3.3 - Transport in plants Flashcards
Why do plants need transport systems?
To move water and sugars around their bodies
How is water absorbed and transported in the plant?
Water is absorbed in the roots of the plants and transported up the plant to the leaves through the
How is sugar made and transported in the plant?
Sugars are made in photosynthesis, manufactured in the leaves and are transported up and down to provide fuel for respiration
How is oxygen transported in plants?
Through simple diffusion
What is the process of the movement of water into plants and up towards the xylem?
-Mineral ions are absorbed by active transport in the
-This causes water to move in the roots via osmosis
-The water travels across the cells after the root hair
cells down a WP gradient in one of three ways: via the
apoplast pathway, the symplast pathway and vacuolar pathway
-When the water reaches the casparian strip, this then
causes the apoplast pathway to be blocked so the
water must go through the vacuolar or symplast
-After the water has passed the casparian strip, mineral ions are actively transported into the xylem
-This causes a high concentration of ions in the vascular bundle which lowers the water potential, water molecules then passively move into the vascular bundle containing the xylem
-This causes a high root pressure in the xylem which causes the water to be drawn up the stem towards the leaves
How are root hair cells adapted to increase water uptake?
Root hair cells have:
- A high surface area
- Large amounts of mitochondria to provide the ATP for active transport as it is quite a metabolically active cell
What is the apoplast pathway?
- Water moving through the pores of the cell walls between the cells
- This pathway is the fastest way for water to move through the roots
What is the symplast pathway?
-Water moving inside, through the cytoplasm of the
-This crosses the plasmodesmata from cell to cell
What is the vacuolar pathway?
- Water moving through the cell but through the tonoplast into the vacuoles specifically
- This still crosses the plasmodesmata between cells
What is the casparian strip?
An impermeable ring around the cell that is made of suberin
What is the cross section of a root? (The star)
- Circular outside membrane
- Outside of the endodermis is the cortex
- Inner ring called the endodermis, contains the casparian strip and many mitochondria for active transport of mineral ions into the vascular bundle
- Inside the endodermis is the pericycle with meristem tissues
- Medulla inside the endothelium surrounding the phloem and the xylem
- Phloem around the star shaped xylem
- Xylem star shaped in the centre of the root
What is the purpose of the casparian strip?
-The casparian strip blocks the apoplast pathway so the water is forced into the symplast or the vacuolar
-The casparian strip also blocks the mineral ions that are actively transported into the vascular bundle from leaking back into the cells
-The casparian strip maintains the high concentration of mineral ions in the vascular bundle, allowing water to passively move into the xylem via osmosis
What are the features of the xylem?
-Made up of dead cells due to lignification which kills the cells
-Lignin in cell walls making them strong, stop it from collapsing and makes the cell walls impermeable
-Can have bordered pits that allow lateral movement
out of xylem cells to supply the tissues with water
-Continuous “tube”, as they are fused end to end
-Flexible because of spiral or annular lignin structure
-No cell contents to allow space for water movement
How are xylem cells adapted to compliment the properties of water to allow the transport of water up the plant?
- The xylem is a continuous tube with no cell contents or divisions
- This allows the cohesive and adhesive properties of water to travel up the xylem cells
What is cohesion?
- Cohesion is how the molecules are stuck together
- This means that as water exits through transpiration it causes the molecules below to be drawn up the xylem as they are held together by cohesion
What is adhesion?
- Adhesion is how the water molecules stick to the sides of the xylem walls
- This allows the molecules to travel up the walls via capillary action
What is capillary action?
The cohesive and adhesive properties of water working together to transport the water molecules
What is the process of the movement of water in plants up the xylem and out the leaves?
- The water travels up the xylem in the stem via capillary action
- Water passively moves out the xylem via bordered pits by osmosis
- Water then evaporates from the surface of the cell to the air spaces
- The built up water vapour in the air spaces then diffuses put the stomatal pores into the surrounding environment
What is the cross section of a stem? (Not the star)
- Outer collenchyma ring
- Cortex surrounding the vascular bundles
- Vascular bundles in a ring around the stem
- The sclerenchyma closest to the edge
- Phloem on the outside of the vascular bundles (Closer to the surface)
- Cambium in the middle (Meristem)
- Xylem on the inside of the vascular bundles
- Medulla in the centre of the stem cross section
What is the structure of a leaf?
-Waxy cuticle on surface = stops water loss out of the
-Upper epidermis = transparent to let the light through to the photosynthetic cells
-Palisade mesophylls = contains lots of chloroplast in the cell and a vacuole that pushes the chloroplast to the outside of it so that it maximizes light absorption
-Vascular bundle = xylem on the top and the phloem on the bottom
-Spongy mesophyll with air spaces that are full of dense air (Packed of moisture)
-Stomata with stomatal pores = allows water to evaporate out of the stomatal pore
-Guard cells = regulates transpiration
How does water move within the leaf structure?
- Water will leave the xylem in the vascular bundle down a water potential gradient
- It can then passively move to palisade mesophyll cells were it is needed for photosynthesis
- Or it can move through the spongy mesophyll and evaporate to the air spaces
- The dense water vapour will then diffuse out the stomatal pore into the environment
- The moist air may then be blown away by the wind, washing over the leaf
- The diffusion of water outside of the stomata, powers the process of transpiration
How do guard cells regulate transpiration?
Guard cells regulate transpiration by:
- Closing the pores if there is a lack of water in the plant (In times of water stress), as the water must be retained
- Or opening if the plant has enough water to photosynthesise, this causes the water to leave and CO2 to enter via the stomatal pore
What is the purpose of transpiration?
- Supplies water for photosynthesis in the leaf cells
- Supplies water to keep the cells turgid
- Cools down the leaves when they are in the sun for too long
What apparatus is used to measure transpiration rate?
A potometer
How is a potometer used in an experiment?
- Cut a shoot from a plant underwater
- Seal the cutting into the potometer underwater
- Allow an air bubble to enter the bottom of the potometer as the transpiration begins then put the bottom of the potometer into the water
- Measure the distance the air bubble moves up the potometer towards the shoot over time
- Plot a graph of the distance travelled by the air bubble over time
- This is used to work out the transpiration rate
How will validity be ensured in this experiment?
- The plants must be the same
- The cutting must be the same just repeated several times
- The stem must be cut with a sharp knife, underwater to stop air bubbles from entering as they would block the flow of water up the xylem (The cohesion)
- Seal the shoot into the potometer under water
How can this experiment be changed to measure the affect of different variables on transpiration rate?
- Light: Place a lamp by the potometer with a heat shield in the middle to prevent heat reaching the plant and to absorb infrared radiation
- Air movement: Place a fan by the potometer, this blows the moist air that sits around the exit of the stomata from diffusion out the leaf
- Humidity: Place a plastic bag round the shoot and the potometer entrance
How will the variables being changed affect the transpiration rate?
- Light: Increases rate of transpiration as the guard cells will detect the light and the stomata cells will be open allowing the water vapour to diffuse out
- Air movement: Increases the rate of transpiration as the humid air does not surround the leaf, the concentration gradient is maintained so the air can diffuse out the leaf at a more constant rate
- Humidity: Decreases the rate of transpiration as the surrounding air to the leaf becomes more humid, so the concentration gradient is not as steep. This means that the water vapour will diffuse out the leaf at a lower rate
How is the volume of water lost calculate?
Distance x πr2 = the volume of a cylinder so therefore is the same as the volume of water lost
What are xerophytes?
- Plants that are adapted for living in hot and dry (Arid) environments
- For example: Cacti or marram grass
What are some adaptions of xerophytes?
- Curled leaves = Protects the inner surface containing stomata from wind to retain the humid air around the stomata (To prevent transpiration)
- Stomata in sunken pits (In the lower epidermis) = Further distance for water vapour to exit the stomata
- Extra thick waxy cuticle to prevent water loss
- Hairs inside the pits minimise air flow that could carry water away
What are hydrophytes?
Plants that are adapted for living in wet environments
What are some adaptions of hydrophytes?
- The stomata is on the upper surface as the lower surface is covered in water. This allows the plant to do gas exchange with the air on the upper surface
- Air spaces in the leaves to provide buoyancy and cause them to float to the surface of the water
- The air spaces and the long stem also allows oxygen to diffuse down from the surface and the air spaces to the roots or the bottom of the plant
How is the sugar in plants made?
From photosynthesis in the palisade mesophyll of the
How is the phloem adapted to help move sugar and assimilates up and down the plant?
- Living cells, no nucleus or organelles just cytoplasm
- Must be alive as metabolic processes must happen in the companion cell connected to the phloem
- Contents of the cell is removed, this gives room for mass flow
- Many plasmodesmata (sieve plate) between the cells to help mass flow
- Companion cell is connected at the plasmodesmata, this keeps the phloem alive as it does all the metabolic processes
What do the companion cells do?
- Companion cells help load and unload the sugar
- Into the phloem cells when made in the leaves &
- Out the phloem when it is going to be stored in a sugar storage organ for example as starch in a potato
- The companion cells also do all the metabolic processes such as: Protein synthesis and respiration, to keep the phloem alive as an active cell
What is the process of loading sugar into the phloem from the companion cells?
1) H+ ions are pumped out, this creates a gradient as there are more H+ ions out of the companion cell
2) H+ ions flow back into the companion cells using a cotransport protein and carrying sugar
[Cotransport of H+ ions and sucrose into the
companion cell]
3) There is a high concentration of sugar in the companion cell so the sugar passively diffuses through the plasmodesmata into the phloem
4) Water follows the sugar into the phloem via osmosis
5) This creates a high hydrostatic pressure at the phloem in the source
What is the source of a plant?
- Where sucrose is actively LOADED into the phloem
- Water enters the phloem following the sucrose
What is the sink of a plant?
-Where active UNLOADING of the sucrose out of the phloem occurs, this means the sucrose can be converted into starch to maintain the concentration
-Water leaves the phloem following the sucrose
What is mass flow?
- The movement of water and sucrose in the phloem from the source to the sink
- This movement is caused by the high hydrostatic pressure that is maintained due to the movement of water into the phloem at the source and out of the phloem at the sink
What is mass flow caused by?
-The loading of the sucrose in the source and the unloading of sucrose at the sink
(Water going in the phloem at the source and out of the phloem at the sink)
What is transpiration?
The loss of water vapour from the leaves
How do cacti photosynthesise?
- Cacti are adapted to not have any leaves to reduce water loss
- This means that they photosynthesise using their stem
- This is why the stem is protected with spikes to prevent herbivores from eating the plant to get the water inside
Why does the sink of a plant have a high hydrostatic pressure?
- The sucrose leaves the phloem at the sink and it is converted straight into starch for storage
- The starch being stored at the sink is insoluble so it doesn’t affect the water potential in the phloem
- This maintains a high hydrostatic pressure as the water potential stays high due to the lack of sucrose in the phloem
- Due to the high water potential in the phloem the water moves to the xylem in the roots via osmosis to build a high root pressure
- This maintains the high hydrostatic pressure in the sink of the phloem and the high pressure in the roots