3.6 Flashcards
Survival and Response
What are taxis and kinesis
-simple responses that enable mobile organisms to stay in a favourable environment
taxis = directional response to stimuli
-kinesis = non-directional response to stimuli
-changes speed of movement and the frequency of changes in direction
-e.g. organism moves from an area of beneficial stimuli to an area with harmful stimuli
-increases frequency of directional changes = quickly returns to favourable conditions
-surrounded by negative stimuli = decreased frequency of turns = moves in a relatively straight line =
-moves towards favourable stimulus or away from an unfavourable stimulus
-positive taxis = moving towards stimulus
-negative taxis = moving away from stimulus
Why do organisms respond to changes in their environment
Organisms must respond to changes in their environment in order to survive, so that they can:
-find favourable conditions for living
-find food
-avoid being eaten (predation)
-prevents extinction
-stimulus being detected by a receptor cell
There are different types of receptors
-some receptors produce electrical activity in nerve cells in response to stimuli
-others secrete substances in response to stimuli
-nerve impulses sent by receptor cells travel to a coordinator (brain/spinal cord)
-impulse is conducted to the specific effector to produce the appropriate response
-stimulus: sudden movement by a crow is detected by the receptors in the robin’s eye
-receptor cells send an impulse along the nerves to the brain (coordinator)
-brain sends an impulse to the wing muscles (effectors) of the red robin so it can fly away (response)
protective effect of a simple reflex
Define tropism and growth factors
effect of different concentrations of indoleacetic acid (IAA) on cell elongation in the roots and shoots of flowering plants as an explanation of gravitropism and phototropism in flowering plants.
Tropism: plants respond to stimuli via growth
Growth factors:
-IAA is a type of auxin
-controls cell elongation in shoots
-inhibits growth of cells in roots
-made in tips of roots and shoots but can diffuse to other cells
Positive phototropism = plant bends towards light as it’s needed for LDR (photosynthesis)
-shoot tip cells produces IAA, causing cell elongation
-IAA diffuses to other cells and towards the shaded side of the shoot, to increase IAA concentration on that side
-anchors plant deep in the soil
-high IAA concentration inhibits cell elongation
-cells elongate more on the lighter side
-root bends away from the light
-IAA diffuses from upper side to lower side of a shoot
-if plant is on its side, the shoot bends upwards = negative gravitropism
-vertical plant = cell elongation = plant grows upwards
-IAA moves to the lower side of roots
-upper side elongates = root bends towards gravity = positive gravitropism
basic structure of a Pacinian corpuscle.
-not a separate cell, as they are found at the ends of sensory neurone axons
-made of many layers of membrane separated by a gel
-gel between the layers contains positively charged sodium ions (Na+)
-the section of axon surrounded by layers of membrane contains stretch-mediated sodium ion channels
- these open when sufficient pressure is applied
how does deformation of stretch-mediated sodium ion channels in a Pacinian corpuscle leads to the establishment of a generator potential.
-an excess of positively charged sodium ions surrounds the axon
-pressure is exerted on the Pacinian corpuscle
-the layers of membrane become distorted and the stretch-mediated sodium channels in the axon membrane open
-sodium ions enter the axon via facilitated diffusion
-changes the electrical potential difference across the membrane
-leads to depolarisation when a threshold exceeded
-establishes a generator potential
-the generator potential triggers impulses (action potentials) that travel along the sensory neurone to the central nervous system
What are Pacinian corpuscles
-receptors that respond to changes in pressure
-are present in the skin of fingers, soles of the feet, joints, tendons and ligaments
-stimulating these receptors with excess pressure on skin leads to a generator potential
Function of:
optic nerve
transparent layer that retracts light as it enters eye
contains light receptors
-rods: detect light intensity
-cones: detect colour
controls how much light enters pupil
optic nerve
sensory neurone that carries impulses between the eye and brain
hole that allows light to enter the eye
transparent disc that can change shape to focus light onto retina
Rods, cones and distribution of photoreceptors
-process images in black and white
-to create a generator potential, the pigment of rod cells (rhodopsin) must be broken down by light energy
-can detect light in low intensity, due to retinal convergence (many rod cells connect to one sensory neurone)
-hence low visual acuity (brain cannot distinguish between separate light sources)
-spatial summation =threshold can be met in low light if enough pigment is broken down between multiple rods
-process images in colour
-iodopsin pigment can be red-sensitive, green-sensitive or blue-sensitive
-each absorbs different wavelengths of light
-APs can only be generated with enough light, as iodopsin only breaks down at high light intensities
-each cone cell connects to its own bipolar cell
-hence high visual acuity (brain can distinguish between separate light sources)
-no spatial summation
Distribution of rods/cones
-lens focuses light on the fovea, which receives the highest intensity of light
-most cones are located near the fovea
-rod cells are found further away
Cone cells provide higher visual acuity
-one cone cell synapses with a single bipolar cell
-one bipolar cell synapses with a single ganglion cell
-if two cones are stimulated to send an impulse the brain is able to interpret these as two different spots of light
-cone cells detect only one of three colours (red, green or blue) , so the brain will receive information about the colour of light detected by the stimulated cone cell and where this light is
-this is because the brain knows which bipolar cell connects to which cone cell
Rod cells provide lower visual acuity
-multiple rod cells synapse with a single bipolar cell
-multiple bipolar cells synapse with a single ganglion cell
-brain is not able to interpret which impulses are sent by specific rods
-if multiple rod cells connected to the same bipolar cell detect light, only one impulse from the bipolar cell is sent
-hence the brain receives a general, not specific, understanding of the fields of vision that are light or dark
what is summation and the benefit of it
There is a benefit to how the rods are connected to the optical nerve
Each rod is very sensitive to light however a single stimulated rod is unlikely to produce a large enough generator potential to stimulate the bipolar cell for the conduction of nerve impulses
When a group of rods are stimulated at the same time the combined generator potentials are sufficient to reach the threshold and stimulate the bipolar cell for the conduction of nerve impulses onwards towards the optic nerve
This additive effect of rods is known as summation
Summation produces a less sharp image but enables organisms to see in much dimmer light than cones allow
Nocturnal animals tend to have mostly or solely rods present in their eyes
Explain why the heart is considered myogenic
It contracts without any external stimulus
Outline how heart rate is controlled and coordinated
the roles of the autonomic nervous system and effectors in controlling heart rate.
-rate of cardiac muscle contraction is controlled by wave of electrical activity
-SAN is located in the wall of right atrium (known as pacemaker)
-AVN is located in the atria, near the border of the RV and LV
-bundle of His: collection of conducting tissue in the septum (middle) of the heart, divides into two conducting fibres (Purkyne tissue)
-SAN initiates a wave of depolarisation that causes the atria to contract
-impulses carried to AVN
-after a slight delay, the AVN is stimulated and passes the stimulation along the bundle of His
-delay means that the ventricles contract after the atria
-the bundle of His transmits wave of excitation along Purkinje fibres
-the Purkinje fibres spread around the ventricles and initiate the depolarisation of the ventricles from the apex (bottom) of the heart
-makes the ventricles contract and forces blood out of the pulmonary artery and aorta
-medulla oblongata controls heart rate via autonomic nervous system
-baroreceptors in wall of aorta and carotid artery are stretched due to high BP
-hence detects increased pressire
-more electrical impulses sent to medulla oblongata
-more impulses sent via parasympathetic nervous system to SAN to decrease frequency of electrical impulses
-lowered heart rate
-chemoreceptors in wall of aorta and carotid artery detect decreased pH
-more electrical impulses sent to medulla oblongata
-more impulses sent via sympathetic nervous system to SAN to increase frequency of electrical impulses
-increased heart rate to deliver blood to lungs rapidly to remove CO2
How does exercise affect control of heart rate?
-higher demand for O2
-chemoreceptors detect increase in CO2
-baroreceptors detect decrease in blood pressure
-more impulses sent to medulla oblongata
-more impulses sent to SAN via sympathetic nerve
-heart rate increases
Outline the role and location of chemoreceptors and baroreceptors
-detect oxygen concentration in the blood
-also sensitive to changes in pH (due to CO2 in blood reacting with water to form carbonic acid)
-indication of oxygen availability
-detect changes in blood pressure
-both types of receptors are found in the aorta and carotid arteries
Outline the structures of the three types of neurones
-Schwann cells wrap around axon to form myelin sheath (lipid)
-charged ions can’t pass through
-gaps between = nodes of Ranvier
sensory neurone has its cell body in the middle and has a dendron and axon
motor neurone has its cell body at the start and only has a long axon
Describe the two types of motor neurones
Somatic supplies skeletal muscle = under conscious control
Autonomic supplies cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, glands = under unconscious control
Define action potential
impulses or electrical charges that travel along the axon, due to changes in the membrane potentiakl along a neurone
Outline what happens during an action potential
stimuli causes Na+ ions to enter the start of the neurone
makes membrane potential less negative
if it reaches threshold (-50mV), Na+ channels open
therefore more Na+ ions diffuse into the neurone, therefore membrane potential becomes positive (depolarised)
the membrane potential reaches +40mV
then the Na+ channels close, the K+ channels open
therefore K+ ions diffuse out, therefore membrane potential becomes negative (repolarised)
too many K+ ions move out, so the membrane potential becomes more negative than normal (hyperpolarised, known as the refractory period)
-resting potential is achieved when it slowly begins to increase again
What affects action potentials
Properties of synapses
frequency of impulses
high frequency = larger stimuli
Low frequency = smaller stimuli
-AP/nerve impulse travels in one direction
-from pre to post
-pre-synaptic membrane has the neurotransmitter
-post-synaptic membrane has the receptors
filters out low level stimuli
-low level stimuli do not release enough neurotransmitter
-hence not enough Na+ ion channels open
-not enough Na+ ions enter postsynaptic neurone for threshold to be reached
-no AP produced
inhibitory synapses:
-normal synapses are excitatory (cause AP)
-inhibitory prevent action potential from occurring by making postsynaptic neurone hyperpolarised
Factors affecting speed of nervous impulses
-higher temp = higher kinetic energy
-faster rate of diffusion of ions
-enzymes involved in respiration also work faster, so more ATP produce
-more active transport in the Na+/K+ pump
-faster nerve impulse
Axon diameter
-wider diameter
-neurone less leakage of ions
-APs travel faster
-faster nerve impulse
-Schwann cells wrap around axon
-insulates axon preventing AP
-therefore AP only occurs in gaps – called node of Ranvier
-so AP jumps from node to node = saltatory conduction
-faster nerve impulse
What is a synapse
outline the stages of synaptic transmission
-connection between 2 different neurones
-sends nerve impulse across the synaptic cleft using neurotransmitters (e.g. acetylcholine)
-AP arrives in end of presynaptic neurone
-voltage-gated Ca2+ channels open
-Ca2+ ions enter presynaptic neurone
-causes vesicles containing neurotransmitter to move to presynaptic membrane
-vesicle binds to membrane releasing neurotransmitter into cleft
-neurotransmitter diffuses across cleft
-binds to complementary receptors on postsynaptic membrane
-Na+ channels open, Na+ ions enter
-if threshold is reached, AP occurs
To return to rest
-enzyme used to break down neurotransmitter
-e.g. acetylcholinesterase breaks down acetylcholine into ethanoic acid and choline
-diffuses back into presynaptic neurone
-ATP used to reform neurotransmitter into vesicle and actively transport Ca2+ ions out
Neuromuscular junctions
types of muscle
-basic structure = sarcomeres
-made up of actin and myosin
Actin is thin and has tropomysosin wrapped around it
Myosin is thick and has heads
when the sarcomere contracts the whole muscle contracts by the sliding filament mechanism
many sarcomeres = myofibril
many myofibrils = muscle fibre
surrounded by a membrane called sarcolemma (contains myofibrils, fluid called sarcoplasm and tubes called sarcoplasmic reticulum)
many muscle fibres = bundle
many bundles = whole muscle
Locations in a Sarcomere?
A band = location of myosin [no change in contraction]
I band = location between the myosin [shortens in contraction]
H zone = location between the actin [shortens in contraction]
Z line = end line of sarcomere [moves closer together in contraction]
Overall function of skeletal muscles?
-moves the body skeleton
-when the muscle contracts (shortens) the tendon pulls on joints causing movement
what occurs in Sliding Filament Mechanism?
-sarcomere shortens
-the myosin heads pull the actin inwards
-somatic motor neurone connects to the skeletal muscle via a neuro-muscular junction
-one motor neurone connects to a few muscle fibres = motor unit
(benefit = simultaneous muscle contraction and can control strength of contraction)
-releases acetylcholine that binds to complementary receptors on the muscle fibre membrane (sarcolemma)
-Na+ channels open, Na+ ions enter the muscle fibre causing depolarisation
-wave of depolarisation travels through sarcoplasmic reticulum
-causes release of Ca2+ ions into the sarcoplasm (fluid surrounding sarcomeres/myofibril)
-bind to troponin
-this moves the tropomyosin on the actin
-exposes binding sites on the actin
-myosin heads now bind to the actin (form actin-myosin cross bridge)
-a power stroke occurs, the myosin pulling the actin inwards
-ATP attaches to myosin head so it detaches
-ATP broken down by ATPase to release energy
-causes myosin head to go back to its original position
-so it reattaches, pulling the actin further inwards
Establishing resting potential
-sodium potassium pump pumps 3Na+ out and 2K+ in
-creates electrochemical gradient
-causes K+ ions to diffuse out (from high to low concentration)
-Na+ ions diffuse in (higher outside than in)
-cell membrane is more permeable to K+ ions than Na+, as there are more K+ ion channels,so more facilitated diffusions
-also some Na+ ion channels only open when the voltage is high enough, but K+ ion channels are always open
-70mV inside the neurone