3.2 Types of farming Flashcards
What is extensive farming?
Extensive farming is where a relativelysmall amountof produce is generated from alarge areaof farmland.
What is intensive farming?
Intensive farming is where alarge amountof produce is generated from a relativelysmall areaof land.
What is subsistence farming?
Subsistence farming is when crops and animals are produced by a farmer tofeed their family, rather than to take to market.
What is commercial farming?
Commercial farming is when crops and animals are produced tosellat market for a profit.
What is arable farming?
Arable farms growcrops. Crops are plants that are harvested from the ground to be eaten or sold.
What is pastoral farming?
Pastoral farms rear animals- either for animal by-products such as milk, eggs or wool, or for meat
What do mixed farms do?
Mixed farms grow cropsandrear animals.