3 I's 4th Flashcards
- A systematic subjective approach used to describe life experiences and give them meaning. To gain insight; explore the depth, richness, and complexity inherent in the phenomenon.
is a process of systematic inquiry that entails collection of data; documentation of critical information; and analysis and interpretation of that data/information, in accordance with suitable methodologies set by specific professional fields and academic disciplines.
Is a systematic way of collecting and analyzing data.
It seeks to find answers to why such things occurs to the subject.
To describe a person or a thing for the purpose of explaining the reasons behind the nature of its existence.
To determine why such person, organization, thing or event act, behave, occur, or exist in a particular manner.
Is the study of a particular cultural group to get clear understanding of its lifestyle. Reveals the nature of their own culture.
The researcher obtain knowledge about the characteristics and relationships of the group members, must necessarily involve you in their group activities.
Refers to the study of people understand their experiences about death of their loved ones, care for handicapped persons, friendliness of people.
- Is the examination of primary documents to make you understand the connection of past events to the present time.
- The area where the researcher conducts the study.
- A good description of the place and specific details where the study took place is of utmost important.
Both presented in narrative and visual forms, the _____________should give the reader a picture of the location of the study. Hence, the researcher must provide a detailed narrative description of the locale and must show the location map. Citing the reasons for choosing the research locale is also encouraged.
In this section, the researcher says about
the roles he/she will take.
Here, the researcher presents the specific type of qualitative research design employed in the study. In order to widen the discussion, the researcher may quote authorities (authors/writers) in the field who speak or discuss about the design.
Research Design
Thes are the persons involved in your study
Research participants
Thi includes the participants being considered, how and why they were selected.
Research participants
The research term used for qualitative sampling.
Purposeful Sampling
The researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon. The standard used in Choosing participants and sites is whether they are “information rich.”
Purposeful Sampling
The methods, the researcher will use in gathering data. Is it IDI, FGD, participant observation (PO), or document analysis? It is advisable to identify what method of collecting data will be used for every research question. Using all three, if necessary, paves the way for a better triangulation of data.
Is a research method where the researcher immerses themself in a particular social setting or group, observing the behaviors, interactions, and practices of the participants.
Participant Observation (PO)
In participant observation, the researcher is called a ________________, meaning that they participate in the group’s activities while also observing the group’s behavior and interactions.
is a qualitative research technique that involves conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular idea, program, or situation.
In-depth Interview (IDI)
Is usually conducted face to face and involve one interviewer and one participant.
In-depth Interview
It is used to verify information gathered from written sources, clarify points of information, to update information, and to collect.
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Is a small group of six to ten people led through an open discussion by a skilled moderator.
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
It is used to generate a maximum number of ideas and opinions from as many different people in the time allotted (45-90 minutes).
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Are structured around a set of carefully predetermined questions - usually no more than 10 but the discussion is free-flowing.
Focus Group Discussion (FGD)
Computer softwares like Nvivo, SQUAD, ATLAS/ti, etc. are available for data analysis. However, manual data analysis known as content or thematic analysis is used. Generally, qualitative data are subjected to interpretative analysis since as already mentioned, qualitative research is exploratory.
focuses on the systematic classification of data using coding to identify the key categories issues within it.
Content Analysis
is the process of labeling and organizing your qualitative data to identify different themes.
focuses on the search and generation of themes from the dataset.
Thematic analysis
Research ethics is of importance in a qualitative research. Firstly, it will include such processes as securing endorsement letter from people or authority that may be affected with the study. Secondly, the furnishing of informed consent forms to prospective research participants or informants so that their participation, which is free and voluntary, is ascertained. Thirdly, the responsibility of the researcher to the participants in terms of confidentiality of information and anonymity of identity should the research requires it. Giving feedbacks to the participants regarding the result of the study is another responsibility the researcher has to take.