3.1.1: Types of Reproduction Flashcards
Sexual reproduction is:
The process involves the fusion of the nuclei of two gametes to form a zygote (fertilized egg cell) and the production of offspring that are genetically different from each other
Fertilization is defined as:
the fusion of gamete nuclei, and as each gamete comes from a different parent, there is variation in the offspring
What is a gamete
A gamete is a sex cell (in animals: sperm and ovum; in plants: pollen nucleus and ovum
In human beings, a normal body contains how many chromosomes?
46 chromosomes
When the male and female gametes fuse, what do they become?
A Zygote (fertilised egg cell)
Name 3 advantages to Sexual Reproduction
1: Increases Genetic Variation
Name 2 Disadvantages
1: Takes time and energy to find mates
Asexual reproduction is:
The process results in genetically identical offspring being produced from one parent
Asexual reproduction does not involve:
does not involve gametes or fertilization
How many parents are there needed:
Only one parent is required so there is no fusion of gametes and no mixing of genetic information
As a result of asexual reproduction, the offspring are genetically
genetically identical to the parent
Many plants reproduce via:
Many plants reproduce via asexual reproduction
Bacteria produce exact genetic copies of themselves in a type of asexual reproduction called:
binary fission
What are the advantages to asexual reproduction:
2. Can exploit suitable enviroments quickly.
Advantages: #1. Population can be increased rapidly when conditions are right.
What are the disadvantages to asexual reproduction:
1. Limited genetic variation in population - offspring are genetically identical to their parents.
Name some key differences between asexual, and sexual reproduction.
1. The number of parent organisms
The key differences between sexual and asexual reproduction include: