3.3 Nutrition and Energy Systems Flashcards
Ultrastructure of a generalised animal cell
Ribosomes Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi Apparatus Lysosomes Mitochondria Nucleus
Produces proteins to be used by the cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
Creates proteins to be exported from the cell
Golgi Apparatus
Modifies and packages proteins produced in the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum to be exported by exocytosis
Contains digestive enzymes for breaking down nutrient molecules and dead cell parts for recycling
Site of cell respiration - converts sugars into ATP
Contains cell’s genetic material
Ultrastructure of a mitochondrion
Outer smooth membrane
Inner membrane
Outer smooth membrane
Freely permeable membrane - allows nutrient molecules to pass through
Inner membrane folds that increase surface area
Many chemical reactions happen on the inner membrane, thus, the increased surface area increases the rate of chemical reactions
Inner membrane
Inner membrane folds over many times and creates layered structures called cristae
Many chemical reactions happen here
Holds the matrix
Contains enzymes and DNA - enzymes are important for the synthesis of ATP molecules
Cellular respiration
Cell Respiration: The controlled release of energy in the form on ATP from organic compounds in cells
- ATP - body’s energy currency
- Macronutrients (carbs, fats, proteins) can be used as fuel in cellular respiration
- There is anaerobic and aerobic cell respiration
- All movement require series of coordinated muscle contractions which in turn requires a supply of energy
- For movement to occur, the body must transfer stored chemical energy to mechanical energy
- The chemical energy required by a cell is supplied by the breakdown of ATP
Movement = Chemical energy ⇒ Mechanical energy
Adenosine can lose/gain a phosphate
- ATP is the only usable form of energy in the body
- The energy received from food (e.g. carbs) has to be converted into ATP before the potential energy in them can be used
- ATP - 1 molecule of adenosine & 3 molecules of phosphate
- Energy is released from ATP by breaking bonds that hold molecules together
Role of ATP in muscle contraction
- ATP - a high-energy phosphate compound from which the muscle derives its energy/the main energy currency in muscle cells
- ATP is used to transfer the chemical energy needed for metabolic reactions
- ATP is converted to ADP when a phosphate molecule is released
- When the phosphate bonds of ATP are broken, the energy released from ATP supplies the energy necessary to form or break chemical bonds in biochemical reactions in a cell
- This liberates chemical energy for muscle contraction/breaking of high energy bond
- The release of Pi initiates the energy released for muscle contraction
- In the muscle, the formation of myosin and actin stimulates the breakdown of ATP
- The release of energy allows the cross-bridges to swivel towards the middle of the sarcomere
- the myosin head pulls the actin head, making the muscle shorter
- When the stimulus from the nerve stops and the muscle turns to resting state, ADP is rejoined to Pi to reform ATP
- No further energy can be created until ATP is resynthesised /reversible process
Resynthesis of ATP
- Creatine phosphate (a high energy molecule) is broken down to provide a phosphate molecule for the re-synthesis of ATP that has been utilised during the initial stages of exercise
- CP is stored in muscle cells
- It rebuilds/resynthesises ATP after ATP has been broken down to ADP + Pi
- CP is broken down into creatine and a phosphate molecule
- When it is broken down, a large amount of energy is released
- This energy is used to resynthesise ATP
Advantages of the ATP-PC system
ATP can be regenerated rapidly using the ATP-PC system
Phosphocreatine stores can be regenerated quickly (30seconds = 50% replenishment - 3minutes = 100% replenishment)
There are no fatiguing by-products
It is possible to extend the time the ATP-PC system can be utilised through the use of creatine supplement.
Disadvantages of the ATP-PC system
There is only a limited supply of phosphocreatine in the muscle cells, (eg. it can only last for 10seconds).
Only one molecule of ATP can be regenerated for every molecule of PC
PC regeneration can only take place in the presence of oxygen (eg. when the intensity of exercise is reduced)
Production of ATP by the lactic acid system.
- Also known as anaerobic glycolysis
- This system is used once CP is depleted
- Glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen
- Before glycogen can be used to provide energy, it must be broken down into glucose (glycolysis)
- The breakdown of glucose to pyruvate without the use of oxygen
- Pyruvate is then converted into lactic acid
- limits the amount of ATP produced (2 ATP molecules)
Production of ATP by the lactic acid system
- Also known as anaerobic glycolysis
- This system is used once CP is depleted
- Glucose is stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen
- Before glycogen can be used to provide energy, it must be broken down into glucose (glycolysis)
- The breakdown of glucose to pyruvate without the use of oxygen
- Pyruvate is then converted into lactic acid
- limits the amount of ATP produced (2 ATP molecules)
Oxygen deficit
- When oxygen demand is greater than supply
- Muscle uses anaerobic energy systems
- It takes time to get systems ready to utilise oxygen efficiently
Oxygen debt
Also known as excess post-exercise oxygen (EPOC)
- Represents the amount of oxygen consumed in recovery after exercise
- Mainly utilising anaerobic energy systems
Production of ATP from glucose and fatty acids by the aerobic system
- The oxidative production of ATP occurs within the mitochondria
- With the oxidation of carbohydrates, the oxidative production of ATP involves 3 processes
- aerobic glycolysis
- krebs cycle
- electron transport chain
- In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate is processed by the Krebs cycle
- liberates electrons that are passed through the electron transport chain producing energy (ATP)
- Fats are also broken down by beta oxidation that liberates a greater number of electrons thus more ATP is produced form fatty acids than from glucose
- With beta oxidation, the combined reactions of oxidation, the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain can produce 129 molecules of ATP from one molecule of free fatty acid
- The oxidative cost of ATP from glucose sources is more efficient than from fat sources
- The production of ATP by the aerobic system is more suited for endurance based events
- In the presence of oxygen and in extreme cases protein is also utilised
ATP-CP characteristics
ATP-CP - Anaerobic
- Fuel sources: ATP and creatine phosphate
- Duration: 0-10 seconds
- Intensity: high intensity
- By-products: none
Lactic acid characteristics
Lactic Acid - Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Fuel sources: carbohydrates (blood glucose, stored glycogen)
- Duration: 10-120
- Intensity: moderate intensity
- Amount of ATP production: 2 molecules
- By-products: lactic acid
Aerobic system characteristics
Aerobic system - Aerobic Glycolysis
- Fuel sources: carbohydrates and fats (blood glucose, stored glycogen, adipose tissue/fat)
- Duration: 120+
- Intensity: low intensity
- Amount of ATP production: 36 ATP molecules
- By-products: water, carbon dioxide
Energy systems in different exercises
- At the beginning of any exercise, the demand for energy rises rapidly
- Although all 3 energy systems are always working at the same time, one will be the predominant energy provider (energy continuum)
- The intensity and duration of the exercise are factors that decide which energy system will be the main one used
- Different types of exercise
- endurance athlete - aerobic
- games player - lactic acid
- sprinter - ATP-CP