Scalp Acupuncture Flashcards
What is the location for the area on the Motor line that corresponds for the Upper Limb?
the 2nd and 3rd fifths of a line starting from a point 0.5cm posterior to the midpoint of the midline and stretching diagonally across the head to a point at the intersection of the zygomatic arch (superior margin) with the hairline at the temple.
What is the location for the area on the motor line that corresponds for the Lower Limb and Trunk?
The Upper 1/5 of a line starting from a point 0.5cm posterior to midpoint of midline and stretching diagonally across the head to a point at the intersection of the zygomatic arch (superior margin) with the hairline at the temple.
What is the location for the area on the motor line that corresponds for the Facial area?
The Lower 2/5 of a line starting 0.5cm posterior to the midpoint of the midline and stretching diagonally across the head to a point at the intersection of the zygomatic arch (superior margin) with the hairline at the temple.
What is the location of the Lower Limb and Trunk area on the Motor Line?
The Upper 1/5th
What does the upper 1/5th of the motor line treat?
Paralysis of the lower limb (opposite side)
What does the 2nd and 3rd fifths of the Motor line treat?
Paralysis of upper limb (opposite side)
What is the area and location that is responsible for treating paralysis of the upper limb (opposite side)?
Upper Limb area that is located on the 2nd and 3rd fifths of the Motor line
What is the location and indication for the Facial area on the Motor line?
lower 2/5 of the motor line; indicated for upper motor neuron paralysis of face (opposite side), motor impaired speech
What is the area and its location responsible for treating Upper motor neuron paralysis of face (opposite side), motor impaired speech?
Facial area that is the lower 2/5 of the Motor line
What is the location and indications for the Lower Limb, Head and Trunk area on the Sensory line?
Upper 1/5 of the line parallel and 1.5cm posterior to the Motor line. Indications: LBP (opposite side), numbness or paresthesia in that area, occipital headache, stiff neck, vertigo
What is the area and location responsible for treating low back pain, (opposite side), numbness or paresthesia in that area, occipital headache, stiff neck, vertigo?
The Lower Limb, Head and Trunk area Located on the upper 1/5 of the Sensory line
What are the location and indications for the Upper Limb area on the Sensory line?
the 2nd and 3rd fifths of a line parallel and 1.5cm posterior to the Motor line and is indicated for pain, numbness or other paresthesia of the upper limb (opposite side)
What are the indications and location of the Facial area on the Sensory line?
Lower 2/5 of the line parallel and 1.5cm posterior to the Motor line and is indicated for migraine headache, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache (opposite side), arthritis of the temporomandibular joint
What is the area and location indicated to treat migraine headache, trigeminal neuralgia, toothache (opposite side), arthritis of the temporomandibular joint?
The Facial area located on the lower 2/5 of the Sensory line.
What are the indications and locations of the Chorea & Tremor Control area?
Location: Parallel and 1.5cm anterior to Motor area line. Indications: Syndenham’s Chorea, tremors, palsy and related syndromes
What is the area and location indicated in treating Syndenham’s chorea, tremors, palsy and related syndromes?
The Chorea & Tremor Control area line located parallel and 1.5cm anterior to the Motor area line.
What are the indications and location of the Blood Vessel Dilation & Constriction area line?
Parallel with and 1.5 cm anterior to the Chorea & Tremor control area line and is indicated for superficial edema and hypertension
What is the location and area indicated for superficial edema and hypertension?
Blood Vessel Dilation & Constriction area line located parallel and 1.5cm anterior to the Chorea & Tremor Control area line
What are the indications and location for the Vertigo & Hearing area line?
Horizontal line 1.5cm above and centered on the apex of the ear, 4cm in length and indicated in tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, Meniere’s syndrome
What is the area and location indicated for tinnitus, vertigo, diminished hearing, Meniere’s syndrome?
The Vertigo & Hearing area line and is a horizontal line 1.5cm above and centered on the apex of the ear 4cm in length.
What are the indications and location of the Speech #3 area line?
Overlaps the Vertigo & Hearing area line at midpoint and continues 3cm posteriorly and is indicated for receptive aphasia
What is the area and location indicated in receptive aphasia?
Speech #3 area point which overlaps the Vertigo & Hearing area line at the midpoint and continues 3cm posteriorly
What are the indications and location of the Voluntary Movement area line?
With the tuber parietale origin, three needles can be inserted inferiorly, anteriorly, and posteriorly to the length of 3cm , between them, the 3 lines will form a 40degree angle and is indicated in apraxia
What is the location and area indicated in treating apraxia?
The voluntary movement area line, location: with the tuber parietale origin, three needles can be inserted inferiorly, anteriorly and posteriorly to a length of 3cm, between them, the 3 lines will form a 40degree angle
What are the indications and location for the Leg Motor & Sensory area line?
Parallel with the midline of the head 1cm beside the midpoint (bilaterally), about 3 cm long and is indicated in paralysis, pain, or numbness of lower limb, acute lower back sprain, nocturlan urination, prolapsed uterus.
What is the area and location indicated in paralysis, pain, or numbness of lower limb, acute lower back sprain, nocturnal urnation, prolapsed uterus?
Leg Motor & Sensory area line located parallel with the midline of head 1cm beside the midpoint (bilaterally), about 3cm long
What are the indications and locations for the Speech#2 area line?
Vertical line 2cm beside the tuber parietale on the back of the head 3cm in length and is indicated in nominal aphasia
What is the area and location indicated in nominal aphasia?
Speech #2 a vertical line 2cm beside the tuber parietale on the back of head, 3 cm in length
What are the indications and location for the vision area line?
1cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to the midline of the head, 4cm in length extending upward and is indicated in cortical blindness
What is the area and location indicated in cortical blindness?
The vision area line located 1cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to midline of head, 4 cm in length extending upward.
What are the indications and location of the Balance area line?
3cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to midline of the head, 4cm in length extending downward and indicated in loss of balance due to cerebellar disorders.
What is the area and location indicated in loss of balance due to cerebellar disorders?
Balance area line located 3 cm lateral to the external occipital protuberance, parallel to the midline of the head, 4cm in length, extending downward
What are the indications and location for the Thoracic Cavity area line?
Midway between and parallel with Stomach area and midline of the head, bilaterally, 2cm in length and is indicated in asthma, chest pain, intermittent supra-ventricular tachycardia.
What is the area and location indicated in asthma, chestpain, intermittent supra-ventricular tachycardia?
Thoracic Cavity area line located midway between and parallel to the Stomach area line and the midline of the head, bilaterally, 2cm in length
What are the indications and location of the Stomach area line?
Beginning at the hairline directly above the pupil of the eye, parallel with midline of the head, 2cm in length extending posteriorly and is indicated in discomfort in the upper abdomen.
What is the area and location indicated in discomfort in the upper abdomen?
Stomach area line location: beginning at the hairline directly above pupil of eye, parallel with midline of head 2cm in length extending posteriorly
What are the indications and location for the Liver & GB area line?
a line 2cm in length extending anteriorly from the Stomach line Indication: Pain in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen and/or right rib cage; chronic hepatitis
What is the area and location indicated in pain in upper right quadrant of the abdomen and/or right rib cage; chronic hepatitis?
Liver & GB - a line 2 cm in length extending anteriorly from the Stomach line
What are the indications and location for the Reproduction area line?
Parallel and lateral to the Stomach area line at a distance equal to that between Stomach area line and the Thoracic Cavity area line, 2cm in length.
What area and location is indicated in abnormal uterine bleeding, combined with leg motor area for prolapsed uterus?
Reproduction area line located parallel and lateral to the Stomach area line at a distance equal to that between Stomach area line and the Thoracic Cavity area line, 2 cm in length.
What is the definition of the midline of the head?
From the glabella to the EOP (external occipital protuberance), this is the antero-posterior line
Define the location of the Eyebrow-Occipital line
Each eyebrow (yuyao) to the EOP (external occipital protuberance)
Define the Lower Border of the Motor Line
The intersection of the Eybrow-Occipital line with the hairline at the temple. If the hairline is not present at this lower point, then a line is drawn above the midline of the zygomatic arch.
What needles are recommended for scalp acupuncture?
26-28 gauge 2.5-3in needles
How should you insert and manipulate a needle in scalp acupuncture?
Insert horizontally to the scalp (not touching the bone), once it is in place it should not be further raised or thrust. it should be rapidly twirled (200 times per minute is ideal). Wide amplitude should be used (2-3 rotations forward and 2-3 rotations back) until Qi is obtained
Leave in place 5-10 minutes. repeat process 2 to 3 times. Repeat the procedure 2 to 3 times.
If the disease is affecting one limb, what side should you treat?
contralateral side of the head is used
If the disease affects limbs bilaterally what side should you treat?
Stimulate sites on both sides of the head
If the disease is of the internal organs or is systemic what side should you treat?
In nature as hypertension, arteriosclerosis accompanied by numbness in the limbs, urticaria or illness that are difficult to distinguish one side from the other, should treat on BOTH SIDES of the scalp
In nature as hypertension, arteriosclerosis accompanied by numbness of the 4 limbs, which side should you treat?