finances and expenditures?
Engineering Officer
Who oversees sparing levels?
Engineering Officer
Who manages Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)?
Engineering Services Division (E S D) at A L C
Who authorizes prototype installation on aircraft?
Commandant CG 41
Who can authorize an outside vendor to perform depot maintenance?
Commanding Officer at A L C
Who is responsible for the recovery and salvage of Coast Guard aircraft?
Commanding Officer
Who authorizes avionics change that doesn’t affect form fit or function at P D M?
Commanding Officer at A L C
Who authorizes the changing of avionics at Air Station Washington?
Commanding Officer at Air Station Washington
What must be done when changing parts that may significantly alter the Basic Aircraft Center of Gravity?
Notify Weight and Balance Officer and complete a new Weight and Balance Form DD FORM 365-4 prior to flight.
Who has the final approving authority for AFC-30 funds at a Unit?
Commanding Officer
What is the lead time for procuring/researching Ground Support Equipment (GSE)?
3 Years
What is the extension limit for Mandatory Special Requirement (MSR)?
No extension
What manual is the M13020?
Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Manual
What manual lists the minimum classes of maintenance?
13020.1 Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Manual
Who reviews the salvage plan?
CG-41 is the Manager.
How often is the salvage plan reviewed?
Who pays for extra or unusual costs associated with aircraft salvage?
Who is ultimately responsible for aircraft salvage?
The Unit Commanding Officer of the aircraft being salvaged.
How long does a Unit have to ship 265 materials to A L C?
15 days
How are flammable lockers labeled?
Flammable keep fire away.
What type of fire bottle is used to replace Halon extinguisher?
Dry Chemical type-150
How often are Hobart Power cords inspected?
How often must Hobart power cords be replaced?
60 months (5 years)
How is the number of mobile GSE a unit can have determined?
Determined by the number of aircraft at the unit.
How long is mobile GSE supposed to last?
10 years
What color are machinery stops painted?
For what period would you submit a memorandum for discrepancies found on an aircraft received out of overhaul?
14 Days
What section of a TCTO deals with the disposition of Kits, Parts, and Materials?
What is required – part 6 CGTO 85-00-40-A
How long do you have to install changes in a manual?
5 working days
What are the two types of aircraft inspection?
Routine and Special
What do you do with a CAMI when it has served its purpose?
Canceled and filed for 6 months after completion date.
Who signs engine run letters?
Commanding Officer
What is required for an enlisted crewmember to run aircraft engines?
Qualified in aircraft type and designated in writing by the Commanding Officer.