3.4 Reactor Coolant System Flashcards
3.4.1 RCS Pressure, Temp, and Flow DNB Limits
RCS DNB parameters for pressurizer pressure, RCS avg temp, and RCS total flow shall be within limits specified in the COLR. Minimum RCS total flow shall be >/= 354,000 gpm.
Mode 1
3.4.2 RCS Min Temp for Criticality
Each RCS loop Tavg shall be >/= 541F
Mode 1
Mode 2 with keff >/= 1.0
1 hour actions:
A. Tavg in 1 or more loops not within limits,
A.1 Be in mode 2 with keff <1.0 within 30 minutes
3.4.3 RCS Pressure / Temp Limits
RCS Press, Temp, and HU/CD rates shall be maintained within limits. (HU - 60F/hr, CD - 100F/hr)
Mode - At all times
A. Note - Must do A.2 if this action entered. Requirements of LCO not met in M1, 2, 3, or 4.
A.1 - Restore parameters W/I 30 mins
A.2 - Det RCS accep for continued op
72 hrs
C. Note - Must do C.2 if this action entered. Requirements of LCO not met any time other than M1, 2, 3, or 4.
C.1 - Initiate action to restore
parameters - Immediately
C.2 - Determine RCS accept for
continued Op.
3.4.4 RCS Loops - M1 and 2
Four RCS loops shall be Operable and in operation
M1 and 2
3.4.5 - RCS Loops - Mode 3
Two RCS loops shall be operable and either:
a. 2 RCS loops in operation with Rods capable of rod withdrawal: or
b. 1 RCS loop in operation with rods not capable of withdrawal
Mode 3
Notes: All RCPs may be stopped for </=1hr per 8hrs provided:
a. Can’t add water that reduces boron conc
b. Core outlet temp at least 10F below sat temp
c. Rods not capable of being withdrawn.
D. Two required RCS loops inop or no required loop in op:
D.1 Make rods not capable of
D.2 Suspend ops that lower boron conc
D.3 Initiate action to restore 1 loop to
All are Immediately.
3.4.6 RCS Loops - Mode 4
2 loops consisting of any combo of RCS and RHR loops shall be operable with 1 loop in operation.
Mode 4
1. All RCPs and RHR pumps may stopped for </= 1 hour per 8 hour period provided:
a. Cannot lower boron concentration
b. Core outlet temp maintained at
least 10F below sat temp.
2. RCP can’t be started with any cold leg temps </= 297F unless secondary side of S/G is <50F above each cold let temp.
A. 1 required loop inop
A.1 - Initiate action to restore 2nd loop to
Operable - Immediately
B. 2 required loops inop or required loop not in operation
B.1 - Don’t lower boron conc and
B.2 - Initiate action to restore 1 loop
Both immediately.
3.4.7 RCS Loops Mode 5 - Loops Filled
1 RHR loop shall be Operable and in operations and either:
a. One additional RHR loop shall be operable or
b. Secondary side water lvl in at least 2 S/Gs shall be above lower tap of S/G wide range level inst by >/= 420 inches
Mode 5
1. RHR pump of loop in operation may be stopped for </= 1hr per 8 hours provided:
a. Don’t lower boron conc
b. Core outlet temp 10F below sat
2. 1 required RHR loop may be inop for 2 hrs for surv testing provided other RHR loop operable and in operation.
3. RCPs can’t be starts with any cold leg temp </= 297F unless secondary water temp of each S/G is <50F above each cold leg temp.
4. All RHR loops may be removed from op during planned HU to Mode 4 when at least 1 RCS loop in operation.
A. 1 required RHR loop inop and 1 RHR loop operable.
A.1 Initiate action to restore 1 RHR loop to Operable or
A.2 Initiate action to restore required SGs secondary side water level to within limit
Both Immediately
B. 1 or more required S/Gs with sec side water level not within limit and one RHR loop Operable.
B.1 Initiate action to restore 1 RHR loop to Operable or
B.2 Initiate action to restore required SGs secondary side water level to within limit
Both Immediately
C. No required RHR loops operable or required RHR loop not in operation
C.1 Suspend adds of water that lower boron conc. and
C.2 Initiate action to restore on RHR loop to operable and in operation.
Both Immediately
3.4.8 RCS Loops - Mode 5 Loops not Filled
Two RHR loops shall be operable and 1 in operation
Mode 5 with RCS loops not filled
1. All RHR pumps may be stopped for </= 30 minutes to swap loops provided:
a. Core outlet temp </= 10F below sat
b. No RCS add that lower boron conc
c. No RCS draining
2. 1 RHR loop can be inop for </= 2 hrs for surv test provided other loop operable and in operation
A. 1 required RHR Loop inop:
A.1 Initiate action to restore - Immed
B. No required RHR loop operable or Required loop not in operation:
B.1 No RCS add that lowers boron conc and
B.2 Initiate action to restore one RHR loop to operable and operation
Both Immediately
3.4.9 - Pressurizer
Pressurizer shall be Operable with:
a. level </= 92% and
b. 2 trains of BU htrs operable with capacity of each train >/= 150 kW
Modes 1, 2, and 3
3.4.10 - Pressurizer Safety Valves
3 pressurizer safety valves shall be Operable with lift settings >/=2411 and </=2559 psig.
Modes 1, 2, and 3
Mode 4 with all RCS cold leg >297F
Note: Lift settings not required to be in spec during setting of lift values under hot conditions. Allowed for 54 hours following Mode 3 provided cold setting was made.
A. 1 pressurizer safety valve inop
A.1 - Restore to operable status - 15 minutes
3.4.11 Pressurizer PORVs
Each PORV and associated block valve shall be operable
Modes 1,2, and 3
A. 1 or more PORVs inop and capable of being manually cycled
A.1 Close and maintain power to block valve - 1 hour
B. 1 or more PORVs inop and not capable of being manually cycled
B.1 Close associate block valve and
B.2 Remove power from block valve
Both 1 hour
C. 1 or more block valve inop
C.1 Place associated PORV in manual
control - 1 hour
3.4.12 - LTOP System
LTOP shall be Operable with the following:
A. No SI pump capable of injecting into RCS and:
1. Accumulators isolated (Some exceptions)
2. 1 of the following pressure reliefs:
a. RHR suction relief </= 450 psig and RCS cold leg </= 150F
b. RHR suction relief </=450 psig and at least 1 RCP running
c. 2 PORVs with lift setting </=435 psig and RHR suction relief </= 450 psig.
d. 2 PORVs with lift setting </= 435 psig and RCS cold leg >/= 210F
e. RCS depressurized and vent >/= 2 sq in or any sing PORV blocked open
Mode 4 with RCS cold leg temp </= 297 (291) F
Mode 5
Mode 6 with reactor vessel head on
A. 1 or more SI pumps capable of injection
A.1 Initiate action to verify all SI pumps not capable of injection - immediately
B. An accumulator not isolated when required to be
B.1 Isolate the accumulator - 1 hour
F. Required RCP not running
F.1 Do not start a RCP and
F.2 Enter condition G
Both Immediately
3.4.13 - RCS Operational Leakage
RCS Operational Leakage shall be limited to:
a. No pressure boundary leakage
b. 0.8 gpm unidentified leakage
c. 10 gpm identified leakage
d. 150 gpd primary to secondary leakage through any one steam generator
Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4
3.4.14 - RCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage
Leakage from each RCS PIV shall be W/I limit and RHR system interlock shall be operable.
Modes 1, 2, and 3
Mode 4 except valves in RHR flow path when in or going to/from RHR mode.
Enter applicable cond and required actions for systems made inop by inop RCS PIV
3.4.15 - RCS Leakage Detection Instrument
Following RCS leakage detection instrumentation shall be operable
a. 1 ctmnt sump monitor in each sump
b. 1 ctmnt atmosphere particulate rad mon
c. 1 ctmnt atmosphere gas rad mon
Modes 1, 2, 3, 4
F. All required monitors inop - LCO 3.0.3 - immediately
3.4.16 - RCS Specific Activity
RCS Dose Equivalent I-131 and XE-133 specific activity shall be within limits.
Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4
3.4.17 Steam Generator Tube Integrity
S/G tube integrity shall be maintained and all S/G tubes satisfying tube plugging criteria shall be plugged in accordance with S/G program.
Modes 1, 2, 3, and 4