3.3 Exploration And Voyages Of Discovery Flashcards
Who were the first to explore beyond europe?
Spanish and portuguese
When did the spanish and Portuguese explore outside of europe?
In the 1400s there voyages set sail for africa, americas and asia. By 1558 they had established many colonies in the americas.
Around what time did english sailors take an interest in exploration?
In the 1560s
What did most sailors rely on to navigate up to the 15th century?
Coastal features , which made it impossible for them to cross oceans , where they could be out of sight of land for weeks at a time.
What did the spanish and Portuguese develop when being out on the ocean ?
More advanced navigational techniques. They learnt how to navigate by the position of the stars or the sun using a special instrument called a sea astrolabe
What came out in 1561 to help with navigation techniques And why was it significant ?
Spanish book written by martin cortes ‘art of navigation’. This allowed england to learn the techniques in detail on how to navigate across the Atlantic and during elizabeths reign most sailor learnt these these techniques
What was the log line?
Technique used by english sailors in the 1570s , to help them estimate their speed with more accuracy .
What was the backstaff?
In 1590s John davis invented the backstaff which was easier to use and more accurate than the sea astrolabe.
What happened to map making during elizabeths reign?
A lot more accurate
What happened to ship building in elizabeths reign and did it encourage exploration?
Improved which encouraged exploration. From 1570s the english began to build larger longer ships. These new ships were better suited to long ocean voyages because they were faster , more stable and easier to navigate. They could also carry larger cargoes , which made journeys more profitable
What dominated english exports during elizabeths reign?
Woollen cloth
Where were most imports into europe sent and who controlled this area?
Most exports were sent to antwerp which was controlled by the spanish . As tensions between england and spain rose , it became more difficult for english merchants to trade freely.
What effect did the lack of freedom at Antwerp have on england?
Tried to make trade more varied. Looked for new routed into europe through the baltic. Also some began looking at the americas and asia
What happened as tensions rose between spain and england?
Elizabeth realised england needed to complete globally with spain not just in europe, she encouraged exploration of the americas
What did elizabeth do to encourage the development of international trade?
Granted some merchants monopolies , which gave them exclusive rights to trade in a particular parts of the world. In 1577 she gave a group of England’s merchants called the spanish company a monopoly on English trade with spains colonies and in 1600 she gave east india company a monopoly with asia
Why was trade with spanish colonies im americas desirable ?
Highly profitable as the treasure ships returned to europe full of silver and gold. The wealth of the region attracter sailors who hoped to get rich by trading illegally with the colonies and raiding spanish settlements . Some also hoped to establish colonies
Why did merchants also want to increase trade with asia?
Asia trade in luxuries such as silk and spices was popular in Venice who kept the prices high
How did sailors find new routes to asia?
Wanted to find new routed to enable them to bypass the veteien middlemen . Some tried to find the so called north west passage around the top of america , while others sailed through Mediterranean and overland in india.
When and why was the east india company set up?
- 1600
- in 1591 james Lancaster sailed to india around the cape of good hope ( southern tip of africa) . After his success, it was set up to sponsor successful trading expeditions to the region in 1601 and 1604
When did francis drake circumnavigate the world ?
Between 1577 and 1580
Why did drake circumnavigate the world?
Probably wasn’t trying too. Was sent by elizabeth to explore south america , looking for colonisation opportunities. Looked to make money by raiding spanish colonies
How much did drake steal during his circumnavigation?
What was the significance of drakes circumnavigation?
Drake on his returned was knighted aboard his ship the golden hind and brought back £500,000 back for elizabeth. This encouraged English sailors to go on more long distance journeys , as he was the second man to circumnavigate the world , the first Englishman