2. Equipment Flashcards
Oxygen bottle requirements (2.2.1)
310ltr - 1 installed / 0 required - all 120lts must be serviceable
120ltr - 5 installed / 3 required - 310ltr must be serviceable
310ltr - 3 installed / 1 required - all 120ltr must be serviceable
120ltr - 4 installed / 2 required- all 310 ltr must be serviceable
Duration oxygen bottles (2.2.3)
120ltr - standard portable oxygen
2ltr/min = LOW - 0.75 hr
4ltr/min = HIGH - 0.5 hr
310ltr - standard portable oxygen
2ltr/min = LOW - 2 hr
4ltr/min = HIGH - 1 hr
LOW = first aid / HIGH = CA walking around and cyanotic passengers.
PBE (2.3.1)
Firefighting, DG, or evacuation with smoke.
Oxygen for at least 20min.
Re-use = 3 powerful breathing cycles to restart the filtration process.
First aid kit (2.5.2)
At least 2 on each Ac.
Shall be taken along during evacuation
Medical emergency kit (2.5.3)
Primary purpose is a support kit for the AED.
AED - automated external defibrillator (2.5.4)
To treat pax who are experiencing cardiac arrest, a condition when the heart ceases to pump blood. The AED analyses the heart rhythm and advices the operator if a shockable rhythm is detected.
Megaphone (2.6.2)
If the PAS is inoperative, instructions to pax must be given by megaphone.
Requirement SOB (safety on board card) (2.6.6)
Minimum legal requirement for each occupied block of pax seats is one SOB.
20 extra/spare cards are provided in stowage compartment.
2 braille cards are present on board.
Medical Equipment on board (2.5.1)
- first aid kits
- medical emergency kit (mostly support kit for the AED)
- AED (for cardiac arrest)
- universal precaution kit (to clean up any body fluid / in case of suspected communicable disease)