3.4 - Anxiety - Summary Flashcards
What percentage of the population is affected by anxiety disorders ?
Nearly 30% of adults at some point in the in lives.
What are the percentages of anxiety disorders in adults in the US in any given year ?
- 7 to 9 percent: specific phobia
- 7 percent: social anxiety disorder
- 2 to 3 percent: panic disorder
- 2 percent: agoraphobia
- 2 percent: generalized anxiety disorder
- 1 to 2 percent: separation anxiety disorder
Women are more likely than men to experience anxiety disorders.
What’s the definition of anxiety vs fear ?
Anxiety :
- anticipation of a future concern
- more associated with muscle tension and avoidance behavior.
Fear :
- emotional response to an immediate threat
- more associated with a fight or
flight reaction – either staying to fight or leaving to escape danger.
What criteria are used to diagnose an anxiety disorder ?
The fear or anxiety must :
- be out of proportion to the situation or age inappropriate
hinder your ability to function normally
What are the different types of anxiety disorders according to the DSM-5 ?
- panic disorder
- social anxiety disorder (ex social phobia)
- agoraphobia
- specific phobia
- separation anxiety disorder
What are the related conditions listed in the DSM-5 ?
- Acute Stress Disorder
- Adjustment disorder
What are the possible manifestations of GAD ?
Physical symptoms (restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension or sleeping problems)
In GAD, what are the worries about ?
Everyday things :
- job responsibilities
- family health
- minor matters (chores, appointments, car repairs)
What reaction people may have after a panic attack ?
Go to a hospital ER, believing they have a heart attack (symptoms are severe)
What’s the mean age for panic disorder ?
What’s agoraphobia ?
The fear of being in situations where escape is difficult, or help not available in the event of panic symptoms.
What situations can induce agoraphobia ?
- public transportation
- open spaces
- enclosed spaces
- standing in line or in a crowd
- being outside home alone
What criteria to diagnose agoraphobia ?
- fear out of proportion with the situation
- lasts xis months or more
- causes pb in functioning
What criteria to diagnose social anxiety disorder ?
- causes pb in daily life
- lasts at least 6 months
What is separation anxiety disorder ?
Being excessively fearful or anxious about separation from thos with whom the subject is attached.
What criteria for diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder ?
- Fear out of proportion for the person’s age
- persists at least 4 weeks in children and 6 months in adults
- causes pb functioning
Examples of worries in the separation anxiety disorder ?
- Persistly worried about losing the person closest to them
- reluctant to go out or sleep away from home or without that person
- may experience nightmares about separation
Manifestation and age for separation disorder ?
Physical symptoms of distress often develop in childhood
Symptoms can carry through adulthood
What are the risk factors for anxiety disorders ?
Likely to involve a combination of factors (genetic, environmental, psychological and developmental)
Can run in families
What’s the effect of medication ?
Dos not cure but can give significan t relief from symptoms
What can people do to cope with their anxiety and make treatments more effective ?
- Stress management techniques and meditation
- support groups
- learn more about the disorder and inform family and friends
- avoid caffeine
What were the names given to PTSD in the past ?
“shell shoxk” or “combat fatigue”
What percentage of the US population is affected by PTSD every year ?
How many people will be diagnosed with PTSD in their life time ?
1 in 11
In the US, what categories of the population are more likely to have PTSD ?
- women (twice more likely)
- US latinos
- African Americans
- American Indians
What is necessary for a diagnosis of PTSD ?
- Exposure to a traumatic event.
The exposure can be indirect : violent death of a close family member of friend, repeated exposure to horrible details of trauma (police officers)
- Symptoms must last for more than a month and cause significant distress in daily functioning
- Symptoms usely occur within 3 months of the trauma, sometimes later
PTSD often occurs with other related conditions (depression, substance use…)
What are the categories of symptoms of PTSD ?
- Intrusion (thoughts, flashbacks, dreams)
- Avoidance : of situations, people, places, of talking about the event
- Alterations in cognition and mood : not remembering important aspects of the event, distorted beliefs about oneself or others, distorted thoughts about the cause or csq of the event, less interest in enjoyed activities
- Alterations in arousal and reactivity : irritable, reckless, easily startled, pbs concentrating or sleeping
What is acute stress disorder ?
Simlar to PTSD, reaction to a traumatic event.
Difference : symptoms occur between 3 days to 1 month after the event.
Half of the people with acute stress disorder go on to have PTSD.
What are the percentage of people developing acute stress disorder depending on the type of trauma ?
Car accidents :13 to 24% develop acute stress disorder
Assault, rape, mass shootings : 20 to 50%
What is adjustment disorder ?
- Occurs in response to a stressful life event(s).
- Emotional and behavioral symptoms more intense that reasonably expected.
- Symptoms begin within 3 months and last no longer than 6 months.
What are the symptoms of adjustment disorders ?
- feeling tense, sad, hopeless
- withdrawing from oter people
- impulsive behavior
- physical manifestations
Cause significant distress or pb functioning in important areas of life (work, school, social interactions)
What kind of events can cause adjustment disorder ?
- Single event (eg romantinc breakup) or combination of events
- Stressors may be recurring or continous (eg ongoing painful illness with increasing disability)
- may affect an individual, a family, a group or community
What percentage of adults mental health treatment have adjustment disorder ?
5 to 20%
more than 15% of patients with cancer have adjustment disorder.
What criteria for diagnosis of OCD ?
- Presence of obsessions and/or compulsions that are time-consuming (more than one hour a day)
- cause major distress
- impair work, social or other importnat functions.
What percentage of Americans have OCD ?
Slightly more women are affected
At what age does OCD begin ?
Often in childhood, adolescence or early adulthood
Average age is 19
What do people with OCD know about their obsessive thoughts ?
Recognize they are a product of their mind, excessive or unreasonable.
Examples of compulsions ?
- Cleaning
- Repeating (name or phrase, behavior)
- Checking (that the door is locked, retrace driving route to be sure they haven’t hit anyone)
Ordering arranging - sometimes symetry - Mental compulsions - silently pray