3.2 - Gender (Differential achievement in education) Flashcards
Stat to prove girls outperform boys
9% gap between males and females achieving A*-C at GCSE
Name the external factors (4)
Rise of feminism
Changes within the family
Changes in women employment
Changes in girls ambitions
How has rise of feminism lead to more achievement for girls.
McRobbie - Change of media and representation of women
AO3 rise of feminism
Minority groups - Saudi Arabia an deprived of education
Examples of changes in the family (3)
More divorces
Decrease in marriages
Increase in lone-parent families
3 reasons why women employment has changed
Equal pay act
Sex discrimination act
What does Posser think about changes in women employment
Changes in economic change
See future in paid work, not a housewife
What does Sharpe say about changes in girl’s ambitions
Changes in economic change
See future in paid work, not a housewife
Gender quake AO3
Women are still oppressed
Gender pay gap, glass ceiling
External factors A03 (3)
Education is still patriarchal (radical) - senior leadership dominated by men
Biological, not sociological - girls brains mature faster
Heaton (postmod) - can’t be understood by looking at gender alone
List the internal factors (4
Equal opportunities policy
Positive role models
Introduction of coursework
Teacher interaction
Policies to decrease gender achievement gap
National curriculem
Education has become ………..
Why did coursework benefit girls?
Need to be organised and motivated
What did Gorard say about the gender gap?
It was consistent until coursework was introduced
Introduction of coursework AO3
Elwood - exam performance is main factor for grades
What des Croll and Moses say about teacher interaction?
Boys receive more of the teacher’s time but it’s mainly negative interactions
3 other pieces of supporting research for boys having negative interactions with the teacher
Spender - teachers spend more time interacting with boys
Francis - Boys are more harshly disciplined and were being picked on
Swan and Graddol - Most interactions between teachers and girls were educational
All of the internal factors have been summarised by Sewell in the ……………….
Feminisation of education
Internal factors AO3 (3)
Links to external factors
Murphy - females outperformed boys before coursework
Marshall - idea of feminisation of education only reinforces stereotypical ideologies.
Reasons why boys underachieve (4)
Literacy differences
Feminisation of education
Laddish subculture
Why are boys less good at literacy?
Parents spend less time reading to them as its feminine
2 policies to encourage boys to read
Dad and son’s campaign
Reading champions - bronze, silver, gold
How has globalisation of factories caused an identity crisis for men?
Mac an Ghaill - WC men had high levels of unemployment so lost traditional instrumental role in the family.
Globalisation caused a ……….. …. …………
Crisis of masculinity
AO3 globalisation
Murray - Welfare benefits means men are happy to leave school with no qualifications
How is the halo effect relevant in feminisation of education?
Self fulfilling prophecy - feminine qualities are rewarded
2 ways how education has become feminised. Describe them.
16% of primary school teachers are male - no male role model
Feminised style of working - taking notes and listening
Who created feminisation of education?
AO3 - Feminisation of education (2)
Francis - 3/4 of 7-8 yr olds believe gender of their teacher didn’t matter
Marshall - Reinforces stereotypical ideas about gender
Name 4 strategies boys adept to maintain their masculinity according to Forde
Reject academic work
Disruptive behaviour
Avoid the appearance of work
Withdrawal of effort
AO3 - Forde (maintain masculinity)
Epstein - WC boys face homophobic abuse if do well and pay attention in lessons.
What word summarises the reason why boys underachieve? Describe it,
Education triage - teachers expect less of boys and push them less.
AO3 - Boy’s underachievement (3)
Boys are starting to do better in exams
Connolly - Other contributing factors. Class gap is 3x bigger
Focus exclusively on male achievement (feminists) - damage girls self esteem
Define early socialisation
How children are interacted with when they are young (Oakley)
What does Normal say about early socialisation?
Boys and girls are directed towards different activities - impact subject choice
What does Elwood and Murphy say about early socialisation?
Girls - read stories about people so do better at English
Boys - read hobby books (science and history)
4 factors that influence subject choice
Early socialisation
Gendered subject lessons
Peer pressure
Gendered career opportunities
How does science give off a masculine image?
Kelly -
More male teachers
Boys are dominant in a lab.
AO3 - Gendered subject (2)
Leonard - No gender divide in same sex schools
Government has focused on changing the images of subjects (GIST, WISE)
What does Dewar say about peer pressure?
Girls - caused butch or lesbian if interested in sport
What does Paetcher say about peer pressure?
Girls who do sport are outside their gender domain and contradict stereotypes
What is a gender domain?
Activities that seem male or female
Employment is ………….. so there are different jobs
What is hegemonic masculinity?
Dominance of heterosexual masculinity identies in society
4 ways in which hegemonic masculinity is achieved.
Verbal abuse
Teachers and discipline
The male gaze
Double standards
Describe 2 ways in which hegemonic masculinity is achieved
The male gaze - Mac an Ghaill - male pupils see girls as sexual objects and judge their appearance.
Verbal abuse - Deware and Parker - use name calling to put girls down (slag) to maintain dominance
What does Mitsos and Browne say about gender gap in education?
Achievement was measured against skills where girls exceed more