34 Cerebrovascular Disease Flashcards
An arteriopathy producing deep blue-red skin lesions of livedo reticularis and livedo racemosa in association with multiple ischemic strokes. Not all with high titers of Antiphospholipid antibodies
Sneddon syndrome (p 872)
Definitive therapy for APAS
Warfarin (p872)
These are serious diseases of the small blood vessels combined with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia characterized by widespread occlusions of arterioles and capilliaries involving practically all organs of the body
TTP, Moschcowitz syndrome (p873)
Rarer familiar form, deficiency of ADAMTS13
The Upshaw-Shulman syndrome (p837)
Sporadic TTP is caused by an acquired circulating iGg inhibitor of the Von Willebrand factor cleaving protease
ADAMTS13 : A Disentegrin and Metalloproteinase with thrombospondin type 1 motif, member 13 (p873)
Main features of TTP
Fever, anemia, symptoms of renal and hepatic disease (p.873)
Neurologic features of TTP
Confusion, delirium, seizures, hemiparesis, nonconvulsive status epilepticus (p873)
Overlap among TTP and HUS
Toxemia of preganancy
Hemolytic anemina with elevated Liver Function test and plt count (HELLP)
Hypertensive encephalopathy
A myeloproliferative disorder of unknown cause, characterized by a marked increase in RBC mass and in blood volume and often by increase in WBCs and Platelets
Polycythemia Vera (p.873)
The slightly increased incidence of thrombosis in primary polycythemia is attributed to
High blood viscocity
Engorgement of vessels
Reduced rate of blood flow
This inherited disease is related to the presence of the abnormal hemoglobin S In the red corpuscles
Sickle cell disease (p.873)
This disease js practically limited to persons of central African and certain Mediterranean origins
Sickle cell disease (p.874)
Begins in early life and is characterized by “crises” of infection particularly (pneumococcal meningitis), pain in the limbs and abdomen, chronic leg ulcers and infarctions of bones and visceral organs
Sickle cell disease (p.874)
To reduce risk of stroke in sickle cell anemia
In stroke prevention trial, risk of first stroke was reduced by 90%
Exchange transfusions
Monitoring if velocities if flow in the MCA by transcranial Doppler examination (p.874)