303-24 (Block watch): Flashcards
302-24 (Block watch):
Community affairs Officer will instruct the civilian to call 911 for and provide 911 with their ID number which will consist of?
2a. BW- Pct- Number assigned.
302-24 (Block watch):
Community affairs Officer will issue the civilian a card with his number and inform the civilian that the number will expire after?
3a. Has an expiration date of two years.
b. Will be given a new expiration date if participant leaves program and returns at a later date.
302-24 (Block watch):
The community affairs officer will update his books?
- Update blockwatcher records annually.
302-24 (Block watch):
The community affairs officer will submit an report when and to whom, and will include the following info?
- Submit a monthly report, on Typed Letterhead, to the OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, reflecting the MONTHLY and YEAR-TO-DATE ENROLLMENT of block watchers.
302-24 (Block watch):
Block watchers is completely voluntary, but one of the most useful people to go into the program would be?
school crossing guard