303-07 (Play streets): Flashcards
303-07 (Play streets):
UMOS receiving the request will forward it to?
- Forward request direct to Commanding Officer, Youth Services Section.
303-07 (Play streets):
these TWO will review proposed designation and advise if “Play Street” will assist in the reduction of delinquent acts of juveniles and other minors.
303-07 (Play streets):
CO will send a 49 to who when making recommendations?
- Prepare and submit report, on Typed Letterhead, addressed to COMMANDING OFFICER, YOUTH SERVICES SECTION and include recommendations.
303-07 (Play streets):
Pct will place play street stanchions on road how long before event starts?
8hours Prior and remove them after play streets closes.
303-07 (Play streets):
if you have 2 stanchions then will be placed how far apart?
10 feet
303-07 (Play streets):
if only one stanchion place it?
In center of roadway at the end of the street where traffic enters.
303-07 (Play streets):
at night time?
stanchion must be lightened.
rules follow then same vtl rules for car lights.