3.5.3 Human Resources Flashcards
Define labour productivity.
- A measure of output per employee
How do you calculate labour productivity?
- Total output/ Average number of employees
Businesses aim to increase the level of labour productivity to improve competitiveness
Analyse labour productivity.
- Higher labour productivity, leads to lower labour cost per unit, improved efficency, creating a competitive edge
Define labour turnover.
- Measures the proportion of employees leaving a business during a specific time period
- Expressed as a %
What is the formula for labour turnover?
- Number of staff leaving/ Average number of staff X100
What can a rising rate of labour turn over cause?
Can signal internal human resource problems like:
- Poor management leading to workers loosing commitment
- A poor recruitment and selection approach leading to staff leaving soon after starting their job
- Low wage levels compared to those that could be earned elsewhere
What external factors can also cause a rise in labour turnover levels?
- A buoyant local economy where workers are attracted to employment opportunities elsewhere
- Improved transport links that provide an opportunity for workers to seek work across a wider geographical area
What are the problems & opportunities of high labour turnover?
- Increased recruitment and selection costs
- Increased induction and training costs
- Lower productivity levels as workers settle into new roles
- Workers with existing skills can be recruited to reduce the need for training
- New ideas & creativity introduced to the business
- New perspective & approaches to problem-solving can improve business performance
Define labour retention.
- Measures the proportion of employees remaining within a business during a specific time period
What is the formula for labour retention?
- Number of staff remaining/Average number of staff X100
A high level of labour retention means that few staff are leaving the business during a given period
Define absenteeism.
- The absenteeism rate is a measure of the proportion of staff were absent from work during a specific period of time (e.g. a day, week or month)
What problems can high levels of absenteeism cause for a business?
- Absence due to illness requires sick pay to be paid
- Hiring temporary staff to cover for those absent increases costs
- Output is likely to be temporarily reduced if staff are key to production process
- Other staff may become demotivated if they have to constantly cover for absent workers
- A wider culture of absenteeism may develop
What human resource strategies are there to improve employee performance
Offer financial rewards- e.g. Increased pay rates/ Profit share schemes- Paying workers more/sharing profits may increase commitment & effort, leading to higher output & productivity
If financial rewards are greater than those of other employers, staff are less likely to want to leave
Bonuses & commissions are only paid when they have been earned or if targets have been met- motivation -
Offering employees shares in a company- Rewarding senior executives & managers with shares may increase their commitment to achieving objectives
Employees who own shares in the business may work harder & take less time off as they have a financial stake in the success of the business
- Consultation involves managers obtaining the views of employees when making decisions
- Workers are likely to feel more involved within the business & may be less likely to take days off work or leave the business