34X Maneuvers Flashcards
EFB, Flight Plan, WDR, DUs
- Set up FD Pro with planned departure/approaches, company pages, etc…
Flight Plan
- Swap databases
- Flight Plan
- FPLN>INIT: Orig, dest, crz alt, departure, arrival
- FPLN>FUEL: ZFW, etc…
- PERF>DEP: Big “G”
- NAV (press for FMS dep, de-select for heading/vectors)
- Speed (V2, FMS)
- Heading (runway heading, or departure heading)
- Stab Trim
- Other PERF pages as necessary (climb speed restrictions, arrival data)
DU Setup
- DU 5 Departure setup: PERF>DEP, ROUTE>LEGS
- Big Map showing first fix, WXR, TFC, VSD, etc…
FCP XFR pushbutton to PF
Before Initial Takeoff
WDR entry
Press and verbalize “Autothrottle”
Box the CAS
Run Before Takeoff Checklist (see separate notecard)
Confirm runway heading on HSI
Before Takeoff Checklist
- Runway Position
- Flap
- Navigation briefing
- Flight Attendants
- Rudder trim indicator
- EICAS and Info
“Before takeoff checklist”
- Runway Position - “36L inside, 36L outside”, “36L inside, 36L outside”
- WDR “inside”, actual “outside”
- ensure WDR intersection or longer
- Flap - “2, 2”, “2, 2”
- PERF>DEP setting first
- EICAS flap indication
- Navigation briefing - “complete”, “complete”
- Flight Attendants - “Notified & acknowledged”
- FO responds
- look for READY flag
- Rudder trim indicator - “green”, “green”
- keep it simple - just verify rudder trim green
- EICAS and Info - “checked”, “checked”
- (checking EICAS msgs, INFO flag, communications flags)
“Before takeoff checklist complete”
Normal Takeoff (NADP2)
55%… then max (follow auto-throttles)
“Captain’s throttles” (no response)
Captain’s hand remains on thrust levers until V1
“80 knots, hold thrust normal”
“V1” - Captain’s hand off thrust levers
Pitch target marker, then flight director
(Sidestick trim = V2+10; no need to trim until accel ht)
“Positive rate”….”Gear up” Hand on throttles
400’ - verify/select lateral mode (If rwy hdg/vectors, request heading mode)
Autopilot above 400’ (1000 for check-ride?)
At 1000’ - verify VFLC, thrust mode = CLB (CLB at 1300’ in sim)
Passing F1 - “FLAP 1”…. “Flap 1”
Passing F0 - “FLAP 0, After takeoff checklist”
PM - “Flap 0”
“After T/O checklist”
Steps are silent
“After takeoff checklist complete”
Close-In (NADP 1) Special Takeoff Profile
Noise abatement procedure - used when directed by company pages
Differences from normal takeoff:
- Thrust reduction from takeoff (TO) power to climb (CLB) power occurs at 1500’
- Maintain airspeed until 3000’
- At 3000’, vertical mode changes to VFLC, and commands a pitch decrease for acceleration
- Retract flaps on speed (F1 - “Flap 1”, F0 - “Flap 0, after takeoff checklist”)
- If ATC cancels your altitude restriction, do NOT fire the VNAV, because it will cancel the NADP… that’s BAD!!!
- Instead, you must?
RNAV Approach (LPV)
Big nuggets
- FAF ALT = At (not At/Above)
- Arrivals - RNAV RWY 36L, WELET, enter, execute
- Sequence: move to from or extend CRS in (snowflake, Direct, spin crs… enter, execute)
- ROUTE>LEGS - FAF snowflake> CROSSING…> Change AT/ABOVE to AT… enter, execute
- Arrival Data - WAAS, LPV
- Ensure NAV SRC = FMS
Bug -
- SET VSPEEDS (Flap - 4, VREF+5 [or more if gusts >11])
- Baro (DA for LPV)
Brake - Use QRLL (-100: 6500M/8500L; -300: 7500M/9500L)
- Go-Around
- Threats
- FAF altitude set to “At” (not “At/Above”)
- Baro mins for LPV = DA
- FCP alt will be FAF
“Descent and Approach Checklists please”
- Downwind (or 20 nm from course): 210 kts, Flap 1 (LEAD with SPEED)
- Base/10nm from crs: 180; Flap 2 (LEAD with SPEED)
“Cleared Approach”
- AVA (When established, descending or level at FPTA - FAF ALT for LPV)
- 3-5 nm from FAF: “Man speed 137, Gear - Down, Flap - 4, Landing Checklist” (LEAD with SPEED)
On VGP - set missed approach altitude
“1000” - (PM) “Cleared to land” or “No landing clearance”
“Approaching minimums”
NLT mins - (C) “Approach Lights in Sight” … (F) “Approach Lights in Sight”
NLT 100’ - (C) “Runway in Sight” … (F) “Runway in Sight”2
Rejected takeoff (RTO)
**Most important **
- 80 knots call
- call tower
- Non- Normal ECL FIRST, then
- RTO checklist in PROC tab
Announce abnormality “Engine Fail” “DU fail”
Captain -
Without delay, simultaneously:
“Abort, I have the aircraft”
- Idle
- Maximum manual wheel brakes or verify RTO auto-brake
First officer -
- If PF: Maintain aircraft control until Captain takes control
- Verify:
- Thrust levers - idle
- Max brakes
- if RTO above 60 kts, monitor for deceleration
- if below 60 kts, manual braking required
- Max reverse thrust
- “80 kts” (field length permitting)
- “Tower, Delta xxx, aborting on rwy xxx, [request emergency equipment]”
Post RTO
- PA to pax “Ladies and gentlemen, we have decided to discontinue the takeoff, please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened and we’ll get back to you shortly”
- Run Non-Normal checklists
- Reason for abort (ECL or QRH)
- Rejected takeoff - Post RTO considerations (PROC tab)
- Evacuation? [QRH] / [NNP]
Communicate 2 in, 2 out
- FA and passenger follow-up
- Company [FOM]
Rejected takeoff factors/considerations
- Autobrake speeds
- Common Errors
≤ 60 kts - Manual brakes required
≥ 60 kts - auto-brakes active when throttles moved to idle
Common Errors:
- Words before actions (“abort” before initial abort actions)
- Delayed initiation
- Unused thrust reversers
- Moments of “uncontrolled” aircraft
- Misuse of auto/manual brakes
- Missed callouts (80 knots)
- Missed communication with ATC or cabin
Reasons to abort - prior to 80 kts (low speed abort)
- Captain’s Decision
Three Fs (Eng failure, “FIRE”, not Flyable”)
Master Warning/Master Caution
“Config xxxx” (flaps, spoiler, brake, etc…)
Tire failure
Abnormally slow acceleration
If escape hatch opens
Windshear (Predictive windshear caution or warning)
Reasons to abort - 80 kts to V1 (high speed abort)
- Engine failure
- Fire or fire warning (any aural annunciation with the word “FIRE”) - NOT SMOKE
- Aircraft unsafe/unable to fly
V1 Cut
“Engine failure”
“Positive rate”
“Gear up”
“Left/right engine fail”
“Associated message” - in response to any Caution/EICAS messages that pop up related to the engine failure
At/above 400’ AFE
“Declare emergency, request runway heading to a safe altitude”
PM - “Tower…”
PM - “Heading 360”… PF - “Heading 360”
PM - “3000”… PF - “3000”
PF - Trim rudder to the “boop”
PF - “Autopilot on”…. PM - “Autopilot”
At/above 1000 AFE
PF - “Flight level change, MAN Speed, 180”
PM - “Flight level change, MAN Speed, 180”
PF - Verify Flap 2
PF - “After Takeoff Checklist, Engine Failure Checklist” (or checklists that pop up on the ECL page)
PM - Accomplish SILENTLY
Single Engine Approach and Landing
Similar to normal approach and landing, except
- Configure VREF, Gear down, Flap 4, Landing Checklist at 1.5 dots below Glideslope
- Remove rudder prior to touchdown
- In case of missed approach, req rwy hdg to safe alt
- reference NNOI
- Reference ODM landing distance
- DEP/ARR: ILS 36L, WELET, enter, execute
- ROUTE>LEGS: Direct to WELET, crs 003, enter, execute
- Flap 4, Set VSPEEDS
- Baro - DA
- GNATS (Wx/winds, NOTAMS, company, chronology, threats, go around [if not already briefed])
- Remember to remove rudder trim prior to touchdown
Downwind or 20nm - Man speed, 210, Flap 1
Base or 10nm - (lead with speed) Man speed, 180, flap 2
Cleared Approach - [APPR], [VNAV], FCP Alt (when conditions met)
1.5 dots below glideslope - VREF 137, Gear down, Flap 4, landing checklist
On GS (prior to 1000 AFE) Missed approach Alt 4000
Remove rudder prior to touchdown (Technique - after 1000’ call)
Windshear After Takeoff
- PM actions
- “Clear of Windshear”
“Positive rate”… “Gear up” - Hand on thrust lever
PM - “Airspeed” or “slow”
- Thrust levers max, TOGA
(AT engages, WSHR guidance activates)
- Pitch - 15°, then follow FD
If no FD guidance (MEL), pull to soft stop
- DO NOT turn, except to avoid terrain
PM actions
- Verify thrust levers max
- Verify WSHR guidance in FMA
- “Guidance”, or …
- “No guidance. - TOGA”
- Verify spoilers retracted
- Call out radar altitude (“400 feet, 450 feet”)
- Advise “clear of windshear”
“Clear of windshear”
- Stand up throttles… press AT disconnect to silence alert
- “FLC, man speed, 180… make a PIREP”
- “Autopilot”
- “Autothrottle”
- “After takeoff checklist”
Departure Windshear
- Suspected/reported prior to takeoff
- “Windshear Alert”
- “Monitor Radar Display” or “Windshear Ahead” after takeoff
Windshear suspected/reported
- more runway
- more performance
- Use highest performance on WDR, consider TOPR for WS - “warranted safety”, change runways/use longest runway)
“Windshear Alert”
- Need more info
- Consider environmental conditions, PIREPS, radar returns, etc.
- Consult dispatch for additional information
- Takeoff not authorized while alert is active
“Monitor Radar Display” or “Windshear Ahead” after takeoff
- Thrust levers - MAX
- Turn to avoid windshear
- Windshear escape maneuver
Go Around / Rejected Landing (normal)
- [TOGA], “Go around, Flap 2” (or 4 if Flap 5 approach)
(AT engages) - 15°Pitch, then follow FD
- Verify GA in FMA and positive rate
- “Go around verified, Positive rate” - “Gear up, set VGA”
- FMS spd - 400’ - select lateral mode
- 1000’ - “Flight Level Change, Man Speed, 180”…”After Go-Around Checklist”
- [AP] “Autopilot”
PM runs checklist silently
- GA can still be accomplished after touchdown (spoilers auto retract when thrust advanced)
- If reverse thrust selected - MUST STOP
- During approach with Autothrottles off, selecting TOGA will automatically engage AT
Go around / rejected landing (single engine)
- TOGA, “Go around, Flap 2” (or 4 if Flap 5 approach)
(AT engages) -
10° Pitch, then follow FD
- “Go around verified”…”Positive rate”
(Man speed plus 1) - 400’, verify/select lateral mode
- “Request runway hdg to safe altitude”
(Half bank at/below V2+10, or below acceleration height) - Rudder to the “boop”
- 1000’ - “Flight Level Change, Man Speed, 180”…”After Go-Around Checklist”
- [AP] “Autopilot”
PM runs checklist silently
- If the AP is engaged at time of GA, keep it engaged
- GA can still be accomplished after touchdown (spoilers auto retract when thrust advanced)
If reverse thrust selected - MUST STOP
TTSR (Flight Leader/purser emergency briefing)
Type of Emergency
Time to prepare cabin
Special instructions
Repeat (have FL repeat back to ensure understanding)
Visual Approach
**Along track waypoint is ONLY for RNAV approaches to get you within the cone
Best practice is to just slew your heading, OR go direct to a point just prior to the FAF (DEFOX on RNAV Y 36L at CLT
Approach Briefing
Wx, NOTAMS, Company, Chronology
I have the aircraft
“Descent and Approach checklists”
WARTS briefing
- Weather / NOTAMs
- Aborts / Abnormals (including non-normal/MEL items)
- Runway / Return runway
- Taxi / Terrain / Transition altitude
- SID / Specials (company pages)
Windshear During Approach
Initial actions (PF/PM)
“Clear of Windshear”
- Thrust levers max
- “Go Around”
- Pitch to 15° or follow FD with WSHR guidance
- Verify Thrust Levers- Max
- Verify guidance “Guidance/ No Guidance”
- Verify spoilers retraced
- Call out radar altitude and trend (“150, climbing”)
When red “WINDSHEAR” annunciation disappears and it’s evident that you are clear of the windshear (speed/altitude increasing)
(Note: WSHR guidance will remain active)
PM - “Clear of Windshear “
PF - “Flap 2”
PM - “Flap 2, positive rate”
PF - “Gear up”
PM - “Gear up”
PF - “Flight Level Change, Man Speed, 180”
PM - “Flight Level Change, Man Speed, 180”
PF - “After Go-Around Checklist, PIREP”