3. Normal Procedures Flashcards
Boarding process (3.1.1) and flight crew
- At least one flight crew member is present in the Ac and relevant Ac systems are activated
- ReqCC is on board and ready (to initiate and direct an evacuation)
Responsibilities Pu during boarding process (3.1.1)
- deal with emergency procedures
- prevent fire and/or perform fire fighting
- communicate about, initiate and direct an evacuation
Cpt / delegate, or in their absence, Pu must check prior boarding (3.1.1)
- seat belt signs off
- no smoking sign on
- interior lighting is on, to enable emergency exits to be identified.
Flight deck door must be closed and locked (3.1.1) for security reasons:
From the moment all external ac doors are closed (dep) and may be unlocked and opened when any external ac doors is opened (arr).
During disembarking pax, reqCC does not have to be onboard when Pu has ensured: (3.1.1)
- no fuelling
- electrical power available
- available CAs has fulfilled preflight duties (security search / pre flight equipment check)
- pax - Cas available is 50 or less
- senior cabin crew is present in cabin
- at least 1 Ca is present at each pair of doors (entry/srv door).
Rapid disembarkation or emergency evacuation on the ground (3.1.2) inform:
- flight crew on board: via VHF to ATC or via company
- flight crew not on board: to company (via portophone or in person).
Cabin doors (3.1.3)
Never open cabin door without boarding device or catering truck - because of the risk of falling out.
Cabin crew should avoid making normal cabin-flight calls during the following phases of high workloads: (3.1.8)
Starts V-15
Ends fasten seat belt sign is off
Ends at engine shut town (seat belt sign off)
Normal and emergency cabin to flight deck calls are not allowed during following critical phases of flight: (3.1.8)
- TO
- final approach
- GA / missed approach
- landing
Interphone etiquette (3.1.9)
- name
- location in Ac
No answer: try again after 1 minute.
Cabin luggage to moved into the hold check following: (3.1.13)
- valuables and keys
- travel docs / medication
- DG that are only permitted in cabin.
- portable electronic devices need to be switched off.
Rules for CBBG (cabin baggage on additional seat) (3.1.13)
- 1 CBBG per pax
- max weight 45kgs
- max length 140cm
- must be packed / covered to avoid possible injury to pax and crew
- trunks and crates are not allowed.
Seating CBBG (3.1.13)
- pax and CBBG next to each other
- not at an exit row
- window / middle seat
- must not be obscure for pax view of fasten seatbelt / no smoking sign or required exit sign.
Use of portable electronic devices by crew (3.1.15)
Crew member must switch off and stow their personal devices upon boarding ac.
- May only be used after arrival when all pax have disembarked and on board tasks have been completed
- may be used during in flight rest.
Briefing between cabin crew and flight crew (3.2.2)
Goal: to establish CRM, improve teamwork, to reduce errors (TEM)
Discuss: flight time / slot or tsat, tech issues, pax requiring special attention (DEPU/INAD), wx and routing