3. CP Roles & Responsibilities Flashcards
Which role should all security operations have in their team?
Team Leader (TL)
How is a TL chosen?
They are normally identified as a result of their experience and proven ability. As well as all the required skills of the close protection operative, the Team Leader needs to be a good manager and planner
What are the 5 main responsibilities of a TL?
- Organisation of the team
- Team discipline and morale
- Liaison with the Principal
- Planning and preparation
- Coordination of a specific event
What is the purpose of a Second in Command (2IC)?
To assist the TL with TL responsibilities and take charge where TL may not be available, May also be responsible for tasks directed by TL e.g., reconnaissance visits
What are the 6 responsibilities of the Personal Protection Operative (PPO)?
- Immediate supervision of the Principal
- Close liaison with the TL or 2IC
- Close liaison with the Principal
- Immediate removal of the Principal from any area of danger
- Close liaison with and directing of the CP Team
- Initial venue visits and assisting with the Operational Plan
Where must the PPO be in relation to the Principal?
They are always at the centre of the protective levels and should always be within arm’s length of the Principal whenever any risk is present no matter how trivial
What is the PPOs sole responsibility?
In the event of an attack, it is to provide body cover for the Principal and to move them to a place of safety leaving other team members to deal with the problem
What must the PPO appear to be in front of the Principal?
Confident and in control
What should the PES be able to identify?
Any potential problem at an early stage and either react as required, or inform the PPO of the situation if direct action is not needed at that time
What are the roles of the Personal Escort Section (PES)?
- Provide direct support to the PPO
- Take on any threats
- Maintain spatial awareness
- Assist the PPO in the removal if not involved in 2 above
- Take and follow orders from the TL
What are the 4 main duties of the SAP?
- To advance ahead of the main group checking on the security of the route and venue before arrival of the main party
- Report any new intelligence or problem to the PPO
- To secure the venue prior to the arrival of the Principal
- Upon arrival of the Principal they remain in support of the close protection team if needed
What should the SAP do when they are checking a route in advance?
They need to report on any problems with the route which may have developed since the initial survey, if one has been completed. This will cover such points as road works, traffic accidents, or any diversions as well as any suspicious activity, which they will check out. As a result of the information passed from the SAP, the PPO may well need to consider an alternative route
What is the smallest number of operatives that should be part of the SAP?
A minimum of two should be used, although many operations only have one
What should the SAP do when they are checking a venue in advance?
Report to the PP0 on the security and circumstances at the time. If a large crowd is gathered for an official visit and what the demeanour of the crowd appears to be, e.g. friendly or hostile. They may pass on details of any press or photographers that are present and how best to avoid them. A member of the SAP should be in a position to enter and check the interior of the venue before the arrival of the Principal and remain inside until the team has arrived and delivered the Principal safely inside
What may the SAP formation look like when working with a large team?
There may be two SAP units working together. One travelling a short distance ahead of the Principal and the other may have checked the route some hours before and be waiting well in advance at the venue
What are the 5 main responsibilities of the RST?
- Security of the residence or other building
- Monitoring all vehicles and visitors in and out
- Preventing the introduction of explosive devices by way of searching and screening
- Liaison with the Principal’s staff
- Responsible for any technical equipment used in protecting the area such as CCTV
Why must the SAP remain as covert as possible?
If they are recognised for what they are, they can alert any waiting party as to the imminent arrival of the Principal
What are the 4 main responsibilities of the Quartermaster (QM)?
- Supply and maintenance of all equipment
- The setting up of procedures to rotate equipment
- Liaison with technical experts with regards to certain equipment
- To maintain a high degree of knowledge on current and up to date equipment available
What type of schedules must a QM be able to make? What else must they be able to plan for?
Responsible for putting in place, schedules and systems for dealing with such things as; the replacement and the charging of radio batteries and the servicing of other items of equipment.
They must have the ability to plan in advance for any requirements of the team
What is the role of the medic?
The medic is a member of the PES team with medical training, usually Level 3 Health and Safety at Work, although a Team medic may have a higher qualification, such as FREC.
His/her role is to attend to the emergency (and often more routine) medical needs of the Principal, and also those of his Team colleagues, subject to his overriding duty to the Principal.
Which two roles should not also be given the role of the medic, and why?
Ideally, given the workload attached to their existing roles, the TL or PPO should not also take on the role of medic. However, in the current commercial environment, budgetary constraints on resources mean that Team members are routinely required to double-up on their roles.