13020 Flashcards
How many days to release a salvage report / lesson learned message?
30 Days
How far out budget for Support Equipment planned?
3 years
Who is responsible for aircraft salvage?
The unit
Who funds unusual costs associated with salvage operations?
What is the ideal NMCT%
Who can request a functional check?
Engineering Officer
Can LCF parts get extensions?
(Low Cycle Fatique)
NO Extensions
How long can you extend a MSR?
(Mandatory Special Requirement)
Shall not be extended
Can you extend ACMS?
Yes, may be extended as listed in the MDL
Where are personnel allocations communicated to the units?
What is used when PRIME UNIT is prototyping equipment to add and remove components to the plane?
What is maintenance effectiveness?
Capability to maintain equipment in operational status and configuration.
Maintenance release personnel are designated in writing in accordance with what manual?
Commandants Instructions M1320.1G
Who is in charge of finances and expenditures?
Engineering Officer
Who oversees sparing levels?
Engineering Officer
Who manages Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)?
Engineering Services Division (E S D) at A L C
Who authorizes prototype installation on aircraft?
Commandant CG 41
Who can authorize an outside vendor to perform depot maintenance?
Commanding Officer at A L C
Who is responsible for the recovery and salvage of Coast Guard aircraft?
Commanding Officer
Who authorizes avionics change that doesn’t affect form fit or function at P D M?
Commanding Officer at A L C
Who authorizes the changing of avionics at Air Station Washington?
Commanding Officer at Air Station Washington
What must be done when changing parts that may significantly alter the Basic Aircraft Center of Gravity?
Notify Weight and Balance Officer and complete a new Weight and Balance Form DD FORM 365-4 prior to flight.
Who has the final approving authority for AFC-30 funds at a Unit?
Commanding Officer
What is the lead time for procuring/researching Ground Support Equipment (GSE)?
3 Years
What is the extension limit for Mandatory Special Requirement (MSR)?
No extension
What manual is the M13020?
Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Manual
What manual lists the minimum classes of maintenance?
13020.1 Aeronautical Engineering Maintenance Manual
Who reviews the salvage plan?
CG-41 is the Manager.
How often is the salvage plan reviewed?
Who pays for extra or unusual costs associated with aircraft salvage?
Who is ultimately responsible for aircraft salvage?
The Unit Commanding Officer of the aircraft being salvaged.
How long does a Unit have to ship 265 materials to A L C?
15 days
How are flammable lockers labeled?
Flammable keep fire away.
What type of fire bottle is used to replace Halon extinguisher?
Dry Chemical type-150
How often are Hobart Power cords inspected?
How often must Hobart power cords be replaced?
60 months (5 years)
How is the number of mobile GSE a unit can have determined?
Determined by the number of aircraft at the unit.
How long is mobile GSE supposed to last?
10 years
What color are machinery stops painted?
For what period would you submit a memorandum for discrepancies found on an aircraft received out of overhaul?
14 Days
What section of a TCTO deals with the disposition of Kits, Parts, and Materials?
What is required – part 6 CGTO 85-00-40-A
How long do you have to install changes in a manual?
5 working days
What are the two types of aircraft inspection?
Routine and Special
What do you do with a CAMI when it has served its purpose?
Canceled and filed for 6 months after completion date.
Who signs engine run letters?
Commanding Officer
What is required for an enlisted crewmember to run aircraft engines?
Qualified in aircraft type and designated in writing by the Commanding Officer.
What form is not kept in an aircraft logbook?
AFTO 820
What funds are used for GSE not on the authorized issued list?
Unit or district AFC-30 funds M7100.3
What professional standards must tools meet?
Society Aeronautical Engineers (SAE) Aerospace Standards
How often is the Aviation Gas Free Engineering Technician (AGFET) required rectification?
Who publishes Coast Guard T.O.’s?
Chief of Aeronautical Engineering Division, Office of Engineering Logistic and Development, U.S. Coast Guard.
How much time do you have to transfer TYPE 1 material upon receiving the message?
24 hours
Before you can QEC an engine shipped from a commercial source, what must be sent?
TYPE 1 receipt message.
How is Ground Support Equipment (GSE) tracked?
Mandatory Special Requirement (MSR) PG-85-00-10-A pg. 1-3
How is Support Equipment (SE) tracked?
Special Requirement (SR) PG-85-00-10-A pg. 1-3
What must be done with overdue Mandatory Special Requirements (MSR)?
Shall be removed from service until the required inspection is completed.
What is used to disseminate technical aeronautical information for the operation and maintenance of USCG aircraft?
Technical Orders (T.O.)
How often is a fire extinguisher visually inspected and tags updated?
Flight Line fire extinguisher requirements shall be in accordance with what manual?
Ground Servicing of Aircraft and Static Grounding/Bonding AFTO 00-25-172
If an oil sample is due to be taken at 13,460 hours, how early can the sample be taken?
Up to 10% early
What aircraft uses the OPNAV form 4790 series for transfer?
H-65, H-60 and HU-25
Discrepancies noted on an aircraft received from PDM will be reported for how long after receipt?
The first 14 Days
What determines the type and amount of tow tractor assigned to an air station?
Type of aircraft assigned and special environmental conditions.
When signing off a discrepancy using an MPC card, what will be entered in the man hours block of the 4377?
A change to an ACMS card will generate what?
What is the maximum extension of a life-limited part?
No extension
How can a station stock be changed to increase the number of parts on board?
With an AMMIS allowance change request.
Who monitors and measures the air station’s effectiveness of their maintenance efforts?
Engineering Officer
Who is the minimum authority for suspending ACMS?
The C.O. at A.L.C.
How are commercial publications not supplied by ALC ordered?
What is the maximum number of days corrosion squawks can be left open?
30 days unless deployed or EO approval.
How often is the Aviation Gas Free Engineering Technician (AGFET) required re-certification?
What vessel is considered adequate for recovering HH-60?
Polar class Ice Breaker
How long can you extend an MSR?
Who provides final approval on MPC’s?
Who is responsible for reviewing, updating, and changing MPC’s?
Prime Unit
What manual would you find minimum lighting requirements for shop spaces?
IESNA Lighting Handbook, Ninth Edition, and ANSI-industrial Lighting RP-7.
What manual is used to fill out the Aircraft Missile Condition Report AFTO 103 form?
AFTO 00-25-4
In case of a conflict, which publication is used?
ACMS, Coast Guard T.O., Air Force T.O., Nav Air, Commercial
How often is the salvage plan updated?
Who would approve a performance modification to an aircraft?
Appropriate Technical Authority at A L C and approve via the ACCB process.
Within how many days is a salvage report due?
Within 30 days of occurrence.
How do you procure manuals from commercial sources?
Which form is not required in an aircraft logbook?
A F T O 290, A F T O 781J, A F T O 103, Config Report, O P N A V -4790 104, 110, 111, 112
What manual is used for minimum fuel surveillance?
If photos or sketches are attached to a UR, how are they marked?
UR number and Station
Who authorizes changes to an aircraft?
Must be reviewed by the appropriate technical authority at ALC and approved via the ACCB process.
What type of Functional Check will not affect safety of flight?
Flight V
Which of the following does not require a test flight?
H-65 Main Rotor Blade Fold and HC-130 Maintenance to no more than 1 engine.
Who can waive a test flight for flight controls?
C O if it is only the removal and reinstallation of common connecting hardware without a resulting change in adjustment and/or alignment.
How many days of occurrence do you have to file a salvage plan?
30 days
What is the ATA code for electrical?
Who is the lowest-ranking person to sign as investigating official on a UR?
Petty Officer E-4 designated by the EO
When is a complete test flight required?
Prior to delivery from P D M, after completion of major structural work, after extended aircraft storage, and at the discretion of the Engineering Officer.
Who do you submit proposals for changes to aircraft?
Prime Unit
What items can you get extension on?
Extension beyond those listed in the MDL must be approved by the appropriate Product Line Engineering Cell Leader.
What is an Urgent PQDR sent to?
Category 1 = when the quality deficiency may cause death, injury, or severe occupational illness.
PQDR on failed items are not turned over to a contractor’s representative without approval from whom?
ALC Tech Services
What manual lists specific recovery techniques for a specific aircraft?
Appropriate aircraft Maintenance Manual
What report is used by CG-41 to view operational readiness?
Which directives list the allowances for Units Commandants Instruction Manuals?
Who must approve extension intervals for MDL?
Appropriate Product Line Engineering Cell Leader at ALC
What is the lowest level allowed to suspend ACMS?
C O at ALC
What are tenant sweeper ACMS?
Mandatory Special Requirement (SR) PG-85-00-10-A pg. 1-3
No modification or changes to the aircraft without authorization from?
Must be reviewed by the appropriate technical authority at ALC and approved via the ACCB process.
No in-flight testing of aircraft modifications will be conducted without authorization from?
Recovery and salvage of Coast Guard aircraft is the responsibility of the ______ of the Unit to which the aircraft is permanently assigned.
What manual do you find Test flight information?
Commandants Instructions 13020.1
What funds pay for Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) that is part of the aircraft configuration?
What funds are for Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) that is for personal or deployable?
A written report of a salvage/recovery scenario will be submitted to Commandant (CG-41) within ______ days of occurrence.
Who is responsible for providing approval for unusual funding requirements in connection with a recovery/salvage operation?
During aircraft transfer, what form is used to log aircraft shortages?
OPNAV 4790/112
What form is used to track cannibalization?
All cannibalizations will be recorded in the Electronic Asset Logbook (E A L) as a maintenance record entry.
Who designates CPA?
Engineering Officer for one year
Who authorizes changes made to MPC’s?