Skill, skill Continums & Transfer Of Skills Flashcards
- Learnt capacity/ability
- bring about pre-determined results
- maximum certainty often
- minimum outlay of time energy or both
8 Characteristics of a skill:
- goal directed
- pre determined (objective)
- learnt not just result of maturing
- efficient and economic (no energy wasted)
- flowing/aesthetically pleasing
- recognised technique (right time and place)
- consistent success
- result of receiving info - making right decision
Inherited, innate
- enduring traits
- genetics
E.g. co-ordination, balance, agility, reaction time
- Open - closed
- Grossed - fine
- Self paced- externally paced
- Discrete - serial - continuous
- Organisation
- Complexity
Not always at same point on the continuum (practise vs match)
Open skill
- affected by unstable/unpredictable changing environment
- adapt to others actions = lots of decisions
E.g. pass in football or hockey
Closed skill:
- less decision making
- predictable, stable unchanging environment
- performed same always
E.g shot put throw
Gross skill
- major body movement (large muscles groups) = little fine control
- associated with strength, power, endurance
E.g rugby tackle
Fine skill
- fine delicate movements = small muscles groups
- associated with accuracy & precision
- good hand eye coordination
E.g throwing a dart/return table tennis shot/firing pistol
Discrete skill
- short time span
- clear beginning and end
- short sharp action
E.g. throwing a dart, tennis serve
Continuous skill
- no clear beginning or end (on-going)
- movement pattern continuously repeats
E.g front crawl in swimming, cycling
Serial skill
- discrete skills linked = continuous task
- integrated movement
- first movement triggers next
E.g. floor routine in gymnastics
Self paced skill
-performer controls rate of execution & initiation of skill
E.g. high board dive, taking a penalty
Externally paced skill
- rate of execution (outside performers control)
- external conditions = initiate movement
E.g. returning a serve in tennis, starting pistol in race
Low organisation skill
- skill can be easily broken down into parts
- each individual part can be practised in isolation
E.g. triple jump, swimming (leg, arm action)
High organised skill
- not easily broken down into parts
- sub routines merge
- can’t be practised in isolation
E.g. front somersault(manual/mechanical guidance) volley in football
Simple skill;
- limited decision making, few decisions
- not a lot for performer to think about
E.g. forward role in gymnastics
Complex skill
- many decisions
- lots of info
- number of factors = a decision
E.g. dribbling in football, ice hockey shot,
dribbling in hockey ( cognitive parts = position of opponent, psychomotor parts = stick action)
4 types of skill transfer:
- Positive
- Negative
- Zero
- Bilateral
Positive skill transfer
- learning of one skill makes it easier to/helps the learning of another
- due to similarities (shape/form)
E.g. football lofted pass and rugby conversion kick
basketball pass and netball pass
Negative skill transfer
- learning of one skill makes it harder to learn another/hinders the learning of another
- due to similarities/familiarity in environment = confusion
E.g. cricket over arm bowl and a javelin throw, tennis vs Badminton serve (arm vs wrist)
Zero skill transfer
-learning of one skill has no impact on the learning of another
E.g. kayaking and pushing out of the blocks in a sprint
Bilateral skill transfer
- learning of one skill on one side of the body (e.g.on the right)
- learning of skill is passed across the body from limb to limb
- makes it easier to learn the same skill on the other side (e.g. the left)
E.g. a shot in football on both sides
transfer & theory of transfer
-the effect of learning and performance of one skill on the learning and performance of another