3. Volunteers and Participants: Outreach and Recruitment Techniques Flashcards
Participants and potential beneficiaries should play a lead role in choosing “?” and planning an “?”
the problem to be addressed
intervention strategy
participants should be recruited during the “?” of the organizing campaign.
early stages
No matter who initiates the organizing process, volunteer recruitment and maintenance are “?” that need to be addressed by organizers.
ongoing challenges
In addition to one-on-one interviews, recruitment requires that the organization plan “?” or participate in an “?” sponsored by another “?”
community-based organization
Importance of using culturally appropriate methods of recruitment and relationship building:
To pay attention to cultural “?” and interpersonal “?” such as
eye contact
personal use of space
Specific recruitment activities include:
distribution of flyers Knocking on doors House meetings Setting up an information table at events Talking to groups Using the media
Additional Techniques for Recruitment
1. Distributing Information: Flyers and Tabling
Posters and flyers should be put in “?” places in the community such as “4?”
prominent businesses churches schools public facilities
Distributing a flyer requires a degree of “?”, the ability to read “?” to assess if people will be willing to accept a flyer or chat for a few minutes, and “?” skills that will permit the organizer quickly establish a relationship with people.
body language
Literature tables include a “?” for potential volunteers or people who have requested more information about the organization/campaign.
sign-up sheet
The interpersonal skills needed during tabling:
how to “?” to your booth.
attract people
Techniques to sell your organizations at the information booth/table:
2. “?” with action campaign messages or slogans
3. offer a chance to participate in
1 posters and banners
2 candy/buttons/t-shirts with action campaign messages
3 raffle
Engagement skills at the table/booth:
Be prepared to “?”
Encourage people to
Provide information and contacts.
answer questions
tell their stories
Contacting People: Phone calls :
The challenge for an organizer making a recruitment call is to “?” quickly and explain “?” of the call.
establish legitimacy
the purpose
Contacting People: Phone calls :
Calls are most effective when there is actual “?” and “?” between both parties in the call.
relationship building
Contacting People: Phone calls:
Calls should be “?” and the organizer should be ready to ?
Contacting People: Phone calls :
A problem associated with calling is that organizations often fail to “?” who has received the call.
failed to track
Contacting People: Texting Three Advantages of texting: 1. one text can be sent to 2. good way of reaching 3.
- can be sent to groups/people at a time
- good way of reaching/motivating young people
- impersonal (easier for volunteers)
Contacting People: Texting Four Disadvantages of texting 1. it takes a long time to 2. it only gains the attention people 3. 4. "?" is labor intensive
- it takes a long time to enter phone numbers
- only gain the attention people under 30
- impersonal
- Creating database management systems is labor intensive
A common method for recruiting middle- and upper-income activists.
Disadvantages of letters:
- Some people may react negatively to “?”
- The cost of “?”, the time and effort needed to “/”, the difficulty in obtaining “?” and low “?”
official letters (especially unknown org) postage, prepare a mailing, addresses, response rate
House meeting:
House meetings are generally held in the home of a “?” and involve a small number of people that have been identified as “?” or people who may be interested in a “?”
potential volunteers
specific issue affecting the members/community
House meeting:
It provides an opportunity for people to “?”, ask “?”, share “?” and become “?”.
listen to each other
A successful housing meeting will inspire guests hold their own “?” and help your organization “?”
housing meetings
House meeting:
It’s effective way to recruit because the resident is generally the person responsible for “?” the meeting and inviting people that she/he knows “?”. Existing “?” networks or “?” contacts are used.
House meetings:
House meetings are organized in a way that they provide guests with an opportunity to “?”
socialize and have fun
House meetings:
It provides an opportunity to hear from “?2” and often servces as a prelude to asking potential recruits to “?” to the cause that involves time/money/resources.
guest speaker
political candidatemake a commitment
House meetings:
They are essentially an opportunity to establish “?” with a group of potential recruits, share “?”, and to begin the “?” process.
stories and common problems
Street Outreach:
Street outreach methods are typically used to reach people who are isolated or unattached for pre-existing “?” or formal”/”
social networks
Street Outreach:
For recruiting members of informal or naturally occurring groups, previous contact with “2?” may be the key to gaining access.
leaders or community guides
Street Outreach:
Important interpersonal skills:
displaying “?”, finding “?”, sharing “?” having materials and other goodies to distribute are key components for engagement/relationship building.
common groun
Street Outreach:
street outreach is most effective when conducted by someone who is of the same “?”, speaks “?” or who has had smiliar “?”.
identity community
same language
life experience
Street Outreach:
Street outreach includes three different types of activities.
1. linking members of “?” groups with “?” services.
socially stigmatized
Street Outreach:
Street outreach includes three different types of activities.
2. Recruiting people for participation in “?”
research studies
Street Outreach:
Street outreach includes three different types of activities.
- identifying and recruiting potential volunteer for participation in “?”
organizing campaigns
Street Outreach:
Street outreach includes three different types of activities.
Which method is the activity most often identified with community practice?
participation in an organizing effort
Using the Media:
It is possible to establish “?” relationships with media sources.
Using the Media:
Organizers seek out opportunities to initiate contact with reporters when they have “?” or when they are seeking “?” for an issue.
breaking news
public support
Using the Media:
While press releases and conferences are a good way to maximize media coverage, reporters are most likely to attend when they have “?” with the organizer/constituencts or when they receive “?” after the press release is distributed.
established relationship
follow-up call
Using the Media:
Alternative means of media coverage
a stindependent websites, blogs, Facebook/MySpace, YouTube
A recruitment method that is generally regardes as superior to all others is ?
Word of mouth
Word of Mouth:
Gatekeepers and service professionals can spread the word about what you are doing in the community and give you “?” so that others will talk toyou.
Word of Mouth:
People are most likely to provide information and encourage participation among “3”
friends, relatives and neighbors
Using the Internet:
Built-in limitations using electronic media (Stoecker 2002)
it is secondary relationships (weak ties) (vs primary)
Using the Internet:
Internet activism is oten attractive to people engaged in risky types of activism that can entail “?” or “? by authorities”.
Internet provides a safe venue for “?” expression, creates a sense of “2?” with people of similar avlues, and has the potential for involving people in collective action such as “?” groups, letters, and phone calls to “?”.
companionship and solidarity
public officials