37 Developmental Diseases of the Nervous system Flashcards
Common hereditary disease in which skin, nervous system, bones and endocrine glands and sometimes other organs are the sites of a variety of congenital abnormalities, often taking the form of benign tumors
Neurofibromatosis of von Recklinghausen
Mutation in NF
located near centromere on chrom 17 neurofibromin p.1046
Main feature in bilateral acoustic nerve neuromas (NF)
Mutation in Merlin Gene (Schwannomin) p.1046
Pathogenesis in NF
allows low grade ectodermal cell proliferation without tumor transformation p.1046
Cellular elements derived from NEURAL CREST cells
Schwann cells, melanocytes, endoneurial fibroblasts, natural components of skin and nerves (p.1046)
Classic or Peripheral NF
NF type 1
Acoustic or Central NF
NF 2
Axillary and integumentary freckling seen in NF 1
Crowe sign p.1064
Generally 6 or more of > 5mm diameter prepubertal and >15mm postpubertal
Café-au-lait spots
Hamartomas of the iris
Lisch Nodules
Pathognomonic of NF
Freckle-like or diffuse pigmentation of the axillae and other intertriginous areas (groin, under the breast) and small round, whitish spots couple ld with cafe-au-lait (p.1047)
Principal feature of NF
Multiple cutanoeus and subcutaneous tumors in late childhood and early adolescence
Cutaneous tumors situated in the dermis and form discrete soft or firm papules varying in size from few mm to cm or more
Molluscum fibrosum
The phenomenon useful in distinguishing the lesion of NF from other skin tumors (lipomas), when pressed soft tumors tend to invaginate
Overgrowth of subcutaneous tissue reaching enormous size in NF
Plexiform neuromas (p.1047)
Rare disease of multiple symmetrical lipomatosis with axonal polyneuropathy
Launois-Bensaude disease p.1047
Headache, hydrocephalus, tors involving the optic pathways, meningiomas, gliomas, malignant peripheral tumors
Pain in NF1
related to malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor p.1048
Percentage of learning difficulty, developmental disorder and hyperactivity
40% of patients with NF 1 p.1048
Incidence of seizures _____times more common in NF
What is the protein content in CSF of neonates with congenital toxoplasmosis?
range of 100 to 400 mg/dL p.1066
Infections with cerebral calcifications
Toxoplasmosis, CMV, rubella p.1063
infection with early signs of lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, failure to thrive, oral candidiasis and parotitis?
Congenital HIV infectiob p.1065
The most reliable means if diagnosis of Congenital Toxoplasmosis
IgM indirect fluorescent antibody test p.1066 (performed on umbilical cord blood)
A negative VDRL reaction excludes congenital syphillis
FALSE p.1066
The classic Hutchinson triad is seen in this infection
Congenital neurosyphillis (Dental deformities, interstitial keratitis and bilateral deafness) p.1066