33 Environmental influences on intelligence Flashcards
What is the size of the Flynn Effect?
3 points per decade approx. But faster in some countries than others, and for fluid intelligence than crystallised.
What did Cahan and Cohen demonstrate about the effect of schooling on IQ?
If kids in same grade –those older higher on IQ than those younger
If kids same age in different years –those in higher years score higher
What kind of intelligence does schooling appear to impact more?
Larger impact on verbal tests (Gc) than on Gf tests
How much IQ is lost per year delay of starting school?
About 5 IQ points per year.
What happens to IQ in summer holidays?
It drops off, more for children for low-SES homes.
When do you start school in NSW?
If 5 can start before July 1, must start by 6th birthday.
What did AJ Martin (2009) demonstrate to be the 5 long-term effects of starting school early?
Late starters showed lower:
- homework completion
- literacy/numeracy test performance
- positive educational intentions (likes school)
- enjoyment of school
DESPITE initial advantages of being bigger and more capable than cohort
What are the confounds in AJ Martin’s study of late starters?
No random allocation. It may be that difficult –ADHD, hyperactive, slow –kids may be the ones who start late.
What reasons did Flynn give for the Flynn Effect?
- Technological revolution: TV, computers,
- Changes in child-rearing. Seen-but-not-heard has given way to interactive parenting style. And parents more aware of providing stimulating materials to children.
What is the Head Start program?
Enriched pre-school program (vocab, numeracy, writing) for disadvantaged children started in the 1960s as part of Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty”
Why did Jensen argue that Head Start has failed?
Despite initial increases in IQ of 7-8 points, these decrease to nil after 2-3 years.
What non-IQ effects of Head Start have been found?
Less likely to:
repeat grade
need special education
face incarceration
More likely to:
graduate from high school
have higher earnings in 20s
younger siblings also gain advantages
What is the effect of iodine deficiency on intelligence?
Chinese children who received iodine supplements have an IQ advantage of 12.5. But they were probably kinda deprived.
Does omega 3 (fish oil) increase intelligence?
Studies are inconsistent. Omega 3s on their own may not improve, but amount of fish eaten does [may be confounded by SES]
Do vitamin supplements boost IQ?
Benton & Roberts (1988) showed supplements improve IQ by 9 points. Never replicated –probably type I error.