20 The Big 5 model of personality I & II Flashcards
What were the psychometric problems with Cattell’s 16 personality factors?
No one could replicate the structure. Possibly because of the rotation used, absence of simple structure or low loadings. Traits intercorrelated. Eysenck argues against them too.
Were Costa and McCrae (1985) the first to identify five factors?
No, many others before them also whittled traits down to five, including Fiske (1949) and Tupes & Christal (1961).
What were Goldberg’s 5 traits?
Love (Agreeableness) Work (Conscientiousness) Affect (emotional stability) Power (Surgency) Intellect (incorporates creativity, artisticness etc)
How did Goldberg explain the Big 5 geometrically?
As ten two-dimensional planes OC OE OA ON CE CA CN EA EN NA
These forma circular model of the personality domain, in which each pair forms its own circle. Items that load on each factor are then mapped onto the plane and form a polygon. Goldberg posited that the more circular the shape is, the healthier the personality.
What was Costa and McCrae’s first model?
The NEO (found using cluster analysis). Then C and A added in the 90s.
What are dimensions and traits called in the lexical approach?
Dimensions = domains Traits = facets
What kind of analysis is used in the Big Five?
Principal components analysis and varimax rotation
What is Extraversion related to
what does it correlate with AND
what is its heritability index?
Related to degree of social impact
Correlates with prominence in social organizations
Heritability = .36
What is Neuroticism related to
what does it correlate with AND
what is its heritability index?
Related to anxiety and distress
Correlates with poor marital function, impaired academic performance
Heritability = .31
What is Agreeableness related to
what does it correlate with AND
what is its heritability index?
Related to maintaining positive relations
Correlates with conflict resolution, greater social support
Heritability = .28
What is Conscientiousness related to
what does it correlate with AND
what is its heritability index?
Related to will to achieve
Correlates with avoidance of risky behaviours, higher academic achievement
Heritability = .28
Women more conscientious than men (why they live longer)
What is Openness related to
what does it correlate with AND
what is its heritability index?
Related to (1) intelligence (2) will to acquire social or existential experience. (least consensus about meaning)
Correlates with greater engagement with existential challenges, artistic expression
Heritability = .46
What’s the difference between the emic and etic approach?
Emic – meaningful to the actor; that is, an emic account comes from a person within the culture. Almost anything from within a culture can provide an emic account.
Etic –in terms that can be applied to other cultures; that is, an etic account attempts to be ‘culturally neutral’.
What is the normative internal consistency (alpha) of the Big 5?
From .7 to .85
What is the etic approach for the Big 5?
Terms are translated to other language by expert, then back-translated to English. Then see how term reflects psychological content of original.
How’s the test-retest reliability of the BIg 5?
Yeah, pretty good actually. Around .75 over 6 years. Most for openness, least for agreeableness [probably most mood-dependent of traits]
Does the Big 5 possess a solid theoretical basis?
Not really, they went fishing for traits in the lexical pool, and this is what they caught.
What’s the problem with the dimension of Openness?
It includes intelligence, which is an ability trait, not a dynamic trait.
What extra dimension appeared when replicating the Big 5 in China?
Honesty-Humility. Enter the HEXACO!
Are the dimensions of the Big 5 really orthogonal?
Some are more than others, but N&C correlate at around -0.45.
What are the 6 traits of the HEXACO or Big 6?
Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness